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Registered: December 27, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 5:31 PM
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i mean if he was a sub then i don't think it should count

posted 2 months ago

Dep getting an ace in Champions but that was the only round they won that map kekw

posted 2 months ago

EDG are still fine, there was just a bit of an unrealistic expectation that they would curbstomp the kickoff tournament

posted 2 months ago

I only have enough time to play 2 games a day

posted 2 months ago

??? He was literally trialing for NRG at one point

posted 2 months ago

ur not wrong but this is just weird

posted 2 months ago

I like him as well but some people think his whole Kpop twerking schtick is kinda cringe

posted 2 months ago

VCJ Split 1 Playoff: FENNEL vs REJECT

FL Brief Information: They were giants last year, they're still giants now. FENNEL is coming off a nearly perfect regular season, just barely missing out on the 7-0 at the very end to REJECT. Since SyouTa's move to the duelist role, he has just been going insane every single map. Xdll has also looked insane throughout the season; if SyouTa's not on top of the team, then he's almost always a close second. The departure of hiroronn and JoxJo didn't affect this team's firepower, as their replacements Derialy and GON fit in just as well. FL look insanely dominant going into the playoffs and are definitely the favorites to win Split 1.

RC Brief Information: REJECT basically did a complete 180 to their Split 1 performance last year. Winning the second finals spot, alongside giving FENNEL their only loss this season, after not winning a single series last year, RC's regular season run has been nothing short of impressive. I guess you could attribute some of their success to the fact that the team claimed a lot of the spoils of the former Jadeite roster, or how they manage to cook up some wild team comp nearly every single game. However, everyone on this team are insane individually and I can remember plays set by every player. Their returning player BRIAN stood out the most to me, not only because we have the same name, but because he almost always throws the opponents off when he goes on a weird agent. RC is the team that I'm rooting for to win VCJ.

FL Players to Watch: SyouTa is a massively dominant duelist who actually ended up as the highest rated player in the regular season alongside CLZ and GON. Xdll also has his strong showings on a couple maps

RC Players to Watch: Since this is the team I'm rooting for I'm gonna be a bit biased and talk way more about these players. Akame is an insanely flashy player who manages to frag out every single game while also IGLing the team. BRIAN now plays damn near every agent at this point and can be quite explosive. Their loanee from Sengoku Gaming B, Hals, has also come up in massive clutch rounds, and is a large chunk of his team's win against FL on Breeze.

Prediction: FL 3-1 or RC 3-2. Really want REJECT to win this but this will be a banger to watch

posted 2 months ago

VCJ Split 1 Playoff: VARREL vs Sengoku Gaming

VL Brief Information: I'm going to be honest with you, this team is one of the less interesting teams going into playoffs. They managed to upset REJECT near the end of the season, as well as beat out Sengoku in their previous matchup, but lost out to the other top names and actually lost to SCARZ, who at that point looked like a shell of their former selves. Every VL matchup was either a 2-0 or a 0-2, no in between. xnfri makes an appearance after last year's appearance on DFM, where even the lackluster performance in the franchise league proved to be useful experience in the Challengers league, much like Reita on Murash Gaming. LOB also has shown to be pretty consistent in the regular season. Honestly, I just hope this matchup would make me more excited for this team.

SG Brief Information: The team most known for producing one of Pacific's most dominant Tier 1 fraggers in PRX's Something, Sengoku Gaming fumbled last year's Split 2 after he made his departure from the team. For this year, SG picked up new imports in Jinboong, runner-up player in Challengers Korea, as well as his brother Gwangboong who transitioned from Overwatch. The pickup paid off well, with the twins consistently fragging out, with one twin doing well basically guaranteeing the other would be doing the same. In the regular season, they comfortably handled teams below them, including an upset win against NORTHEPTION, but stumbled a bit when it came to the larger names in the league. Could the rest of SG catch up to make the offline event?

VL Players to Watch: xnfri and LOB have been putting up pretty consistent numbers throughout the entire regular season, but that's most of what I can think to say.

SG Players to Watch: Jinboong and Gwangboong are definitely the standout players from this team, as you can expect one of the two to be on top of the leaderboard, if not both.

Prediction: Both teams had nearly identical regular season results so it's really hard to choose a winner, but I think SG would take it 2-1.

posted 2 months ago

VCJ Split 1 Playoff: NORTHEPTION vs Murash Gaming

NTH Brief Information: NORTHEPTION basically had to rebuild their entire roster after a middle-of-the-pack performance in 2023, but the rebuild has shown to push out impressive performances. They came out third in the regular season, just barely missing out on the direct ticket to the finals spot to REJECT. Esperanza just woke up after their first 2 losses and just started to shred nearly everyone in his way, as he consistently top fragged nearly every series. Wolverine and Thiefy also look like extremely strong fraggers. This team looks to be extremely strong, and I could see them making it to the offline event and potentially making an upset against the two finalists.

MRG Brief Information: Murash Gaming is most known for being owned by a legendary Japanese streamer Junichi Kato. In the regular season, however, they didn't have the best of luck. They barely scraped by as the lowest seeded team to qualify for playoffs. However, they did have some occasional blowout map wins against some of the other teams in the league, and actually beat out NORTHEPTION with a 13-1 Lotus game pretty early on. Absol is definitely their standout player, and their youngest by a pretty large margin (IIRC he's only 17 while their next youngest Biju is 26). Reita also puts out some strong performances coming from DFM, which shows he still got plenty of experience playing in Tier 1 that came in handy playing in Challengers. MRG definitely have the resources needed to make a good run, but only time will tell if they have the firepower needed to do that.

NTH Players to Watch: Esperanza has been cooking for most of the regular season and looks to extend that streak to the playoffs. Wolverine and Thiefy also look very strong individually.

MRG Players to Watch: Absol and Reita were pretty much keeping this team in playoff contention the entire regular season. million also had some strong performances here and there as well.

Prediction: NTH should take this pretty easily 2-0

posted 2 months ago

wasn't this over net not being in a scrim? feels like overreacting to say he got cut but that's just me

posted 2 months ago

this shit was 95% flor hiding tears after some snarky comment and yet reddit portrayed this as some sort of epic own

posted 2 months ago

Reaver phantom
Ion vandal
Forsaken op

posted 2 months ago

they're safe from fraud watch for now

posted 2 months ago

didn't do shit outside of oceania
relied on scarz winning against dk to make playoffs
that's just one guy
challengers oceania just started

posted 2 months ago

his name isn't even john so honestly idk atp

posted 2 months ago

if they lose to igz they're actual frauds

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

team smg got me invested in last year's tournament, shame they disbanded

posted 2 months ago

Players that left last year:
Jemkin: star duelist player, now on RRQ
Kr1stal: fragging IGL, went to China for some time and now FA
TORANECO: kinda mid but did his job, caster for VCT JP

New players:
Only1: zero pro experience and is not Karon
Lumo: from their RBHG vlog I don't think he's really confident in his calls
Tempura: lmao
MrTenzouEz: actually a decent pickup

posted 2 months ago

no way you're taking sscary's side on this

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Someone's getting fired and it's not the ones begging not to

posted 2 months ago

blud thinks yt premium money goes to the youtubers 💀💀

posted 2 months ago

me on brave: i have no such weaknesses

posted 2 months ago

The standings table has both "offline" and "playoff" potential based on match performances

idk the difference someone plz explain

posted 2 months ago

If SZ lose this they're on fraud watch

posted 2 months ago

you literally have more posts on here than me

posted 2 months ago

I think replace Wolves with anyone in B tier

posted 2 months ago

Alright boys i kinda need help with the whole gf thing

I haven't had much of a social circle in college since I don't live in a dorm

posted 2 months ago

nah governor's alright i think

posted 2 months ago

you would know a thing or two about coves...

posted 2 months ago

it's just the cgrs punching bag yapping, dw

posted 2 months ago

where redlight vcj resumes when you need them :sob:

posted 2 months ago

TLDR the team splintered into crazyguy vs Sscary sometime during their Ascension run. There's a pretty heavy implication that Yay got involved in the split, likely siding with Sscary.

posted 2 months ago

Dude was the main reason I supported Bleed in Pacific and they just booted him after 2 franchising matches where he didn't even play that badly

it's so fucking over bros

posted 2 months ago

Smartest SEN fan:

posted 2 months ago

How yall think C9 Zander would work out

posted 2 months ago

bro just didn't want to eat the wing lmao it's not that deep

posted 2 months ago

Nah most improved in China should've went to FengF or Kai (unless they were also good before kickoff i actually don't know)

posted 2 months ago

mb i swore they played against acend for some reason

posted 2 months ago

it's still insane that their closest map win was a 13-4

posted 2 months ago

wtf happened weren't they like 3-0 in the regular season after playing acend

posted 2 months ago

imma be real with u a good chunk of why i supported bleed was crazyguy

this shit aint it bro

posted 2 months ago
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