Flag: Palestine
Registered: February 11, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 7:56 PM
Posts: 622
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ESIC doesn't mean shit we all know they're corrupt asf especially now because of Hunden

posted about a year ago

ive been focusing hard on uni for the last couple months I only got back into playing a little bit like last week, I have the clip of this guy blantantly cheating saved on my computer and to this day he's still not banned

posted about a year ago

There are the same accounts 5 stacking up to immortal/radiant elo and purposely throwing games for crypto.

I've seen like 5 of these same accounts in myself and friends games. One of them even promotes boosting services in text chat spamming while blatantly hacking.

Ranked is fucked.

posted about a year ago

They have Sergino Dest, the netherlands defector they'll be ight he knows how to read netherlands for sure

posted about a year ago

k1Ng would probably be my 5th

posted about a year ago

Dep, Laz, and Sugar all played crazy today

the only thing I see lacking is their postplants especially on ecos, they clean those up and tennn and crow get back into better form and the team can do great again

posted about a year ago

stop this its weirding me out now

posted about a year ago

yeah since you're always dreaming

posted about a year ago

yea a little bit of a reach there bud

they had Optic and Loud in their group during champs and only got to start playing with TENNN after a whole month without him. ALL this after like a good 2 months of zero officials after the finals loss. GenG from early on are looking like a pretty powerful team firepower wise and with their ideas on ascent (they did some cool shit I've never seen another team do before to get DRX off their game)

posted about a year ago

the reason he recently just retired from Overwatch is due to his wrist injury reoccurring as I believe It didn't fully heal

posted about a year ago

i mean you are continuing to reply so clearly what I'm saying I'm in your head no?

posted about a year ago

then why are you taking this so deep friend

it is just not that deep

posted about a year ago

mad cuz true?

posted about a year ago

germany football, csgo, and valorant all shite


posted about a year ago

the hate watchers all have shahz rent free in their heads its crazy

posted about a year ago

no this just means their contracts expired they can always renegotiate to sign them

same with Faker, but we all know he's not going anywhere

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

doesn't change the fact that canada is part of north america, same continent plus I don't go around saying im "American"

im not some redneck hillbilly from missouri

posted about a year ago

you do realize you have a canadian flag on right. as in part of north america.

posted about a year ago

Eagles fans, sixers fans, celtics fans, man city fans, knicks fans

and of course xqc chatters

posted about a year ago

worst decision since the xset call, while you're at it ban boaster and nukkye if this is the precedent being set.

posted about a year ago

you mean buy their way through the games

posted about a year ago

optic flair the best

posted about a year ago

dude I was looking at the games the top 4 teams had to play for this major and there's literally a ginormous difference from the top side of the bracket to the bottom. Bo1's in a group stage is still stupid imo.

posted about a year ago

Furia lose on lan in front of brazilian crowd X2


posted about a year ago

nah brazilians like him and his antics

posted about a year ago

right because every brazilian fan is soooo respectful...

posted about a year ago

If they only added BCJ and Ethan to the roster my wonder is who the other 3 will be.

Imo I don't think large rosters have ever been good in tac fps.

posted about a year ago

I wonder what's gonna happen with all of the sports sponsorships like the Warriors and the FTX arena in miami

posted about a year ago

currently using a starlight-12 but in the past I've used a gpro (not superlight) and an xm1

posted about a year ago

I could see him being the sole reason EG find any success next season.

He's shown promise before when they beat Optic and he's showing promise now.

posted about a year ago

he also stated that his new team announcement should be next week.

posted about a year ago

shahz yay and dapr all have chemistry from being on former teams, ngl i see stewie and shahz's team in the finals

posted about a year ago

its not actually cgi, they've released the key animation frames and its all 2D work (except for some background zombies and the chainsaws at some moments) its such good 2D that it looks like 3D.

posted about a year ago

well Sentinels halo used to play under optic and brought them a world championship already...

so your argument is half correct and half wrong

the current Sen roster also did win a major this year already in Halo

posted about a year ago

g pro's are known for having a major double clicking issue.

they somewhat fixed it to some extent with the superlight

posted about a year ago

wow good on Furia for taking the chance on this unknown talent, who knows what this "mwzera" person will be able to show

posted about a year ago

great pickup

posted about a year ago

don't respect u tho fake flag baiter

posted about a year ago

braindead take

posted about a year ago

not even the best character in the series and the series is shite after the war arc, wake up brotha

plus he's nerfed to shit

posted about a year ago

part 2 and the 2nd anime episode just came out

posted about a year ago

sasuke is a poorly written character ngl

posted about a year ago

yes to what 6th man or out?

posted about a year ago

wait so is Zest out or is Foxy9 just a 6th man?

posted about a year ago

hard disagree yay is one of the most consistent and proven riflers in the scene

posted about a year ago

Hien is also pretty decent, stitching doesn't fray if you clean it right, just search up the method on google

posted about a year ago
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