Flag: United States
Registered: September 16, 2021
Last post: September 23, 2023 at 3:31 AM
Posts: 153
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As long as it's not a sweep I'll enjoy watching it!! 😅

posted about a year ago

An unfortunate showing from Team Liquid, they went against a revenging Shopify that turned up whenever it was needed most. but now we can see the classic NA vs EU with the two "second seeds" of the two regions! Tomorrow G2 and SR go against each other for the first time, how would you all describe the way both of these teams play at their peak?

posted about a year ago

Thank you, I like the game and competition. No reason to ruin it with so many useless conflicts between fans. ♥

posted about a year ago

LOUD could definitely be a dark horse team, but i also think Leviatan could truly shock people, a lot of good LATAM talent on that team! Loved watching them play at champs, and i wanna see them play even stronger!

posted about a year ago

I understand your strong sense of nationality, but I don't have a preference here. I am pretty new to GC scene, and as far as the T1 scene, i have a few favorites worldwide (for 2022: PRX, DRX, Zeta, Fnatic, and Ghost. for 2023: NRG, Zeta, T1, DRX, PRX, and maybe TL) , not based in sense of belonging to a region. I hope you have a nice day and continue to support your team!!

posted about a year ago

Who do you think the strongest teams from each region are? (Americas, EMEA, and APAC)
i think it would be NRG, NAVI, and T1, but DRX is a close contender for APAC!

posted about a year ago

It seems like a Skye cabbage can't save them now??? (ofc i am only joking, i just love to see these fierce rematches how they play out)

posted about a year ago

I'm hoping the new NRG roster is good, but NAVI looks pretty fierce (old FPX + Cned)! Sen having 2 Champs winners, as well as strong talent (zekken, TenZ, with the coaches to help these younger talents), and a good igl to round them out, makes them a really amazing team! DRX has always been one of my favorites so i hope that they can show an even stronger team than what we saw in Champs as well!

posted about a year ago

I don't know where you got the impression that I was salty or trying to ride off of LOUD's success. I just spoke about C9W (after they lost vs their own region?). Also I was originally going to only talk about Optic's consistent high placements, but then remembered to give credit to LOUD since they were also consistent and won the biggest tourney this year. Sorry if the way I initially spoke bothered you.

posted about a year ago

i don't look at it as an excuse, but more of an playful question. obviously different regions have different environments and every change to your environment can change how you perform in a game, right? that's why people have pre-game rituals before they play at a Lan, trying to replicate their setup as much as they can.

posted about a year ago

Would S-Tier be a better term? Both Reykjavik 2021 and Champions 2021 were rated as S-Tier Tourneys on Liquipedia, so i just rolled with both being considered a major. 🤷‍♂️

posted about a year ago

I mean, FPX lost in Istanbul vs DRX who was a major underdog there, as well as the rest of the European teams falling out before then. maybe EU teams only win because they are with their crowd?

posted about a year ago

LOL too bad he's playing for NRG now, would've been interesting to see him with the rest of the now NAVI roster (but with Cned it is very intriguing to see where they will go next year)

posted about a year ago

Yes and the first ever international VCT major was won by an NA team in Iceland. Not saying that as a retaliation, but to emphasize that there is not much correlation.

posted about a year ago

I do hope that Game Changers picks up traction at least. There's too much talent in the world from these teams to be ruined like that. at least 2 international majors would be great, otherwise it would seem more superficial than anything else to just crown someone "the best in the world" over a once a year meeting. :/

posted about a year ago

True. Seeing as something happened similarly in VCT Istanbul, with FPX being one of the favorites to win, yet getting eliminated by DRX (another good team, but certainly underdogs in that context) before the finals.

posted about a year ago

Do you guys think that since the February tourney is going to be held in Brazil rather than Europe, that the EMEA teams might do worse than usual? It seemed to be that every time a Tier 1 international VCT tourney was held further away from Europe (Reykjavik), NA teams grew in power. Please answer thank you

posted about a year ago

LOL only for people to discount it since there was "no competition". In the end there are parallels, and maybe the story will take a turn for the better.

posted about a year ago

All good, same thing happened with NA after 2021 reykjavik. Now this year OpTic and LOUD showed the most consistency among all of their competitors, and anyone who hated was just coping as usual. Only a matter of time before C9W's shame and hurt turns into drive and success internationally (if they don't implode).

posted about a year ago

C9W just got the Sentinels treatment, dominate for the longest domestically, but then begin to fall apart at international stage. They aren't the worst, but they certainly didn't perform their best. Whether they get better from here into the next year depends on them, which will truly tell whether they still dominate over their competition or not.

posted about a year ago

Do you think that some of these teams weren't doing well because they don't play the best in a bo1, but pick up pace better in a bo3? (similar to former Optic in some cases)

posted about a year ago

BO1 moment

posted about a year ago

Lol bo1 moment

posted about a year ago

Classic : Prime
Shorty : Wayfinder
Frenzy : glitchpop
Ghost :gaia
Sheriff : magepunk
Stinger :sovereign
Spectre : prime
Bucky : prime 2.0
Judge : elderflame
Bulldog : endeavour
Guardian : gaias
Phantom : champions
Vandal : neptune
Marshal : sovereign
Operator : origin
Ares : singularity
Odin : reaver

posted about a year ago

Blue Lock easily. Manga reminds me of almost everything I loved about Kuroko's Basketball fr.

posted about a year ago
  1. BOTW
  2. Celeste
  3. A Dance of Fire and Ice
posted about a year ago

Valorantle #80 5/8

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posted about a year ago

What's everyone's favorite songs/music to listen to lately? I tend to like stuff from 2 Mello, Atwood, or Forrest.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Iron 1, Plat 2

posted about a year ago

EMEA: Fnatic
NA: NRG & Sen
APAC: Zeta Div

posted about a year ago

Surprisingly enough, I think the biggest thing they might do is pick zellsis back up for the team and then just move on from there. They now have more team staff and other tools at their disposal to perform. Nobody wants to see a trash team, so they might consistently practice and have higher quality practice too with partner teams.(hopium)

posted about a year ago

I want drx to win :(

posted about a year ago

Unfortunately. Wish the whole situation could've gone a lot better.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Istanbul DRX
Copenhagen PRX
Reykjavik Zeta Div

posted about a year ago

real talk, it sounds like u want Valorant to be CSGO with a unique twist. It's understandable if u love CS, naturally you're gonna look for things similar to CS in things that are not CS. I've done it with many platformers comparing them to Celeste, wishing they were more similar to that game, hoping they would take notes. But in the end, they are separate games with separate means of playing. CS is naturally more about aim and foundational mechanics (less focus on variety, more focus on perfection in every skill). Valorant is more utility oriented, and plays more towards adaptability (less focus on polishing foundational mechanics, more focus on adaptation and variety in playstyles). They are two separate games that come from similar roots, and naturally since one appeared after (Valorant being inspired by CS and hero shooters), you would be inclined to compare them as if one were superior, rather than both being individual works of art/media. Nobody compares Hardcore Henry to John Wick, so there's no need to compare Valorant to CS.

posted about a year ago

TRUE! i would love to see a 5 map DRX vs LOUD game. I would hate for either of them to be a sweep.

posted about a year ago

I Love EMEA, G2 TL ACE M3C and FNC are all fun teams and have funny banter with others. FPX just left a sour taste in my mouth :(

posted about a year ago

Now that FPX is out, I'm glad to say that I will be able to enjoy the rest of this tournament without needing to root for anyone in particular, just enjoy some good Valorant.

posted about a year ago

is there an archive for these puzzles?
Valorantle #51 6/8
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posted about a year ago

Yea but at the same time, think about the use of the turret, not just as a notification, but as info gathering. Its as if a cypher trip glitched and showed the outline of an enemy in the wrong place, or if chamber trip triggered from someone who wasn't near the space at all. The issue at hand wasn't like it just did something unfortunate, but the turret gave false information that clearly affected the team's decision making. Whether this interaction is known or not doesn't change the fact that it (an unintended behavior) created an unfair situation for the team, at the biggest tourney of the year, in their last round before elimination.

posted about a year ago

Current chamber is like Jett without all the same flashiness. That flashiness was the only thing that makes/made Jett somewhat acceptable/bearable. Now the Chamber meta is just Astra meta without all the tactical adjustment/late round plays.

posted about a year ago

I think there are enough teleporting/intangible agent abilities in the game. If they work as they should, they become broken and OP; If they get nerfed, they suck and need a lot of balancing to compensate for it's ineffectiveness. Nerf Chamber Correctly.

posted about a year ago

DRX 1-2 FPX sadly

posted about a year ago

Lower bracket makes for a better story, Undefeated Team vs Redemption Team

posted about a year ago

Idk, they disappeared.

posted about a year ago

Medium Well.

posted about a year ago

Imagine being so boring u only root for fellow region members. L + ur insecure

posted about a year ago

Ayo, I just like their Valorant team, idc as much abt some Fortnite kids, aight? In esports, its essentially guaranteed that there'll be horrid people, don't try and put me down bc i like a roster.

posted about a year ago
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