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Registered: October 11, 2021
Last post: April 16, 2023 at 6:10 AM
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posted about a year ago

994 lol

posted about a year ago

that was buzz, why u spreading misinformation

posted about a year ago

man feels bad whoever botted u

posted about a year ago

lol who the fuck is that

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

LOL, I remember indo fans shitting on half that roster saying shit like BeSerX toO inCOnSisTeNt BoT

posted about a year ago

unironically, a indo superteam would be very competitive

too bad it dont exist

posted about a year ago

based, there are dozens of us!

posted about a year ago

I doubt every single apac team outside of DRX on international level

posted about a year ago

yeah and that also adds to my case, everyone thinks TS will win now which is where I play devils advocate

posted about a year ago

after TS beat


seems like TS doubt has been erased from everyone's mind

that is why I would like to take credit if TS loses the next series against GenG, which is my prediction

if TS wins my doubt will disappear and show my bad judgement, if I'm right it just means my instincts are correct

there is no boomer team that rejuvenates itself that quickly without a roster or staff change

we will see if my doubts proves to be fruitful

posted about a year ago

PRX recovers and shocks T1 2-1 (may be wrong)

PRX faith is dangerous

posted about a year ago

Yeah 2-0 not happening, geng have too many trash maps and fracture is gonna be a permaban

2-1 either way

posted about a year ago

We get it mako is good

No one is gonna talk about how GenG are trash without TS? That guy won every single clutch for them vs DFM

posted about a year ago

Lol, there is no overhype

Sea bots swore for two years that korea was a one team region the moment they get grouped together we saw how the narrative flipped

posted about a year ago

Newsflash: people use the same words often to say the same thing

Your comment is worth jackshit

posted about a year ago

I think both will have similar records but t1 wins the h2h

posted about a year ago

Skillwise yes, they need to win vs zeta next week its a must win

They havent proven they can win series yet, and unluckily they face zeta who have one of the most experienced roster in the league

I will be rooting for ge still

posted about a year ago

Its the nature of esports

6man teams u get chemistry issues and gossip and bs and some people get out of form

When you start losing and people start pointing fingers and pressure arises

I have no doubt tln are a good team when at full potential, but rn they are in crisis mode

posted about a year ago

100% worried

GE look better than them

Most importantly, idk what happened with pat back in the roster but garnets been playing like ass

Very unlikely they make playoffs at this rate

posted about a year ago

Liquid = fraud

Talon = fraud (they changed roster now in crisis)

Prx = 100% fraud

posted about a year ago

Yep, kr teams are chokers so come playoffs there will be a debuff

posted about a year ago

TS is not fixed, ur being delusional

The closest to being fixed is DRX and T1 imo but even those two are not 100%

posted about a year ago

Talon aint making playoffs bud.

PRX getting their shit together this season is very unlikely.

So KR teams just need to worry about DFM/ZETA GE and ofc TS

posted about a year ago

How is this sad?

Entire history of valorant apac scene has been treated as a joke because of poor historical performance

Both emea and americas fan treat us like dogshit (and rightfully so, we had the worst record and no wins)

Now that korea and sea are grouped the best teams will be sent and no slot frauds

posted about a year ago

T1 > GenG bro

I like geng players more but t1 players more talented

posted about a year ago

Lowkey? U mean highkey they both played t1 and one of them actually was competitive

posted about a year ago


I keep fucking believeing in poop rex to beat good teams and its fucking me up

Also, Im still a TS doubter, think their win streak ends next week vs GenG

Also, T1 is the second best team in pacific as of now


posted about a year ago
  1. Drx
  2. T1

Rest is pretty equal

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


All my belief in poop rex is dead

posted about a year ago

Bro heres the thing, idk how good lf is, but last time I trust indian fans I ended up watching skrossi

Btw I didnt downfrag u someone else did

posted about a year ago

Not bench, move him to smokes

posted about a year ago

Bro idk what u watching, but ge def had strats

They just made errors in execution

posted about a year ago

Depends on if skbotsi comes back

posted about a year ago

Delusional, RRQ gets shit on pure skill diff

posted about a year ago

Why did he slow t3xture to prevent trade lol...

posted about a year ago

Think they tried to flash out and double peek

posted about a year ago

Said one delusional manager lul

posted about a year ago

Bazzi is a utility player with potential to pop off every once in a while (like vs t1)

Skbossi cant even drone for his team, u can imagine this guy playing skye and breach?

posted about a year ago

Everyone pray skbotsi and the other dude never get their visas

posted about a year ago

T3xture used to be good raze but nowadays its rare seeing him pop off on that agent

If they both suck on raze they should just play jett

posted about a year ago

Let this man go smoke and switch with monyet on maps where they need raze

posted about a year ago

Zeta was never close to a superteam ever

posted about a year ago

lol keep exposing yourself as a bronze player

Skrossi literally didnt know how to use his skills, how this guy manage to play good in india is beyond anything I can imagine

posted about a year ago

GE must beat the crap out of zeta and force a roster change lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

W APAC fan right here

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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