Flag: International
Registered: April 18, 2021
Last post: May 10, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Posts: 163
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The playerbase potential in JP <<<<< CN, simply due to population, there aren't enough quality players to make up a competitive league

posted 11 months ago

And he gets away with it more than anyone could, insane player

posted 11 months ago

NA thinking the earth revolves around them, what's new

posted 11 months ago

Is this where we go W Eutalyx?

posted 11 months ago

Sir, look at your own flair before talking about others'

posted about a year ago

o7 what a series. The audience was great as well!

posted about a year ago

Oh damn, I never looked further than the players/team's tweets. Thx for showing that. Also, some of those tweets are from new accounts dedicated for Crow/Zeta lol

posted about a year ago

Regarding "If you search "Crow 闇堕ち" on Twitter, which literally means "falling into darkness" / "turning bad or evil"
Excuse me for not knowing how the quoting works on online forums.

I've always understood it as a so-called "nerdy/weeb" term to describe crow. I don't think it was used to criticize him IMO (not a native Japanese speaker)

PS Where do you find hate against Zeta players? All I can see are "gg"s and "nt"s and "you tried your best"s even after absolutely horrible performances

posted about a year ago

I think it'd be interesting if they have a 6 man roster with the additions OP suggested AND keep Tenn in the rotation. Barce isn't going to do anything anyways as a sub so there's more flexibility and XQQ won't continue living in the past

posted about a year ago

Doesn't exist in Japan

posted about a year ago

If Zeta doesn't lose, they'll be stuck in mediocrity for another year or two. Hope gen g wins this for the sake of the JP scene

posted about a year ago

You hate them because you can't be them

posted about a year ago

He consistently(?) finds 1 highlight round per series. Dk what's rare about it

posted about a year ago

Meiy on LAN isn't exactly the guy you wish to see unfortunately

posted about a year ago

The mods on that channel is insane by every definition. No wonder ppl call JP soft. Ironic how toxic Japanese internet is though

posted about a year ago

Niko or S1mple, honestly nobody else winning would bring me joy

posted about a year ago

How do you still have so much hope after all these shaky/bad/lucky performances. Share some tips

posted about a year ago

Adding an assistant coach or analyst would be some positive change, imported or not. Strats seem so stale and something HAS to change. Roster is locked now, the only thing you can do is change sth about the coaches. Why don't they understand, smh

posted about a year ago

When does him and the coaching staff get kicked?
Their ascent has been terrible every time I watch them and their game plan looks the same every time. Thank God they are not bailed out by bad opponents this time. Also one of the least effective timeouts I have observed. I bet XQQ especially has an inflated ego with the amount of blinded fans he has and think he's doing a fine job

posted about a year ago

Zeta win a damn Map 1 challenge: Impossible.
(No way am I counting the DFM one)

posted about a year ago

I wish but I cannot see that happening yet. He is as inconsistent as Tennn. Godlike for a series/map, invisible in another.

posted about a year ago

but that jersey is next-level bland(ugly)

posted about a year ago

Juliano has gone back to CS already, not a GC player

posted about a year ago

Finally found Griffin 😭 Took me a week

posted about a year ago

Wake up, it's 2023
Edit: PS their 2 international wins since the fluke (debatable) is Boom and RRQ

posted about a year ago

Major + 2x grand slam winner Twistzz says hi

posted about a year ago

A proper IGL role needs to be set, they seem to change every couple tournaments it usually doesn't work out other than the fluke. Coach definitely needs to go, they can't adapt to new metas and rarely play like a team of 5, discipline always lacking since 2020

posted about a year ago

This is blasphemous comparing DRX to Zeta

posted about a year ago

No way are there excuses after a whole year of bad performances and disappointments

posted about a year ago

True, even Laz can barely shoot back

posted about a year ago

Thanks for making this. So does that mean the current 10 teams stay forever?

posted about a year ago

Care to fill me in with point 2?

posted about a year ago

Is it really a scandal? I thought he admitted to it in the apology

posted about a year ago

Laz played killjoy, not consistently, over a long period of time. That is not a change.

posted about a year ago

I would disagree slightly. Laz, Sugar, and Dep are the stars of the team. The latter two tend to be more inconsistent but if 2 of the 3 show up in a game, Zeta will put up a great performance.

posted about a year ago

Just a reminder Suzu will be back with Zeta, or already back. So firepower might be a problem

posted about a year ago

Sad to see him not be able to perform on international stages for year(s) to come

posted about a year ago

Ask him, not me. TF am I doing watching rat videos or giving it stats lol

posted about a year ago

There's a notification on setting on Youtube, sir

posted about a year ago

So the most well-known org within Japan has to have bad financials and management?? They give me 100T vibes but guess that's not enough

posted about a year ago

Even though I do not agree with the original post, that is what a fluke means. If OP is right, THEN xset will get grouped next time

posted about a year ago

They keep getting flanked and lose area control rapidly while 5 man-ing most of the time. What would you change if you are the igl/coach? Start lurking? Default?
Probably a bad place to ask but anyways, come backseat here

posted about a year ago

If you're fake flagging with Hong Kong please use traditional Chinese instead of simplified Chinese. There're differences between the 2 :)

posted about a year ago

Respect + China Number 1

posted about a year ago

dude definitely put money on them without ever watching them

posted about a year ago

NA. Also, look at Eeiu's 1v5 today, 2nd and 5th kill involves walking through a smoke, one went well and one lost the round because of disrespecting the smoke.

posted about a year ago

Obviously, smokes are important for map control and all that. But I can't help but notice how often they are disrespected by players from irons to pros (not all, but a considerable amount of them), creating all the "timings" that tilt people from the face of the earth. It sometimes feels like I can not look at another area but hold the smoke only or I'd be killed thinking that the area should be safe for ten or so seconds. Is this a problem that troubles me only?

posted about a year ago

Praying for Meiy to go ballistic and carry CR to the playoffs

posted about 2 years ago
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