Flag: United States
Registered: June 9, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 10:14 AM
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He was saying it as to why Sen may struggle, it's not taking it out of any context or being skewed. What else could he mean by this?

posted about a year ago

Lol believe what you want

posted about a year ago

Word for word he said "we have São Paulo next month and this is the start of these tier 2 teams season"

posted about a year ago

Saying you only had a week of practice so you struggled is fine and a good excuse, but that's not what he said. He just insisted that they were actively saving strats and that this was the start of Tier 2 teams seasons

posted about a year ago

At first I thought he was sarcastic but when he said "we have São Paulo and this is the start of the tier 2 teams season" it changed my mind. I think he's being genuine

posted about a year ago

If you want to be real about it challengers split start is probably more important to these orgs than São Paulo is to Sen

posted about a year ago

Rob Moore kept saying the excuse that Sentinels are saving strats but it's likely TSM and the Guard would be doing the same exact thing

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Rob Moore kept saying that "We're saving strats for São Paulo" and kept insisting tier 2 teams were just dumping out their playbook because "this is the start of their season". Problem is this logic makes no sense, Tier 2 teams have their actual season starting super soon. What makes him think that São Paulo is that much more important than Challengers

posted about a year ago

They did it again!!!!! Why are you forcing there!!!

posted about a year ago

Think he just won Dark Ratio this map

posted about a year ago

If the Nation lose map 2 they will not qualify for challengers at all, mark my words

posted about a year ago

Insane the nation didn't realize that playing lineups isn't working for them lol

posted about a year ago

Forcing an awful buy at 12-10 is one of the worst decisions I have ever seen out of a timeout

posted about a year ago

Lmao who cares if we know the format, the whole point is to see the teams it's not like it has any stakes

posted about a year ago

Top 4 ratings are on The Nation but they somehow lost

posted about a year ago

Chamber = Badddddd
KJ + Jett every map = GOOOOOOOD

posted about a year ago

What? You think all the 6th players are going to play?

posted about a year ago

Yes two of his util being just guns definitely makes his kit more skill based than KJ's lol

posted about a year ago

Not better than KJ tho so no one will play him, outside of a map or 2

posted about a year ago

Atleast Chamber's kit was skill/aim based

posted about a year ago

Everyone already saying she's a top tier pick on it

posted about a year ago

KJ is seeing a 70%+ pick rate in challengers and with her two worst maps leaving the pool that will likely go even higher. Thoughts?

posted about a year ago

That's LCQ, I'm pretty sure there are 2 separate open qualifiers

posted about a year ago

This isn't about body positivity you dummy, do you think fat people don’t have money to spend or something??

posted about a year ago

Carlos such a moron he doesn't understand advertising, nice

posted about a year ago

In the original VCT format announcement they mentioned they are getting rid of a normal international split to do the kick off tournament. So you can safely assume it will go back to that normal format

posted about a year ago

This won't be a consistent thing they just need more teams to open up the amount that qualify

posted about a year ago

Why would any org enter valorant in the previous era?? It wasn't a money machine to be playing valorant then so what's changed now?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Do any of the Masters or Champs matter anymore?

posted about a year ago

Isn't it because they won Cod Worlds

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Is on another level
Sad cause EU won't win anything for the next 5 years

Hope for my bros from the Pacific League stepping up and bringing competition to international events next year



-VinsmokeLaw The King of Valorant

posted about a year ago

Sen fan talking about holding onto the past 🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago

C9 🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago

C9 beating who?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

On the power rankings I polled VLR on they were ranked

  1. Fnatic
  2. NAVI
  3. TL
  4. KOI
  5. Giants
  6. Vitality
  7. Karmine
  8. Heretics
  9. BBL
  10. FUT
posted about a year ago

EU Tier 1 = Mid

EU Tier 2 = Good


posted about a year ago

So the crowd sees the players react this far ahead of what happens on screen 🤣

posted about a year ago

NaVi is EU's best or 2nd best team and they dropped 2 maps against Parla and 1 against Fire Flux who aren't even tier 1. What does that say about that region then?

posted about a year ago

Why would you not believe in a 4-0 team 🧐

posted about a year ago

And they lost to Fokus, you are acting as if they are infallible

posted about a year ago
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