Flag: United States
Registered: May 14, 2021
Last post: May 17, 2024 at 5:29 PM
Posts: 82
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Well let's start with alphabetizing the player names in the player flair flyout. Then go about adding all the other players you're missing.
I only used it for a minute or two, but the general layout was a bit worse imo and the texture on map results made them more difficult to read which was also less desirable.

Keep updating and you might get something good, but this isn't there yet.
Good luck to ya.

posted 10 months ago

Dang, games were super close. Certainly a fun watch with the lead changing so many times. Did not expect NAVI to go out like this though. GG's to both teams.

posted 11 months ago

We've seen plenty of times where a great player moves teams and doesn't reach the same heights because they aren't utilized or integrated properly. I feel like Boaster + Mini have not only been able to keep good players good, but also turn unrefined players good as well. Boaster is probably definitively the GOAT IGL right now and in the off season good players likely wanted to work with him. So it's easier for FNC to build a good roster when the good players want to come to you.

posted about a year ago

Even as an EG fan, I am still aware that this was an upset. NRG have looked like the better team the whole split. EG has had flashes of brilliance, but their playbook seemed too small at the beginning and when their patterns are read or their anti-strats didn't work they looked completely lost.

posted about a year ago

I have a friend waiting to find the Araxas bulldog in their shop
Been a few weeks now

posted about a year ago

Skyrim Remastered: Mobile?

posted about a year ago

I have a Ryzen 1700 and I am able to hold over 150 frames fairly consistently.
The 3600 is quite a bit better, so I imagine you should be fine able to keep more frames than your 144hz monitor can handle (even if it doesn't get to a flat 200)

posted about a year ago

To be honest I'm kind of sick of all the hate professionals in the esports scene get because the job security isn't there due to it and it's killing the scene.
Managers, coaches, and players of all levels in irlsports are allowed to lose games or even to have a losing season and still not have a guarantee of losing their job. The people that got these esports jobs, tried out, interviewed, ect. They proved to whoever they needed to prove to that they were good enough, and now they deserve a fair chance. Is everyone in the tier 1 scene better than everyone in the tier 2 scene? No, but that's why some rookies become starters in the pro scenes in irlsports and some college coaches are considered better too. But just having a few bad games doesn't mean you should scrap things midseason. The org picked the players and coaches for a reason, let them cook. Does letting them cook, always work out? Hell no, but at least it gives us a stable team. The turnover rate in pro esports is legitimately killing the industry, we won't have esports as we know it much longer if things keep up like this. /rant

posted about a year ago

Ok so clicking on the Stats tab at the top and seeing player stats is cool, but why can't we see stats by Map except inside of single events?
Let me see agent win/pick rates by map across specific durations in all regions.
Is there an agent who has a higher win/pick rate in a certain region but not in the others?
Let me filter them to see.
Is a map T-sided or CT-sided across all regions at a certain level of play or higher?
The info is on the site, but you have to search for specific events and then compile the information yourself.

Anyone else find themselves wanting this feature?
Or perhaps I am just dumb noob who doesn't know how to use the website and this feature already exists (if it does please tell me where/how).
Thank you for coming to my TEDxTalk

posted about a year ago

KDG is a fairly well respected coach in the OW scene iirc. Guess I'll follow Shadow Corp and see how they do now that he's head coach for them.

posted about a year ago

Very close to mine. I have OXY over FAZE. TSM winning the initial match in upper semis. Lower semis is still TSM + M80, which TSM wins again, but then in Grands I still have The Guard winning out.

posted about a year ago

My feel is controller or initiator. Initiators usually kickstart plays, so they need to have the feel for where/when to do so. Controllers well... control space better by hiding LOS. They have a wider range of where their utility can reach which means having a wider feel for the entire map is key, something that a good IGL needs. Sentinels are also good at controlling space, but many of them control a small area or specific area and are not able to have a great read on things outside their area until they are fed information from others. The delay in having to be fed the information will build with each proceeding step. I do think it's probably controller that should be doing a lot of the IGLing both preround and pre-exec, but when it comes to actually calling the execs it should probably swap to the initiator or even the duelist since they will have the best read on what they've been running into on site. Then handing it back over to the controller after the exec happens.

posted about a year ago

Wait only $20? If it was ever in NY/NJ that means I could afford to go.

posted about a year ago

I picked TT here in my pickems. SR probably has the edge, but hopefully we get a close one regardless.

posted about a year ago

Big fan of Pati. Hope he gets well soon.

posted about a year ago

Dang, I mean I knew it was going to be close, but I wasn't expecting two OT games.

posted about a year ago

On paper, probably one of the closest matches of the week, that's for sure.

posted about a year ago

Guess we'll find out soon

posted about a year ago

That's actually sick. Idc about MAD or anything, but a lone team getting their whole roster picked up by a respected org is always great news.

posted about a year ago

Split, Ascent and Pearl are my favorite maps.
Keep Breeze as far away as possible please.

posted about a year ago

Will this be streamed anywhere?
DMG beat some actual real players and I think it wouldn't really be weird to see them do it again here too.
Much more of a toss up than most expect I think.

posted about a year ago

Kosher salt is a larger/coarser grain of salt that is ideal for the koshering process where regular salt is does not hold up as well. When I say the koshering process, it refers to the process of removing the blood from meats (including poultry) prior to cooking. Another difference is that kosher salt usually does not have iodine or other additives. I think iodized salt comes with some health benefits if you aren't getting it from somewhere else, but I don't know too much about it. Regardless, what it comes down to, from my experience (which is not that of a professional chef or anything), is that when you want to season a steak before cooking it kosher salt is the way to go. Any time you want to season a meat with salt + pepper and potentially let it rest to draw out some extra moisture before cooking I think kosher salt is the way to go. When you are mixing it into a sauce/glaze, salting your water for pasta or any use where it will be disintegrated into a liquid I think it's pretty much the same. Also baking is super specific sometimes, so if a recipe says kosher salt vs salt, make sure you use kosher salt. If you only have one on hand and a recipe calls for the other you have use 1/2 the amount of table salt in place of kosher salt (or vice versa, double the amount of kosher salt than the recommended table salt). This is because again, the coarser grains leave a lot of gaps and empty space in your measuring device that aren't left by the fine table salt.

posted about a year ago

I literally came here to make the same comment. FKS and C9 are switched up top. It took me a few rounds to realize. I tried to comment in chat to let them know but it's subs only right now :/

posted about a year ago

As an OW fan, I hope this team full of ex-players is good, but I'm not optimistic.

posted about a year ago

Can someone tl;dr it here so people don't have to search externally?

posted about a year ago

This was a fast turn response and change. Thanks so much :D

posted about a year ago

Petition to pin these three threads to the top of the articles section.
Soon there will be little point for these to exist since they'll get drowned out by the existence of each article explaining each individual signing.

posted about a year ago

Can we pin these three threads to the top of the articles section?

posted about a year ago

The Luminosity roster became Shopify Rebellion

posted about a year ago

EDG's team is in China and we didn't get any Chinese teams in since the game isn't really out there yet or something. So I just exempted them from the list. But look for Chinese teams to be added in the coming year's extra slots prob.

posted about a year ago

So I came up with a somewhat comprehensive list of notable teams that got left out...
(this is a bit biased since I watch most of the NA circuit stuff, but not a ton from the other regions)
(and yes we theoretically knew about some of these ahead of this announcement seeing as how some have disbanded already)

APAC: XERXIA, Vision Strikers, DAMWAN Gaming Kia, NORTHEPTION, Crazy Racoons, NUTURN, FULL SENSE, BOOM, ONIC G, X10, F4Q, and BREN Esports

Americas: OPTIC, XSET, TSM, FAZE, V1, The Guard, RISE, Pioneer Knights, ANDBOX, Shopify Rebellion (formerly Luminosity), Immortals, Vikings, NIP, Liberty, Sharks, Gamelanders and Vivo Keyd

EMEA: Ascend, G2, Guild, FPX, M3C/Gambit, SMB, OG LDN UTD, Team BDS and Mad Lions

I'm probably missing a few. If you can think of any that should be added feel free to let me know and I can try to edit this post.

posted about a year ago
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