Flag: Nicaragua
Registered: July 11, 2022
Last post: May 15, 2024 at 1:28 AM
Posts: 213
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not even the same region bruh

posted about a year ago

Keloqz and mix, confirmed
avova almost a certainty.
maybe hoody but he is also wanted by Giants.
There are rumors about Neilzinho as a coach.
idk about paura but i think they should keep him.

posted about a year ago

Well spanish VLR had the best numbers among the regional leagues by far. Heretics, Giants and KOI have a lot of fans and that´s what RIOT is going for, rather than performance.

posted about a year ago

i don´t think so, many brazilians now hate sacy and pancada for being "betrayers"

posted about a year ago

at least 5

posted about a year ago

huge W, i don´t think they sould keep keloqz tho

posted about a year ago

i´m watching some streamers playing with harbor, seems to be a weak strongholder.

posted about a year ago

why tho

posted about a year ago

dayum, that looks like a solid team. i´ll just wait and see who heretics and giangs will sign.

posted about a year ago

give me mortadelo, seems like a cool guy

posted about a year ago

approximately every 1x10^12 cellular divisions in your body, there is one "mistake" made. most of these -failed cells- are destroyed by your inmune system.
some of them scape your inmune system and become cancer.

posted about a year ago

i dislike fat people, like BMI higher than 30.
unhealthy af.

posted about a year ago

this game will be just for the lolz.
they said Kun Agüero will be playing as duelist for kru lol

posted about a year ago

"do not redeem it! do not redeeem iiiiit!!"

posted about a year ago

dudes hating pro players/streamers/reporters 99.8% of the time for no valid reason at all.

why tho? grow up, eat a hotdog or something.

posted about a year ago

well i´m an introvert, not because i can´t talk to people, i just like to be alone lol i actually behave really well in social enviroments and i´m confident.
i´ve been asked out a couple of times, but as a man, i believe it´s our "duty" to ask the girl out. i´ve been rejected, of course, but
i´ve landed some "out of my league" girls with that method lol.
i used to be the -can´t talk to girls- kinda dude, not anymore.
feel free to ask any questions, i´d love to help a brother :D

posted about a year ago

i´m glad they lost too, i hope they change the whole staff and players tbh.

i want to see the spanish teams perform

posted about a year ago

i wish we had that in my country but we barely can afford clean bathrooms loool

posted about a year ago

i read somewhere that he was going to 9z.
returning to his studies not a bad thing tho, dude achieved nice things in kru and farmed some nice money.

posted about a year ago

i don´t understand why people hate pro players, 99.9% of the time is just for no reason at all.

dudes be jealous maybe?

posted about a year ago

yeah but it´s a spanish org and mix carries a lot of hispanic fanbase.

posted about a year ago

holy shit, sad to see ardiis go but nukkye is insane.

posted about a year ago

Just posted they´ll annouce 3 players today.

Either Koldamenta, Mixwell or both will be there, i´m sure.

posted about a year ago

now that they made bank they should learn asap

posted about a year ago

sad AF, as a latin american myself, i almost felt like i was one of them lol

GGs :(

posted about a year ago

Krü just made official the departure of the 3 players
(Spanish) seems like it´s starting to rain...


posted about a year ago

if that happens i´m going crazy.

monster team

posted about a year ago

well loud would just sign new players.

i dount any org would pick up the whole roster.

posted about a year ago

Who the hell will i root for now?
NAVI maybe?

Guess i´ll wait for the rosters to be complete and make a choice.

posted about a year ago

yeah man please keep it in english lol
i speak spanish and can read/understand some portuguese but it drives me crazy a little bit loool

posted about a year ago

if it happens, insane players.

but now onur wants to leave leviatan so...yeah.

posted about a year ago

LEV CEO posted some shaddy stuff too.

i think leviatan signed mazino

posted about a year ago

i loved it, so sad tho, i wanted the team to stay together :(

posted about a year ago

Ange1, koldamenta, saadhak.

posted about a year ago

i´m a metalhead.

i fucking love future nostalgia, that album is full of bangers, the bass on "don´t start now"...daaayum bruh!

posted about a year ago

he said on stream that he has many offers. nothing confirmed yet.

posted about a year ago

it seems KRU/LEV rosters haven been leaked.

KRU: DaveeyS, Feniz, Klaus, Melser, NagZ

(Melser for Delz1k is huge W, DaveeyS and Feniz are good but nothing like keznit/mazino)

LEV: Tacolilla, KiNgg, Shyy, nzr, Mazino.

(damn this be looking strong AF)

Source: some dude in twitter.

posted about a year ago

both countries had independence the same date, in the same treaty. we can say they came at the same time.

posted about a year ago

yep, same colors, but the "coat of arms" in the center is different.

posted about a year ago


They added my flag (Nicaragua), HUGE W!!

may the universe bless your souls.

posted about a year ago




posted about a year ago

i really think shroud could be a good IGL

posted about a year ago

onur would kick the whole roster for lack of discipline lol

posted about a year ago

dang, well thanks for the answer :D
meanwhile, i´ll keep using the same flag :)

posted about a year ago

last week i ate a brownie that kept me high for like 12 hours lol

posted about a year ago

I´m Nicaraguan, can the mods/admins add my flag so i can stop using El Salvador looool

thank you, have a good day/night.

posted about a year ago

i don´t get the hate neither, yeah he has lost a lot a firepower but he seems like a cool guy.
also to be honest, any person throwing hate at pro players (mostly for no reason) is just dumb.
dudes be living the dream making good money while some egdy dude is hating behind the screen of an outdated gaming laptop.

posted about a year ago

well vertebrate are less in number i guess, but way smarter.
vertebrate would win i guess.

posted about a year ago

metalhead here, favorite bands are kreator, death and beyond creation.

posted about a year ago
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