Flag: Albania
Registered: July 18, 2022
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 1:29 AM
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George had said it was her fault for assembling that roster, but now that the roster is good it was because demon1. He called out her decision making the day she had demon1 debut btw

posted 9 months ago

It’s how he did it, blames her for their struggles, but when they succeed he attributes it to someone else. And also didn’t call out any other coach.

posted 9 months ago

Nah NA definitely has quantity and quality, even if they sent 6 teams they would’ve had Leviatan and C9 going which I think would’ve been better than any EMEA team outside of FNATIC

posted 9 months ago

If anybody watches soccer/futbol, masters are basically the league titles and league tournaments, whereas champs is like the champions league. Although they all happen in the same year one is definitely worth more than rest.

posted 9 months ago

I don’t even think she does it anymore, but it’s crazy in order to find something bad about him they gotta after his girl, it’s so cringe

posted 9 months ago

People are just hating, he really doesn’t do anything bad ppl just don’t like him because he’s confident and can back it up

posted 9 months ago

Ong this guy just pressed EU had 5 teams and couldn’t even get top 3

posted 9 months ago

I feel like the 1 team region argument ain’t fair for Loud because they sort of have to if they want to get paid decently, because the money they make from tournaments is basically all the money they get since their contract wages aren’t high

posted 9 months ago

When have liquid ever been on top

posted 9 months ago

I don’t get why they getting so much hate, I ain’t a fan of them but they are like one of the only interesting teams because they aren’t tryna be fake nice towards everyone, they talk shit and live with the result. Everybody hating on them just makes me wanna see them win tbh

posted 9 months ago

“Fluke wins”

posted 9 months ago

EMEA isn’t a 1 team region, it’s a 0 team region 💀

posted 9 months ago

All males in Singapore if you are a citizen and between 17-40 will have to serve 2 years, it’s mandatory

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

I like FNATIC but the only reason I don’t want them to win the event is because I don’t want an extra slot going to EMEA, I feel like NA or even APAC could send a better team with a given extra slot

posted 11 months ago

They probably tried to anti strat with the new comp but got fucked, cope harder

posted 11 months ago

EMEA without France = 2 good teams as well

posted 11 months ago

If you’re just gonna specify regions to fit your argument then you should say Turkey 1st and CIS 1st seed

posted 11 months ago

It’s quiet cause they mute the crowd on stream, in person it’s loud

posted 11 months ago

FNATIC probably will but that doesn’t change the fact that EMEA is top heavy on teams

posted 11 months ago

Japan has 0 😂😂😂

posted 11 months ago

As of right now it’s definitely Americas > EMEA when compared as a whole, Americas have like 6 top teams vs EMEA who have like 3

posted 11 months ago

Say what you want but their util coordination and setups are some of the best out of any team in the tourney if not the best

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

What is the highest single map rating you guys have seen/know of. The highest I’ve seen is 2.64 by Yay when he was on andbox

posted about a year ago

Fuck that fraud haha, pos person

posted about a year ago

Tiktok helped him gain more attention, plus he does the road to radiant on different roles and gives tips and advice on stream. Plus he’s really good in ranked so it isn’t boring watching him even if u aren’t trying to learn.

posted about a year ago

I kinda see it

posted about a year ago

Their retakes are looking way better, they actually group up and wait to retake together rather than just cannonballing in. Also on their attack they actually getting map control, idk how they get rid of dephh and now their calling looks better.

posted about a year ago

I just opened up his stream and I’m genuinely worried for him he’s like tripping off something and just unintelligible. I hope he gets the help he needs cause this is just sad to watch.

posted about a year ago

Liquid too high imo

posted about a year ago

ly ass

posted about a year ago

I feel like this ain’t a fair comparison. Marved on Optic had a team that was focused around helping yay, whereas in DRX, Mako is the superstar player for them and a lot of their game goes through him which leads to statswise Mako being superior. In SEN we will see Marved show up more statswise because he has a bigger role compared to Optic, but I feel like it’s neck and neck between Mako and Marved rather than Mako clearing Marved like I’ve been seeing in every thread. Let me know your thoughts and just remember this is an OPINION not facts

posted about a year ago

I don’t like babyJ but y’all just d riding Shahz, in the vid it’s literally Shahz making passive aggressive comments toward babyJ to his chat and then typing, if i was a meme to the community like babyJ I wouldn’t be able to tell the “joke” Shahz was making. And Shahz just goes straight to victim mode when babyJ called him out it’s so cringe. Just one loser and a bigger loser having beef.

posted about a year ago

Bro is back to the bench, he’s already back in Canada 😔

posted about a year ago

Nah sentinels will have the advantage in marveds hometown

posted about a year ago

How you can joke about stuff like this just baffles me

posted about a year ago

No he didn’t bro, he didn’t start playing with them till this week

posted about a year ago

Nah by the rules it’ll be a round replay

posted about a year ago

Gonna struggle this game due to him being out of pro play for months and getting called in to play with like a weeks notice. I think he’ll do better on Sunday though

posted about a year ago

He got tested the day after the match

posted about a year ago

I mean a lot of the criticism of Tenz has been going on even before this week before he had gotten sick/injured. It’s just now that he played through it since he had to, the comments that people have been saying for weeks are now being claimed as “just this week” when the complaints have been there for a while

posted about a year ago

Usually players are also streamers so people will come into chat and they also do social media things to promote their brand in order to create other possible sources of revenue. Either way twitch chat, or social media comments are bound to be seen by them, it’s not as simple as “not reading it”, because although they may not want to read hate comments it’s bound to happen.

posted about a year ago

I’m just saying the girl in the tweets just turned 18 which is typically a senior in high school in the US and George is 23 which would mean he would be out of college. If you don’t think that’s weird I don’t know what to say

posted about a year ago

Bro responded to one part and used that to dismiss what she said entirely. He ain’t even respond to how hella girls have come out and said the same thing, and also how he’s repeatedly going after girls who are 18 when he’s 23(yes it is weird, if you don’t understand why just ask)

posted about a year ago

I get what ur trying to say, but that ain’t the same thing bro. It depends on when they meet, obviously 40 and 50 ain’t weird, but if ur your parents met when they were 15 and 25 that would be weird asf. To me personally freshly 18 and 23 is pretty weird. Because that’s someone who is a senior in highschool vs someone who is already done with college.

posted about a year ago

Tenz gonna get Rawkus fired for this

posted about a year ago

If they just put yay back on jett on maps like Icebox and Breeze their comps could actually be so good for those maps

posted about a year ago

I thought victors best performances came on raze. His jett rifle is good, but he's not really an awper. If I had to compare him to yay I would definitely say that yay is a better jett overall, but in terms of jett entry I think Victor is better for how Optic is structured. I mean you are also comparing Victors performances to top players in the world like aspas who I think is a top 3 raze/jett ITW. If you compared Victor to other flex in NA he's definitely top 5.

posted about a year ago

Nah its just whenever he plays Neon now, he's always just dying the same way. He walls up and tries to speed his way into site without his team really being in a spot to help him, it was the same on three maps(haven, breeze, and fracture), and they eventually had to change up the comps because of it.

posted about a year ago
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