Flag: France
Registered: July 8, 2022
Last post: February 17, 2023 at 11:58 AM
Posts: 86
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Lmao cis is in emea

posted about a year ago

Will optic break the curse? Which ever way it goes i hope its close.

posted about a year ago

Lausse the cat

posted about a year ago

They are already a minor region wtf????

posted about a year ago

Yeah idk they looked messy vs leviathan and FPX with suy are on fire so we shall see.

posted about a year ago

Yeah thats what im saying. NA has the most consistent team in the world: optic. But as a region they are not very inconsistent. Meanwhile EMEA still has ruff periods but has consistently place its teams in the top 4 in all but one events.

posted about a year ago

2 EMEA teams in the top 4 as usual lmao. This stat is insane in the 5 international tournaments we have had EMEA has had 2 teams in the top 4 four times. Compare that with the only other region close to that stat is NA with two teams in the top 4 only once at masters 3. This is why EMEA is the most consistent region this is why EMEA has so meany slots. I kinda want to see FPX win this match but honestly it could go 2-1 both ways.

posted about a year ago

We all know enzo deserves MVP

posted about a year ago

There are so meany countries in emea smh. Its sure that if they chose smaller more excluded countries like denmark its not gonna sell as well. Nothing to do with emea. Bitch congo is in emea and you can bet your ass it wouldnt sell there. But but it in berlin, paris or london it will sell faster than you can say Near Airport.

posted about a year ago

Alfa has a few things to say about that lmao

posted about a year ago

An eye for an eye and the world goes blind.

posted about a year ago

I really want to see more FPX but guild have been looking good.

posted about a year ago

Optic 2-1 DRX imo. But yay is going to have to play well.

posted about a year ago

Stfu your proving his point...

posted about a year ago

Well gl to them

posted about a year ago

My boy boaster is still asking when does TSM play?

posted about a year ago

Bruh why did u get downvoted. Your right, asian will min this match...

posted about a year ago

Im not sure GLD will make it much further (especially if the play like they played against KRU) but calling them a fluke if they don't perform in playoffs is not only toxic but also braindead.

posted about a year ago

With a sit in yeah its not gonna be easy. But FPX with all their players are a force to be reckoned with.

posted about a year ago

So from what i understand there is still a chance he makes it if FPX get out of the group stage. Thats a big if though.

posted about a year ago

Yeah GLD are a good team but im not sure thier good enough to get through this group.

posted about a year ago

But GLD 0 lose vs NA, cant say the same for optic. No but in all seriousness optic have the advantage here.

posted about a year ago

Well this is wrong already. I love GLD but ill be very surprised if they win vs optic

posted about a year ago

Yeah honestly. FPX might even beat DRX but its gonna be hard.

posted about a year ago

I don't want to be toxic im just wondering which region do u think is the worst.

posted about a year ago


What did u expect?

posted about a year ago

Do we know yet if FPX has there full roster?

posted about a year ago
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