Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 6, 2022
Last post: February 12, 2024 at 10:30 PM
Posts: 232
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"As provas estão lá"
A prova é literal um fã do Twitter aleatório com LLL no nome com uma das histórias mais "Eu ouvi dizer" do mundo, Sacy é de boa com todo mundo do cenário BR, e até do cenário mundial, mas é impressionante que SÓ COM A LOUD, tem essas porra, torcida complexada, complexo de vítima do caralho, nunca erram, sempre tão certos, deixa qualquer um puto

posted about a year ago

Bro I just have seen some things, Loud fans try to get any excuse to hate Sacy, now they are just making fake news to justify hate on Sacy

posted about a year ago

(The Twitter ones)

posted about a year ago

Yeah bro, in Haven he was so determined to lost that he just go full in a Harbor smoke of TuyZ, with 4 Loud players With bomb C retaked and blinded because of Cauanzin Skye's ult
Like he was determined to trow and matchfix the game after the 1-1

posted about a year ago

Controller is a hard function to trade mid season, that makes no season, they have to get pANcada on smokes if they want to keep Marved benched

posted about a year ago

I know there must be too many treads talking about him but this is insane, dude got -24 in 3 maps and managed to get less than 12 kills in the last 2 maps, sacy hard carried today, this man needs to get better or be benched, if he was just a little bit better and didnt try to took it all on his aim at Heaven in most moments, Sen would win 4/16 on haven

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I will gave 2 options, and you guys think about it
Sacy - INITIATOR (I think I don"t have to talk too much about this point)
pANcada - CONTROLLER (I think I don't have to talk about this point too)
Marved - Sentinel, he was already preparing to change roles before entering SEN, and I think he can get this one
Zekken - DUELIST, he's just insane as duelist, one of the best I've ever seen
TenZ - FLEX, TenZ doing a support role, but at the same time an agressive one can be a very good adaptation to him
-Depph (I dont think he's been doing a good job)
Marved - Sentinel
Depph - FLEX, he can do a good job IGL-ing as a flex (if he doesnt troll)
Zekken - DUELIST
-TenZ (For this part I believe in a case where TenZ decides to stay closer to Kyedae and be benched for their own good)
Hope ya guys understand it, my point here is to make a debate about points to be showed, no disrespecting players

posted about a year ago

The Union will win Ascension I believe

posted about a year ago

when KRU and racism isn't involved we pretty much like our LATAM bros

posted about a year ago

NA Skill Issue tbh

posted about a year ago

Cara, recomendo vc de preferência LER o texto, eu falo um pequeno desabafo que eu não estou mais gostando do playstile da Loud, e explico o pq do mesmo, não é nada demais, coloquei esse título pra evitar problemas

posted about a year ago

Só comentei algo que eu percebi desde a final do LOCK//IN e dessas 2 primeiras semanas, a Loud tomou um 2x0 seco na MD5 contra FNC e dps chokou um mapa, algo que eu n lembro de cabeça eles fazerem com tanta intensidade quanto foi nessa série, tudo com essa mentalidade de inovação, A MIBR teria ganhado da Loud na Haven, e a FUR faz um 2x1 se a LOUDA continuar desse jeito

posted about a year ago

Finally someone getting what Im saying

posted about a year ago

Hey man, I am a really Loud fan, im just doing a little outburst of what am I thinking about these 2 weeks, I liked their playstile very much in LOCK//IN but now it only looks like they are always testing some new, with the pressure of always being ahead of the others, its not pleasant to me

posted about a year ago

Yeah, I agree with that, but thats not my point
Im saying that Loud's playstile changed so much from the "perfect" Valorant they apresented in 2022 that now is just a attempt of being this fast and innovate Valorant, to a point that sometimes e just boring

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sincerely I aint getting too hyped about seeing LOUD playing than I was before, the game stile changed, its not more the "perfect" VALORANT, they are trying too many things and their gamestyle isnt as much good too watch than it was before, it made me think that these 2 first weeks was testing things, and it was so fucking boring to watch, seeing the both game of LOUD and FURIA made me realize that FURIA (Even choking and giving me a heart attack) was so much better and good to watch
What y'all think about that?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The most liked photo have now 55.874.649 millions like on insta and it is from January 2019, Messi photo have 54.096.820 millions like and its from 18 December 2022, ir will surpass the egg photo 4sure and it will be amazing

posted about a year ago

Its because of problems with the green card

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Must probably LEV saadhak

posted about a year ago

No one is kicking them, Aspas and Less wasnt satisfied with their proposes and them are open to view another orgs contract if they want to

posted about a year ago

Some individual players arent satisfied with their renovation proposes, and are talking with another orgs to enter in the roster
-Noyn on twitter, he deleted it after 3/5 min btw

posted about a year ago
I really hope the decisions they did was to take off only BZKA if they change aspas and Less it will be a shit ass mistake

posted about a year ago

Bro just missed 1 team in the franchise, most of the things he said was true

posted about a year ago

Look at Noyn replies

posted about a year ago

Noyn said on twitter that Loud was open to new roster with the core Pancada-Saadhak-Sacy
Im reaching the insanity

posted about a year ago

A nice and respectful conversation on vlr? Today isnt a real normal day

posted about a year ago

Furia in fact did very well in this champs

posted about a year ago

It isnt, its just a normal video of wyatt reacting to the 13-10 of the first map

posted about a year ago

Tudo indica q vai ser 5x3x2 msm, n vai mudar mt desse padrão, se a Lev fosse melhor nesse champions, top 6 ou 4, talvez fosse 4x3x3

posted about a year ago

True, even if they win on Bind they would lost, Breeze and Ascent is Loud best maps,And tbh i think this same drafts will happen, Loud ban Pearl and Frac, Pick Ascent, Optic pick Bind, Loud pick Breeze, Optic pick Haven and Icebox remains as a decider

posted about a year ago

Too hard man, the others maps are the 2 best for Loud, Ascent Breeze and Optic thay only lost 1 time, it was on the Grand Finals of Masters 1, now they are a better team

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Like hitbox and recoil are the hardest thing of Val

posted about a year ago

Thia new chapter is a banger

posted about a year ago

Must be so prejudicaded, imagine have to play a game in 2:00 am because of a bug that happens all the time, glad is a 3 day pause if it wasnt they would have be so tired or dont well prepared for the next game, Sacy just wake up now imagine how much training time they would lost to be fully recovered

posted about a year ago

They really put Loud on tier D and said that they were overrated

posted about a year ago

Sen will be playing against Loud

posted about a year ago

Jugaram mucho tambem, no te preocupas, acreditamos en Leviatan, South America for the win

posted about a year ago

Loud make Lev lost the pistol perfect percentage

posted about a year ago

Ascent is for Loud definitively

posted about a year ago

I agree that Messi>Neymar but Pelé>Maradona

posted about a year ago

fluyr com time de um bando de desconhecidos é tier 2 , com a NIP ganhou da Lev

posted about a year ago

Wait, how can u have a different opinion from the others?

posted about a year ago

too bad sen didnt qualify in any champions

posted about a year ago
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