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Registered: November 17, 2021
Last post: July 18, 2023 at 9:09 PM
Posts: 471
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yes, they really back to the core of how Masters winner Sentinels was playing and that was not TenZ solo entry.

posted about a year ago

the last time they handled it privately, one of the party said he found out on stream that he got cut.

posted about a year ago

but there was an insane competitive drive. it was "win or get cut" not "if i lose or get cut, I'll just stream"

posted about a year ago

bro got that uno reverse card ready on his hand lmaooo.

posted about a year ago

yay wants to try what he learned from FNS. He think he can do it.

posted about a year ago

Shahz not even in the franchising bro. Its Asuna, Zellsis, and other.

posted about a year ago

why u pick nismo when there are so many insane flash flex player in franchising league.

posted about a year ago

i care bro, i love to see yay clicking heads with his static and steady aim as much as he did in the past, its so satisfying.

posted about a year ago

nobody allowed to talk bad about their goat, lord and savior

posted about a year ago

Bronze 1, peak Asc 3

posted about a year ago

Eat twice a day
Cut carbs
Cut sugar
Workout 5-6 times a week
Eat a lot of protein if you cutting while working out in gym
Cardio workout regularly for 30 mins a day
Cut your regular meals right now to half

I went from 182cm 87 kg with no muscle at all to 84 kg fit.

posted about a year ago

poiz kinda got that similar situation to C9 CSGO TenZ's condition. Insane on ranked but choking in tourney. Hope he can comeback stronger like TenZ did.

posted about a year ago

Astra meta was the most fun thing ever happened in pub games, compared to this dogshit chamber meta.

posted about a year ago

26% Asc 1, mainly awping thou.

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure he knows some basic English for valorant. It's just matter of time he will be able to get a really good English with Sacy help.

posted about a year ago

Ascension yes fs, but franchising nope.

posted about a year ago

Its draw. Almost every Dota 2 tourney group stage are BO2.

posted about a year ago

"we are ready 🇮🇩" RRQ tweeted. Proceeds to sign 4 PH players with their old core with only 1 ID players.

posted about a year ago

T1 Spyder

posted about a year ago

D3 right now with 75hz monitor but very high fps (200+ fps) and I'm not stopping.

posted about a year ago

D.VA, Moira, and Mei are so fucking annoying and OP. But overall its pretty fun especially its free.

posted about a year ago

Ardiis will be replaced by cNed according to rumors.

posted about a year ago

Don't care not in franchising.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Love all of them actually except EG.
But mainly i love watching Sentinels.

And then EG suck.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, Sentinels (valorant) is one of the org that made fewest rosters change (only 2 times legitimate rosters change without inside problem). That's make them kinda unprofessional and don't know what supposed to do.

posted about a year ago

dapr tweeted "stabbed in the back"
george said they informed dapr 30 mins before the leak article went out.
dapr was so sure he locked his spot in sentinels until today.

Sentinels is kinda like amateur org in this cutting player activities.

posted about a year ago

easily become worst team in APAC league if they stick to current PH core. There are so much better player than RRQ core right now that didn't get into franchising. Massive L.

posted about a year ago

SEN management told him that but not with Sykko and Kaplan. Both of them are in charge to put a player whoever the fuck they want and i think Sentinels executives handed them full authorization.

posted about a year ago

Zellsis is a entry/second intiator dumbass

posted about a year ago

Yes ofc, in term of aim he is atleast top 10 aimer in NA and he can play any agent. If Chet and FNS train him hard to make him a dedicated controller player, maybe he can reach one level below Marved's level.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Hell nah, his contracts expiring this season lol.

posted about a year ago

Stop reading at dicey

posted about a year ago

TenZ (most likely) and dapr still there buddy

posted about a year ago

babybay/dicey over TenZ is kinda crazyy

posted about a year ago

its either Sick or Marved. Both of them are so good but i prefer Sick to comeback to the team, miss watching him on matches.

posted about a year ago

its "set to acquire" not "set to sign"

posted about a year ago

The Top G incident happened

posted about a year ago

Astra meta >> Jett meta >>>>>>>>>> Dogshit imbalance chamber meta

posted about a year ago

reportedly Big Booty Lads wants him

posted about a year ago

George needs to hire this guy to reach his new level career

posted about a year ago

Nah he fell off, used to pull 10-15k per streams but now he barely reach 5-8k per streams.

posted about a year ago

I think utilising properly is the right word instead of fix. Because TenZ is still the best player in Sentinels but can't unleashed his full potentials and often sacrificed for entry with no proper trade backup.

posted about a year ago

Isn't otherwise? Most of Yay success until he get the best player in the world title because of how FNS's system and Victor Crashies duo + Marved set him up to be the best. The real question can Yay play as good as when he was in optic or maybe better in other team? Ofc I believe he can.

posted about a year ago

Yes, but he actually good at the game, funny guy and bring so much new vibes to the team so its kinda backed him up. Never saw him silent malding though.

posted about a year ago

No strats, they couldn't win a single map without TenZ dropping 40 bomb, high ego with "i know better than anyone" mindset (look at Sentinels franchising/LCQ documentary), automatically on denying mode when someone give opinions about how bad Sentinels was, it take to longg for him to put TenZ on chamber, and many more.

posted about a year ago

Bro there is no personality in Shahz, mf either screaming or silent malding.
Dapr was the one that carry Sentinels on the entertainment side with his next level BM.

posted about a year ago
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