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Registered: April 10, 2021
Last post: April 14, 2022 at 2:36 PM
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I swear people can't read

posted about 3 years ago

His professional career I would say is definitely over. He'll most likely still have a decent following with his streams. Nothing compared to before tho imo.

posted about 3 years ago

Their not playing cops and laying law. Why do you think they referred the sexual abuse allegations to law enforcement? Sinatraaa signed a contract to play competitive valorant. In that contract includes rule 8.1 which sinatraaa violated causing the six month suspension.

posted about 3 years ago

He was suspended for violating rule 8.1 which has nothing to due with sexual abuse. He was suspended for not cooperating with the investigation. As the article states Riot referred the investigation to law enforcement which has not been completed yet. In the meantime Riot suspended him for 6 months for violating rule 8.1. If the external investigation of sexual abuse being done by law enforcement finds sinatraaa guilty I'm sure Riot would suspend him for even longer. What do you expect of Riot? For them to ban him for life for sexual abuse when the investigation isn't complete?

posted about 3 years ago

appreciate it

posted about 3 years ago

Does the two losers from round of ten go home?... or into the losers bracket? This brackets kinda confusing me

posted about 3 years ago

wheres the format posted at?

posted about 3 years ago

Thats good guess. Doubt it has to do with tenz and sinatraaa since c9 owner already made it clear that there was a long term deal in place.

posted about 3 years ago

Theoretically, they haven't clinched champions yet. If they place 7-10 in Iceland and don't make masters 3 and envy, faze, V1 or any two NA teams makes masters 3 and place top 4, that would knock sentinels out of circuit point contention. I highly highly doubt that would happen, just pointing out there's many thing that could happen for sentinels to not qualify through circuit points. If sentinels place top 3 they clinch champions through circuit points. If they place 4th they would clinch unless two NA teams place 1st and 2nd at masters 3.

posted about 3 years ago

NA is top 2 circuit point teams and 1 team from last chance qualifier. Winner of masters 3 automatically qualifies for champions. So if an NA team wins masters 3 there will be 4 NA teams at champions, if not there will be 3

posted about 3 years ago

I was watching jasonR stream and someone brought up how good yay is. JasonR goes theres one problem no one likes him. He says Yays a very uncoachable player which imo is a trait that no team wants to deal with and will always hold a talented player back.

posted about 3 years ago

Sovas powerful because he's the only agent that has his type of info gathering. You don't nerf an agent just because he's the only one that can perform the role he does out of the current agent pool. Why do you think they haven't nerfed him yet? Because thats not a good balance philosophy tp keep a healthy game. In order to deal with this so called problem you make an agent that can rival sova.

posted about 3 years ago

It's actually mind-blowing

posted about 3 years ago

Oh yea 100%. Plus the winner of masters 3 automatically qualifies for champions, giving your region an additional slot at champions. So your right, team that want to or feel they need to make changes, nows the time to do it.

posted about 3 years ago

You know last chance qualifiers isn't till after masters 3 right? These teams, if actually happen, could fall off before we even get to last chance qualifiers, which is over 4 months away.

posted about 3 years ago

Gotcha, thanks for clarifying I was not aware of that.

posted about 3 years ago

Are you sure? Last I heard it was only thru challenger finals

posted about 3 years ago

100T 2-0

posted about 3 years ago

Sounds like he unintentionally roasted his own organization. No facility, no coaches of any kind, such small salaries the dude cant even afford clothes.

posted about 3 years ago

Ya that was dumb on my part. I still feel tho that sentinels and Riot have reached a decision with sinitraaa already and just haven't made it public yet to limit external distractions during Iceland qualifications.

posted about 3 years ago

The point is that sick is more valuable in the professional setting. TenZ has the best aim probably of all NA. However, he makes a lot of crucial mistakes that ends up causing his team rounds. If he worked on his decision making and teamplay he'd become way more valuable then he already is.

posted about 3 years ago

The clip proves nothing. Where in the clip does it definitively prove that sinatraaa kept going after she said stop? I don't even like sinatraaa or sentinels and even I can keep my subjective feelings out of this and form an objective opinion. People are literally calling this man a rapist off he said she said bs and an 8 second audio clip where he says "I'm close".

posted about 3 years ago

I don't think has trolling. Tenz loan was only extended thru challenger finals. If sentinels knew they were going to need tenz for Iceland they would have most likely just worked out a longer extension. This is an assumption but I feel like Riot and Sentinels have already finished their investigation on Sinatraaa and just haven't made it public yet to limit the distractions and external noise the team would have to deal with while playing in challengers 2 and challengers finals.

posted about 3 years ago

100T and C9B

posted about 3 years ago

And when you think about it you can start the bo5 with your two strongest maps which may be there 2 weakest, ideally

posted about 3 years ago

I thought that to begin with too. I think they might have done it because there were multiple 3-0, right before they changed it, which were only showing 2 games due to the team starting up 1 game. So I think they did it for viewership

posted about 3 years ago

Instead of a map advantage they changed the advantage the upper bracket team gets to being able to pick the order of the maps. They did this a couple tournaments age

posted about 3 years ago

Bro we all know who won masters. It could have very well been a honeymoon effect. Ya'll cant really deny that for being the so called best in NA that he's on the loosing side of IMPORTANT games far to often. When do you start looking inward? I'm not saying look inward at mechanic skill but maybe personality or team work.

posted about 3 years ago

ngl this guy has a point. Individual stats is meaningless if you don't win. TenZ seem to always be on the loosing side. When do you start looking inward if your in that position more than most while being the so called best NA player

posted about 3 years ago

Haven is Sentinels best map...

posted about 3 years ago

Rise isn't gonna last long, they have three matchfixers on their team!!

posted about 3 years ago

I wouldn't doubt it either and she prolly has too, honestly. But we have to remember people aren't convicted off subjective feelings. There is to be objective evidence. IMO it seems like it was a very young and extremely toxic relationship from both sides. There's lots of shit coming out about her showing her in a different light then she portrayed in her initial statement. And for real I love seeing sentinels lose I'm a 100T fan and haven't liked sinatraaa since the beginning. I'm just looking at everything objectively.

posted about 3 years ago

I agree with you that hes toxic lil shit. I really do. I'm just saying there is no objective evidence that he raped her. It's all off her word. And just remember the public hasn't seen or heard the full audio/vedio clips. Riot and people investigating him has. So there conclusion is based off more evidence then the public has seen.

posted about 3 years ago

What in the original statement made by Cleo proves he was a rapist? Just to be clear I'm not even a fan of Sianatraaa or Sentinels. She released an 8 second audio clip that cuts off. That audio clip doesn't prove that he didn't stop when asked or raped her. People jump to conclusions off he said she said bs and their own subjective feelings.

posted about 3 years ago

I'm not on either side just looking at the evidence by itself. Also was not a fan of Sinatraaa of the Sentinels ever. The only evidence of sexual assualt is her word against his and the brief audio clip. The audio clip proves nothing and cuts off and her word is what describes what happens next. The audio doesn't prove that he raped her. He never says anything incriminating in the audio clip that she released.

posted about 3 years ago

I've come to one conclusion from reading this thread. PussyJett is cheating himself and trying to justify his actions by accusing everyone else of cheating. I mean no logical person would ever make a post like this and then follow it up with a ton of horse shit.

posted about 3 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if this is in fact Keiti

posted about 3 years ago

They were matchfixing games that were being bet on by private people. The only reason its getting investigated by the FBI is because of the betting. Matchfixing any sport that has bets placed on it is illegal. Knifing in a tournament (round of 128) is a lot different then matchfixing games for money.

posted about 3 years ago

wtf, last thing I was expecting

posted about 3 years ago

Keiti announced that she's taking a short break from playing professionally

posted about 3 years ago

All I saw was steel, guess I missed the other

posted about 3 years ago

In my original post I was specifically talking about Valorant when I said every region is biased towards themselves. I would agree in other esports, where there has been international lans, that is different

posted about 3 years ago

That's because they've been proven that. In an esport where there has been no international lans no region is going to say they are worse then others. That's just a natural bias. Why count yourself out when nothing has been proven. If your saying your better than other regions when it has been proven otherwise, then your just delusional and cocky.

posted about 3 years ago

Every region is biased towards themselves, that's natural. I would be worried for them if they weren't, that would show a severe lack of confidence.

posted about 3 years ago

you mean 1 person from the 100t roster.

posted about 3 years ago

Everyone saying NV has forgot that they always fold when it matters most.

posted about 3 years ago
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