Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 19, 2023
Last post: January 3, 2024 at 12:15 PM
Posts: 960
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God is good, but I hope God is great and gives us 44-42

posted about a year ago

Tuyz ain’t bad, the other players are just too good

posted about a year ago

You can’t tell me that wouldn’t have been a fucking awesome match to watch

posted about a year ago

Please for the love of God and everything holy, DONT BUY HAVOC FROM THEUNION. He won’t be a good controller. You’ll basically be paying him to warm the benches, PLEASE LET OTHER BR TEAMS HAVE HIM

posted about a year ago

Loud and DRX scrim together, they make each other better

posted about a year ago

Ou seja, ou os jogadores trocam a mentalidade atual ou a MiBr compra jogadores q respeitam o plano do IGL….. acho mais fácil comprar

posted about a year ago

Fonte: vozes do seu cu

posted about a year ago

Cuz GC sucks, which gives way for them to waffle about in those threads. Easy.
Its like if you made a thread about tier 3 Brazil valorant, all the mental midgets (not my insult) will appear to comment “Br0nzil KekW”

posted about a year ago

The finals will be DRX vs C9 with DRX winning
It was revealed to me in a dream

posted about a year ago

Let’s see the stats?
Can Cauanzin clutch? Of Course
Can Less clutch? Yes
Can Aspas clutch? Yes
Can Tuyz clutch? not since lock-in
Can Saadhak clutch? not since lock-in

Can S0m clutch? Of Course
Can Ardiis clutch? Fuck no lol (he will die by his own Blastpack)
Can Victor clutch? Yes
Can Crashies clutch? 50/50
Can Fenis clutch? Fuck no lol

the game will be defined by heroic clutches and NRG don’t have enough clutch players.

Loud win 2-1
Map1 - 16-18
Map2 - 20-18
Map3 - 35-33

posted about a year ago

No way blue putting NAVI over Loud and C9

posted about a year ago

Benkai should be goated as coach

posted about a year ago


Matheuzin as assistant Coach

posted about a year ago

Really hoping DRX takes Masters

posted about a year ago

Get rid of the dephicient IGL

posted about a year ago

Em relação ao Matheuzin, ele é experiente, se fosse por mim os dois coach’s da TBK entravam como analista junto com o ryotzz pra ajudar a enriquecer o tático da MiBr
O bom é q a MiBr consegue pagar já que eles tão ganhando em dólar na franquia

posted about a year ago

They are from Brazils regional split? Where else would they be from?

posted about a year ago

O problema é q ele joga q nem um chiuaua, ele vai pra cima sem motivo, corre atrás de kill, ele não valoriza joga muito sozinho etc

posted about a year ago

Matheuzin would IGL he is experienced and smart enough to play other agents

posted about a year ago

He overpeeks too much, most of his kills are first kills which would great for tanked but any half-brained team can counter an aggressive chihuahua Jett player

posted about a year ago

Which means they have a vendetta

posted about a year ago

If KRU upsets NRG it will be so fucking funny to watch. I really hope they win just for the shits and giggles

(Also calling it now,next window transfer KRU is gonna basically become a BR team, they will hire a bunch of Brazilians and some Latinos that live here)

posted about a year ago

Jzz has proven to be consistent
I say we do

and go


Either Mat or Cort as a sixth man

For coaching staff I would say

posted about a year ago

RND de sexto

posted about a year ago

Aspas says he likes challenging games. Says it’s fun. I hope Leaf and Aspas become friendly rivals

posted about a year ago

The Orgs choice right now is to see who is more profitable, the Valorant team or Tenz.
Remember, Tenz has basically become a brand at this point, a likable streamer with huge influence is very good for business.
Why not keep both? Well, Tenz said it himself: he prefers playing professionally to streaming, which basically puts a restraint on SENs choices, if they keep Tenz out of the team he will feel inclined to join another org to play for them, because as a sane person he wants to be happy.
But if they bring him back into the team, it will likely dampen the new SEN sinergy and competitive capabilities making the team less profitable. Basically Tenz isn’t profitable IN THIS team

I believeSen could just sell out the whole team as either a package or individually but either way, they make a large sum on the sell and keep Tenz as a long term consistent revenue source

posted about a year ago

Who’s asking?

posted about a year ago

CTC and Br1nks are good picks too

posted about a year ago

Imagine C9 gets him

posted about a year ago

Ironic since zellsis talks the most shit(although it’s pretty obvious he’s joking)

posted about a year ago

Sanest Na fan

posted about a year ago

Furia???? Tf did they do to you???

posted about a year ago

The only thing I hate is how confusing it is to read his name

posted about a year ago

surprised nobody said cauanzin

posted about a year ago

This is the second time riot does the “punish a team for technical issues”
And the second time Riot ruled in favor of Sentinels over a BR team, it’s so weird it happened twice

posted about a year ago

Your team now has great players in each role (except IGL)
But this match was not Deph’s strats that formed its base, but Sacy, Marved and Pancada’s instinctive knowledge of the opponent.
Deph didn’t really need to anti-strat cuz SPM were spoon feeding him Loud’s playbook.

For Sentinels to truly prove they are now a good team, They need to win against a team they don’t have inside knowledge on.
However, things Are looking bright for you guys.
If Deph gets dropped and subbed for anyone else, Sentinels can make playoffs

TLDR: Deph was mentally not needed here which ironically made Sentinels have a better chance of winning

posted about a year ago

Both Sacy and Pancada had inside knowledge on Loud
Marved fought Loud so much he was basically instinctively reading them
Zekken is just a better duelist than Tenz

These are all factors that helped SEN go so far.
BUT these are not factors that prove overall skill.
New Sentinels needs to play against other teams to prove it wasn’t just inside knowledge and actual strats that made them such a threat this series.
This game didn’t rely on deph, it relied on the members of the Classico

posted about a year ago

Put them SKrossi mfs on that list holy shit

posted about a year ago

What you feel is what Loud fans felt towards yay last year.

posted about a year ago

Fartpiiss clears

posted about a year ago

A moment of union

posted about a year ago

Please eat a bag of cement and go for a swim

posted about a year ago

If Loud V Fnatic become the new El Classico, Vlr is fucked. These teams have the most dickrider fans possible (me included). The sheer amount of brainless baiting and shittalking will crash VLR’s servers

posted about a year ago

Mano eu concordo que uma derrota ajuda aLoud, mas pra Sentinels é desrespeito. Quem tem moral pra levar a vitória é a Furia e a Lev (NRG tá mole) mas os dois apanharam já um do outro e outro da loud

posted about a year ago

I NEED to see that bald mf malding again

posted about a year ago

I feel like Ascensions is gonna be more hype than Masters, since it’s basically an underdog tournament, it’s the teams that are fighting tooth and nail to give themselves a spot at stability. It’s not a battle for “the best of the year”, it’s a battle of “Will I be able to provide for my family”.

posted about a year ago
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