Flag: Malta
Registered: May 22, 2023
Last post: May 25, 2024 at 5:01 PM
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posted 8 months ago

mad cuz he is losing one possible slot kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
even washed koala who wanted guard to lose their spot is replying kkkkkkkkkkkkk
both washed 🌪️🌪️🌪️

posted 8 months ago

#MeToo #BelieveWomen

posted 8 months ago

Yeah, It's immoral.
I would also hate him if he was the ONLY one to start it, so It would make sense to "cancel him" and fuck his job.

posted 8 months ago

I see, but that doesn't explain much since she also took the initiative, so there's no exploration at all.

I just think that there's a huge difference between people on high school x people on university in US, in Brazil there's not that much at all since here is pretty much common to people around this age to be friends, for example people around 15-16 do some "course training" to SAT (in Brazil is called ENEM) with other people around 18-23y.
So it's very common for people to have friendships at these ages, I can already see that this is something quite impossible in the United States since normally you won't be in the same environment as someone that age.

posted 8 months ago

I agree, It's being annoying af and I'm not even trying to defend him at all, ppl just don't understand what I'm trying to explain

posted 8 months ago

Like, In Brazil people consider it if kids but not teenager 15+ at all. You're using this term based on what US law consider as it.
I just can't understand that how can someone 16 years old give consent to someone 18 and not give consensus to someone 22?

As I said, it would be considered wrong if pancc had taken initiative but he did not (cuz age gap) that's what most brazilians view at ped
If he had taken the initiative to want or insist on someone at that age, then yes.
But since both were flirting, I consider it more "acceptable" but still immoral.

posted 8 months ago

I received some threatening DMs.

posted 8 months ago

I'm just trying to understand what the difference would be between someone 16 and 18 to date in the US, do you guys consider it wrong?
So in you guys head 16 dating 18, 16 can consent
But if 16 date someone 20 can't consent?

It just makes no sense to me at all, thats my point.

posted 8 months ago

✞ I'm being misunderstood, I'm not defending him. ✞

posted 8 months ago

So explain, 16 can talk with 18?

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

So, 16 can't do anything sexual?

As I said again bro, it would be WRONG if he taken action SOLO, but both were flirting. :l
If he took action solo, or insisted or asked why she rejected him, then I would consider it wrong.

16 dating 18 for you is legal right? but 16 to 22 is not cuz 16 cannot consent? it just makes no sense at all...

posted 8 months ago

you consider US law more morally correct by your values.
but as I said, on my conception to be wrong what he did he had taken the initiative alone, and not both.

In Brazil It's also morally wrong, but It would be morally wrong if he taken the initiative solo. Since both were flirting and nobody cares at all ig.

posted 8 months ago

bro, thats US law........
u braindead
here 15+ can consent.

why americans keep using their law to explain things? wtf

posted 8 months ago

its my time to shine!!

posted 8 months ago

Eles consideram isso pq nos EUA tem uma diferença enorme entre as pessoas que estão no colegial x faculdade
aqui no Brasil n tem tanta diferença que muita tem amizade com pessoal de todas as idades, quando eles veem essa diferença de 4-5 anos eles já pensam que foi manipulada ou algo do gênero pq na cultura deles n tem como alguém mais velho conhecer alguem mais novo, já aq no BR oq tu mais vê é pessoal de 16-17 em festas com pessoal de 19-20 anos.

posted 8 months ago

nah, its both. you're just being biased over her. 16yo is not innocent and dumb at all bro, wtf.
you're acting like pancc manipulated and "forced" as I said he never did that at all, if you read their texts he never insisted on anything, he just asked it since both were flirting, when girl said no he just accepted and moved on.

posted 8 months ago

bro tf........ 😭

posted 8 months ago

I'm not defending him, I just said that that the girl has some fault too because she really knew what she was doing, flirting, and in the end she just said that "It was a test" as an excuse.
Now, if she hadn't been flirting with him and he had asked that and if he has the only one to take initiative, then yes, I would consider it wrong.

Is that hard to understand? :l

posted 8 months ago

nah bro, brazil is not US where there's a huge disparity maturity between 16 and 22, 16 and 22 people here frequent the same environment, parties, etc. It's not the same in the USA.
I know in US someone 16 would hardly met someone older, but in Brazil is just too common these things and there is no difference between freshmen and things like that in the USA.

I'm not defending him, I just said that that the girl has some fault too because she really knew what she was doing, flirting, and in the end she just said that "It was a test" as an excuse.
Now, if she hadn't been flirting with him and he had asked that and if he has the only one to take initiative, then yes, I would consider it wrong.

posted 8 months ago

she was 15 when they met bro virtually, when it happened she was 16 he 21-22, also i'm not saying thats creepy because he NEVER insisted on it. When she rejected him he just accepted and chill. He asked this as they BOTH flirted.
The girl literally hit on him and used the excuse that she was doing it to "test" to see how far he would go, thats bs excuse to clear her side and come out as innocent.
both fault, not only pancc.

pls use ur brain hooman

posted 8 months ago

cry is free

posted 8 months ago

what US law says lmao, if they consider 18, its 18
if they consider 16, its 16.

posted 8 months ago

bro u consider him pedo as US law based in 18yo.

posted 8 months ago

Americans trying to use their Law to ban a BR player lol

posted 8 months ago

Yeah. Thanks for truth.

posted 8 months ago

That's fake.
Another girl clammed it, not the one who exposed him. (No proof too)

posted 8 months ago

LEV aspas + LEV havoc

its over

posted 8 months ago

I'm tyrannosaurus rex, so I'm nb even if I eat woman. :D

posted 8 months ago

cashcow channel on rise kkkkk

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

his contract ended 2 months before ascension, he choose to not play because if he extended with Union, LOUD(any Tier 1 team)would need to buyout, making his chance low to be picked up.

personal issue is bullshit, more like excuse.

posted 8 months ago

nah bro
I just said that if Les was a girl and the way Sacy treated him, Sacy would have been canceled for his life.
It's just too much difference, we treat man and woman different.

posted 8 months ago

MeL cannot replace anyone, sadly.

Imagine if she had Sacy as teammate.. "Sacy is toxic, I'll go to court against him!"
Also, too hard to be harsh against woman because she 100% would cry and tell things to her bf, making even more beef.
Any other pro player would be called misogynist or some shit if they argue or complain too much
Males are already used to this scenario of competition since childhood, its our instinct.
Status, conquer, fame.
Mix = male scene, accept this fucking fact.

posted 8 months ago

Top G

posted 8 months ago

truthear hola is the best IEM for low price, good sound, good for fps.

posted 8 months ago

EU is better because it's more balanced, balanced doesn't mean that its easier than NA.

When you are too good, you will be able to gain more advantage from balanced matches overall, so you rank up faster than in NA.

posted 8 months ago

nah, he is just farming some $$
he is not wrong tho especially when NA teams want to pay less and less

posted 8 months ago

nah, BR still has talent.
problem is no one is talented enough in teaching them like Saad and Sacy did

posted 8 months ago

Until you're rich, every enjoyable experience (romance, travel, entertainment, partying) is like a cope
Only broke copers will get mad over what I say

posted 8 months ago

Issue is that org prefer clout to be able to sell merch, they would never pick 5 unknown players even if they win something

Tier 1 is not about skill anymore, if you have 100% skill 0 clout = you not getting picked up

orgs would prefer to pick someone with 80% clout + 70-80% skill, because if fail, they at least could maintain balance between profit x cost

posted 8 months ago

but honestly, using AI is kinda shit I do not recommend it at all, just outsource it or learn how to do storytelling properly.

If you want to do something in the long term (which is what I recommend) it's better to use a human voice, now if you're going to test or make quick money with AI, it's fine, but normally you'll lose monetization after a few months.

but for "dark" channel aka faceless channel it might work, I have seen a lot of them doing it on curiosity niche, football, NBA, cricket, etc. (many lose their monetization too, or now using paid IA voices)

but human voice will always retain more in my opinion since you can show your emotions.
Youtube is much more about hormones, it's about hypnotizing people and not convincing them in a rational way.
it's more about the unconscious than the conscious game, when u learn these things gg u farm a bank, you literally change your life with just one video going viral, your video got 1M? gg, you made literally 5k. If your niche paid well it's literally 15-20k in one video especially during Q4 semester.

posted 8 months ago

Kinda, normally if you wanna earn like 5k USD guaranteed, just model what is trending, do it in a similar way, if you live in a country that has another native language someone speaks English, do something similar to what is trending in the US, remodel it. Normally you can easily earn 5k USD this way. But if you want to expand and earn more than 100k per month, either you will have several channels or you must innovate by capturing a gap into market (gap in a niche where you can easily farm and no competition) like the channel above did.
But when you start you need to do everything solo, voice over, editing, scriptwriting, thumbnail, title, etc.

As I told, just model what is trending.
1 niche
1 product to sell (as affiliate if you want)
5 good refences in your niche
1 video per day (i recommend it since you're starting, just grind working 8h day), or one video per 3-4 day
Keep doing this shit for 2-3 months getting better at doing Titles, Thumb, (CTR) and retention.

It's just impossible to not be able to farm 5k USD month by remodeling channels that are trending or trending topic since you're going to take a share of the topic or niche.

I already started outsourcing as I already made money in e-commerce, so I didn't learned how to voice over and editing, I only did the script.

posted 8 months ago

Q misera é essa mano KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted 8 months ago

cuz they need to pay FIVE players Champion salary, at least EG did well if they sold their players, profit $$

posted 8 months ago

furia n tem grana irmao, aspas n vai se rebaixar pra jogar 1 ano em uma lineup que n tem futuro, se for pra n ter futuro eh melhor ir pra BLEED e farma 1 milhaozinho de dol.

posted 8 months ago

No, lol.
Curiosity niche, Football, NBA, anything like that.
Recently a channel "Dr Insanity" who talks about crime is earning like 300k USD per month in that niche and he spent like 200 USD per video lol
Youtube is too vast, any braindead niche you can farm
Gaming niche is not that much profitable at all, only if you get insanely viral but I do not like to go into "clips" content at all, such waste of time.

posted 8 months ago

Many niches, but this one is on celebrity, famous people niche. tbh It's one of most profitable because you can easily farm money since people easily consume content from people who they idolize.

posted 8 months ago
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