Flag: Switzerland
Registered: April 22, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2021 at 3:15 PM
Posts: 250
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who wants to see india region? nobody

posted about 3 years ago

People hating this facts is the BIGGEST proof i am right and you like TenZ only because he is a weeb and the reason why like him is that you think he makes being a weeb look cool. lmao

posted about 3 years ago

dude you are commenting this but someone who say im iron 2 is untouched by you? youre a dumb fuck moron dude

posted about 3 years ago

says someone who poop in beaches in his country lmao

tenz is a weeb and its no surprise he has so many 10 yo fans. Ten of tenZ name stands for his average fan age.

typical clown. go mainstream opinion or dont type real stuff

posted about 3 years ago

you are just proud of him cause he represent NA. he is not even entertaining. he has a boring playstyle and just abuse cheap weapons that are to overpowered. if someones delusional than its you.

you see NA flag and you think HERO HERO HERO! MURICA MURICA MURICA! Hahaha

posted about 3 years ago

in csgo he couldn't do that- that's why c9 benched him for subroza. to bad for cs KEK

posted about 3 years ago

are you a troll? i said he is a good player overall but hes not what people think he is. look at scream dude! hes going on sides and headshot everyone without getting to cringe positions. it's cowardish. if he has that good aim he could fight people from normal positions to proof hes sooo good but he cant. against full equip he always die first somehow. youre nothing but a troll i guess

posted about 3 years ago

tell me what you find dumb. i wrote detailed how this overrated player is fragging. i bet you read all what i wrote but youre just mad cause this all true fanboy

posted about 3 years ago

tenZ fans are watching anime only and sitting at home 24/7. they also paint their nails black KEK

posted about 3 years ago

go watch your sailor moon or hentai anime clown

stop trying to talk about a game you cant even play

posted about 3 years ago

plus Penny @wtzzkuu

posted about 3 years ago

you call 2 better players than tenz and get dislikes. damn this kids are cringe af.

posted about 3 years ago

wow. vlrs first clown detected.

posted about 3 years ago

its so cringe tenz fanboys who are like 10 yo and hard stuck silver call others iron 2. how you know i am iron 2? maybe im iron 1? keep being more cringe, i bet you are really 10z year old KEK

posted about 3 years ago

Did my Flag trigger you just? Did i say Swiss teams better? Dude, how old are you? 10z? xD

posted about 3 years ago

It's an opinion as you can read. You could call me mad or something if i was trying to join Sentinels. I am just a Viewer. Nothing else. You are the Fanboy here that can't even see facts. You obv. in love with tenZ in Person. Haha

posted about 3 years ago

That's why trump became President in your Country i guess. :)

posted about 3 years ago

I bet you are silver 2 stuck KEK

Take off your TenZ pants before you type something like this.

posted about 3 years ago

Some things i found out about TenZ in his last Matches. Feel free to re-watch the Games yourself. That guy is just using Guns and Positions that are annoying and overpowered and he mostly only frag vs eco/halfbuy/mid range Weapon Round (2. Round) of enemies. When both sides have Full Equip, he mostly die first and hes way to scared to challange someone directly. he always looks for fights from positions he has the biggest advantage from. Also if you look at Vikings Game he only do cringe frags somehow. Like the one Operator Round he kill Haven Long 1 for free and the guy in rushing from sewer. Both ran like Bots and just wanted to die somehow. If you look at what Guns he use, you can clearly see hes only playing broken stuff. I mean have you seen him ever with a Spectre? I haven't. He play Marshall ($1100 broken eco/halfbuy frag machine), Judge ($1600 no comments), Vandal (HS or die like a silver), Operator (Broken gun and he always use it like a coward from cringe angles). Also a Vikings Player did face mid (Icebox) as CT from the Ramp and got 2x One Tapped from TenZ. Free Frag position for T Player since fragging as CT from that Ramp is very hard.

Anyone else could play in TenZ position for Sentinels and they would even do better than this. Sentinels is not winning because of TenZ. TenZ is just the random filler who can abuse overpowered guns that are way to cheap for that much potential.

Sentinels is a very dominant Team because they somehow manage to tilt their enemies and destroy them mentally and that's the Key why they win. fnatic for example is mentally a full professional Team that didn't get tilted or mental problems while playing them.

In short. TenZ is a coward who can't fight their enemies on Ground face to face. He always need the cringe positions to take fights.

Hes a great Player that only focus on fragging but i think hes not what you guys think he is. There are much better Players in this Tournament who could do whatever TenZ is doing, even better.

Also he couldn't make C9 win important Games. If he were that good, he would have sealed Rounds and Games. TenZ is like the turkish Jett in Matchmaking whos just playing for Frags and nothing else. No Impactfrags, no tactical hold back. Only press W and farm your Ult Points to get your Ult and have fun (only Jett have fun obv.).

Have fun crying now. Cya later

posted about 3 years ago

im so bored rn.

it was just to much hype and now its all over.

posted about 3 years ago

This is so boring watching every Match Icebox, Haven -.-

Maps should be random like in Matchmaking.

posted about 3 years ago

We might have seen the best Teams already playing eachother. Vikings vs X10. They are crazy good and we can see today if Vikings is overpowered or Vikings and X10 are solid and CR are to weak rn.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

precise gunplay... what you mean? bro, you can run and shoot and can hit people and its totally fine in my opinion since where should the bullets go if not the direction you shoot? shotguns being used tactical in close combats only. it's just way to cheap. You can do halfbuys with a 1600 Judge and clutch the whole Round easily. Shouldn't be an eco Gun so should be more expensive

posted about 3 years ago

Just make it more expensive. Nerfing all Shotguns kills this Game and makes it even more boring.

posted about 3 years ago

What should the Judge and Odin cost if they would adjust the Price of this Guns since it's way to cheap for so much Potential.

Judge 2100
Odin 4300

Ares 2600

SInatraa abusing this Gun already and it's just a much cheaper Odin rn.

posted about 3 years ago

Im talking about Iceland picks guys. Not in general.

posted about 3 years ago

Nobody picking this guy. Why? Also i saw Cypher being picked a single time.

posted about 3 years ago

Turret to OP!

posted about 3 years ago

chill. it's just a game and it's the first face off of different regions also don't write liquid and fnatic off that early. it's not a KO system so they can make a comeback.

posted about 3 years ago

i think Liquid will still win somehow.

posted about 3 years ago

fnatic prepared real good for thios event from what ive seen. i think fnatic would easily 2:0 liquid rn

posted about 3 years ago

it tilted me to see this cowardish playstyle to be honest. wanted to see real fights but then this post plant shit was abused over and over. TL did that too many times. still its something nobody enjoys to play against.

posted about 3 years ago

bro its not like you play against rocks and plants. they are on the watch and they have also sound so they can just get in cerners or places you cant reach cause you would have no time to defuse anymore

posted about 3 years ago

ofc bro. you can chase them for 20+ seconds and make your way back to defuse. Of course bro. It's like saying Sova ain't broken cause you can break the arrow or just dodge. xD

posted about 3 years ago

didn't see. ty

posted about 3 years ago

I kinda feel like he doesn't like the post plant Molly, Shock Dart Meta and he will just leave Valorant.

It's so annoying to have Guns but your enemies don't show up and still win. Pretty trash Game to be serious but i still like it.

posted about 3 years ago

never realized

posted about 3 years ago

Why he didn't pick Jett on Haven?

posted about 3 years ago

something like this happened to L1NK too if im not wrong

posted about 3 years ago

do you think they are paying these people to stream their own tournament? twtitch streamers would pay to be able to stream it on their own channel.

posted about 3 years ago

FBI pls check this match

posted about 3 years ago

TSM Penny inc.

posted about 3 years ago

Better than tenz, wardell or whoever you think is the best Jett.

posted about 3 years ago

They found him already so he can play.

posted about 3 years ago

29 days ago they updated his res. He tried different res last time i watched like i said. when i asked him in chat he said something with 1280x

posted about 3 years ago

he used a res like 1280xsomthing last time i saw him streaming

posted about 3 years ago

They are scared of Penny.

posted about 3 years ago
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