Flag: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Registered: December 9, 2020
Last post: September 10, 2022 at 10:17 AM
Posts: 9629
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I disagree, i think in group A all the teams are on the same level
In group D furia is far behind

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Common nutab1e L

posted about a year ago

Common 100T W I would argue

posted about a year ago

because people from NK cant access this site?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Same. Very rarely I also get some fries

posted about a year ago

Its low tier in siwtzerland. It was fucking inhuman in england, they gave me fries that werent even fully fried, it tasted like.there was water in it.
I dont even wanna know how its in US. Tbf england probably.has the worst food itw so it could be better than that

posted about a year ago

Why is there one?
Kim Jong Un?

posted about a year ago

Ratio by kebab

posted about a year ago

How can people eat this volunteerly? Literally all of it is garbage which u should already realize because all of their food tastes like paper if you eat it 10 minutes later. and the worst part in switzrerland u pay just as much as for real food like a pizza or kebab.
Only eatable thing is the icecream, which is actually insanely good (especially in germany)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

My bad I thought we were on the other thread where it waa about top 10 NA player idk why

posted about a year ago

W liquid (wont be enough to win champs tho since 100T will beat them 3-1 in finals

posted about a year ago

Yay cryo dicey, tell me you are chamber main biased without actually telling me
Marved gets almost as many kills as yay while playing smoke, + he has the most clutch plays when it matters most. He won them soo many important games.

Marved is clear of any other NA pro

posted about a year ago

just the usual, extremly limited, lmao u mean 200 people?

posted about a year ago

How many proteins?

posted about a year ago

I dont have to go to champs to get one, I already have one, tho i would like to have one for my NA acc

posted about a year ago
casters did a shit job again, like always

posted about a year ago

yeah but tenz also has sum to say when it comes to how lon he wants to be signed, I doubt it wouldve been more than 2 years since he doesnt want to be stuck like in C9 again

posted about a year ago

who said tenz has a buyout clause at the beginning of 2023? we dont know for how long they signed tenz

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dicey is so young and he improved so much in the past year, there is no way he cant adapt imo

posted about a year ago

yeah I fully support will, hope 100T can pull of big games in champs, will is capable of playing very well and they DO NOT have to have him dominating, the team wasnt built around a superstar chamber/jett player but it could definetly be the last thing left to make them a superteam, I mean bang, asuna and derrek are clearly superteam material, stellar and will are very good aswell but "only" decent, they do their job but they arent on top of their role

posted about a year ago

Even after winning champs 100T will probably have better options to take for their roster, sure Will is a good player but he isnt a beast on the level of cryo, yay, tenz or dicey
So who would 100T be looking to get?
imo Dicey would be a likely possibility, Dicey Asuna and bang are close friends and it would make a lot of sense for the teamystem. Furthermore dicey is showing great potential for the future as he is still young and he stepped up big time after he was dropped by 100T initially

other than that TenZ would ofc be a logical conclusion aswell, He is engaged with kyedae, 100Ts biggest Val streamer, TenZ being the most famous player would make a lot of sense for 100T to make it happen. I mean 100Ts most ever viewed video was by Tenz and Kyedae, and they could do many more of these videos + kyedae can the finally fully root for 100T
furthermore we know what TenZ is capable off, imo he is not at his full potential yet tho, his team play isnt always on the best level and he is not disciplined enough imo
with the coachin staff of 100T they can very well change that and work on his ingame and outgame work ethic

posted about a year ago

he isnt inconsistent but he clearly isnt on top of the chamber/jett role, he aint as dominant as players like Tenz, yay, dicey or even cryo who can take over games by themselves

imo when franchise starts there will be so many roster shuffles that its really realistic that someone better will e available (not saying will is bad but he is replacable) I could very well see 100T pickup Dicey or Tenz instead of resigning will

posted about a year ago

Simply the most iconic valorant play

posted about a year ago

Chronicle ace vs kru easily the most impactful and one of the best ingame aswell

posted about a year ago

Internationally benkai is fhe face of apac

posted about a year ago

Valorant made me that person :(

posted about a year ago

My big friends name is orgy

posted about a year ago

meh, no need to ban me for a week, especially without giving me a warning first

posted about a year ago

I spammed chat too much because I got mad at cringe people camping, saying stuff like "cringe" or "Imagine holding that angle for 50 seconds u must have fun playing this game, are your eyes about to fall out?"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
Im Ascendant one but never played a game in acendant because I got banned 10 minutes after I ranked up

posted about a year ago

I rage more in unrated because people are tryharding more than in ranked, they be literally camping for a minute in spawn waiting for me to flank (even tho I never flanked before)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

better than getting ferrari peeked

posted about a year ago

SEN 🤝 100T 🖕 TSM

posted about a year ago

Ok that 100T is winning champs tho so whats your point?

posted about a year ago

valorant is just built for the mainstream, and apparently its a mainstream trend to be offended and fragile af

posted about a year ago

L I love SEN
I hate DRX and XSET

posted about a year ago

thats the most nongay voice i've ever heard (whatever thats supposed to mean in the firstplace)

posted about a year ago

League of legends
then val
in val u have a few gigachads, lol is just filled with awkward and emo kids

posted about a year ago

I would rather have teammates that swear but know how to play like in cs instead of these val players with their super fragile mindset giving up after 1 round, back in cs the guy that shittalked and the guy being shittalked did everything to try and be the best of their team and in the end it was like a cool rivarly instead of valorant where people start throwing or crying

posted about a year ago

Berlin 2021

posted about a year ago

No the reason we said that is because the 2 best teams of the best region werent presented/had subs

posted about a year ago

100T better

posted about a year ago
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