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Registered: September 16, 2021
Last post: June 7, 2023 at 9:29 AM
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I wanna be optimistic and say 2-1 SK, but realistically I'd say 2-0 Brazil
Edit: yeah its gonna be a real hammering at this rate, game might be already over unless something crazy happens

posted about a year ago

Their penalties usually go to the top corners then. But when you have 5 players who don’t usually take penalties, you can’t expect that quality from them

posted about a year ago

When it’s taken properly it’s hard to stop them, it’s easier to get more accuracy, also complacency. Those 3 penalties were terrible and it’s almost as if they believed the keeper would go the wrong way

posted about a year ago

Completely agreee on all points. Spains finishing touch has been an issue for a long time now. That being said, they always find a way, they just can’t let this happen again. Other than that, they can be a title contending team

posted about a year ago

Prefer the countries I’m biologically from. Plus the fans and pundits put me off

posted about a year ago

Not an England fan, more of an England hater lmao

posted about a year ago

Spain controlled the match in all 3 games, those who write them out already don’t know football too well. Argentina look shaky, but anything could happen

posted about a year ago

That's the rules of the game, if the ball isn't completely out, it's a goal, the goal is clean

posted about a year ago

Group d and f were fantastic, both groups of death. Morocco, Japan and Spain deserved to qualify, but it was close till the end

posted about a year ago

Nowhere, they're going through😭😭

posted about a year ago

"Can't even beat morocco" what does that even mean, morocco won the group against some of the world's best. Canada played a very good second half too

posted about a year ago

Those misses were more bad luck than pressure, for 3 of them he had no time to react properly. People needed someone to blame and they've finally found someone, he's gonna get a lot of hate for the months to come

posted about a year ago

Such a good player for inter, shame football fans are so ruthless, Belgium did not deserve to qualify anyway

posted about a year ago

Damn but messi owned Mexico though

posted about a year ago

They’ll never be able do enough to shut up people like you. “Biggest achievement is third” what does this even mean, third is a very good position to finish in, at this point they’d have to win 2 tournaments in a row to not be called “overrated”. Also in 2022, the biggest teams respected and saw them as an equal in terms of ability and how much of a challenge they’d be, teams like optic, PRX, Loud. Do THEY overrate them too?

posted about a year ago

It’s a pretty big upset, but not the biggest, I’d say that title goes to Morocco

posted about a year ago

Well deserved, enjoy this moment

posted about a year ago

There's more and more talent coming out of Turkey but it just doesn't come close to some of the other world cup challenging teams.

posted about a year ago

2-1 USA, they'll probably just about make it because of individual skill, but the heart that iran plays with means they stand a good chance too

posted about a year ago

Premier league referees are horrendous, Michael Oliver is also shit, the level of refereeing at times are incredibly poor, especially at this level

posted about a year ago

Not the craziest thing ever, could happen if Uruguay don't fix up, korea need a little more attacking edge to get something from the next 2 games

posted about a year ago

Another reason why FIFA rankings don’t mean shit, they’ve never looked like a world number 1/2 team. They were lucky against Canada and the same against Morocco. Massive well done to Morocco though, they’ve looked brilliant this World Cup

posted about a year ago

It's not actually a bad idea, this. There's an increasing number of big names and news outlets suggesting this idea, bc time wasting is becoming more and more of an issue. I'd prefer if they just added more additional time at the end, but this is something that could be implemented in the future

posted about a year ago

Cry. It's a forum talking about the biggest sport in the world, no reason to get so mad over that

posted about a year ago

USA deserve credit for their very good performance, but England aren't a world cup worthy winning team, English people and pundits just be delusional

posted about a year ago

That is one hell of a game, both teams have shown gritty determination

posted about a year ago

Except the US defence has been solid, and the English defence has done a good job at nullifying US attacks, some of you guys just try to look for criticism

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I hope so, but I find it unlikely. But if Reyna, Pulisic and Weah all start, you never know. USA have the potential to upset, so nobody should write them off

posted about a year ago

I would’ve favoured the US but after todays performance from Iran it promises to be a really good game. It all hinges on him Berhalter plays his cards

posted about a year ago

I'll bet anything the players and fans have forgotten about that already. 2-0 is no more than they deserved, they looked exhausted at the end, they gave it their all

posted about a year ago

What a performance for Iran. Taremi looked dead at the end of that, they gave it their all and got what they deserved

posted about a year ago

We'll see if we'll live to regret letting him go, I want to believe our forwards are finally scoring goals consistently, but costa rica isn't exactly the best team to teat that against. I hope we don't end up missing him against Germany and Japan

posted about a year ago

Iñaki Williams is gonna be kicking himself after that slip. But Ghana played well, especially considering nobody thought they’d come close

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

We need to see more bookings for diving, and while we're at it, for disrespecting the referee too, players are getting too comfortable with these shitty antics

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Average ronaldo fan

posted about a year ago

No consistency at all, it's at the mercy of the VAR team on the day

posted about a year ago

VAR in a nutshell

posted about a year ago

Some bullshit, have to feel sorry for ghana because that is a pathetic penalty to give, but VAR was never gonna overturn that, not "clear and obvious"

posted about a year ago

After that second half, would you say you’ve changed your mind? For me the Korean full backs Kim Jin Su and Kim Moon Hwan had incredible games, they made nuñez and pellistri look really tame. Honestly really think Kim Jin Su in particular was outstanding

posted about a year ago

Son is wearing that mask to protect his face, he had surgery a week or 2 ago, so the masks helps prevent making the injury worse. Not really sure what to say about the kit comment, North Korea never really crossed my mind

posted about a year ago

The better team for the first 45, but still need a bit more quality going forward. Hope we can see kang in lee and jeong woo yeong in the second half

posted about a year ago

I’m not against the idea, but the inconsistency just makes the whole thing a shit show, you never know when somethings gonna be given or disallowed. Take that challenge by witsel just now, how on earth is that not a penalty?

posted about a year ago

Half Spanish but I feel terrible for Costa Rica, it’s never easy to lose like this, imagine at a World Cup too. Good performance though, they played their game perfectly

posted about a year ago

Can’t underrate Ecuador, their results against SA’s strongest have been impressive. Qatar, on the other hand, have never looked like a very good team. Lowkey think Ecuador is gonna win without too many problems

posted about a year ago

Rivalry as old as the Chinese Valorant scene but TOE hasn’t taken a map off EDG in over a year, lowkey hope that changes

posted about a year ago

Perhaps at its core there’s some similarities but the guns, movements and fighting is unique. Also Asia usually invests heavily into gaming and training facilities for games orgs invest in, so they produce talent at a higher rate than the west

posted about a year ago

Nah, Asia has always been insane in PUBG, take aside the best teams from each region, Chinese teams destroy any other team. Koreas fall from grace has been remarkable, and Japan has improved but isn’t quite at the level of EU and NA. Vietnam are also rising quickly

Edit: Some of you lot slandering PUBG and other games but have a lot to say when CS players do it to Val, mocking games bc you dont like it is crazy

posted about a year ago
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