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Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 12:07 AM
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I think V1 and LG qualify in uppers and Sen and Knights get through lowers (although I'm not sure if they run into each other before that). V1 should still be good enough even with wippie gone to easily qualify and I think LG performed very well in the last VCT playoffs and they beat Sen out for the spot as they have more time to gel with bdog. Sen make it out of lowers and Knights have been looking good lately. My dark horse would be Ghost Gaming making it out of the lowers since they have also looked good recently on their new comp.

posted about 2 years ago

"all the world" lmfao ethnocentrism is just an ignorant outlook on life please educate yourself

posted about 2 years ago

They are really good at Breeze, people just ban it against them.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah.. I think losing those close maps against Optic (11-13, 13-15) broke their mental and it showed against Zeta. Even if they had to face Optic again in the Grand Final, I think DRX would've had the advantage since they could ban Optic's best maps (Fracture and Bind), and play Breeze and Haven (their best maps). Unfortunate that DRX had to play Optic so early but what can ya do.

posted about 2 years ago

They went to 3rd map OT against optic, the champions of the event. How is that overhype...

posted about 2 years ago

Why are DRX catching strays damn

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah I know it was just frustrating to watch them run into their deaths since I was hoping for Zeta rip

posted about 2 years ago

Literally every round Marved or someone else plays in smokes and gets 1 kill at least every round. You would think eventually Zeta would just not enter smokes or spam it thoroughly after losing a player to it so often. Feels bad for Zeta

posted about 2 years ago

Exactly, Zeta and Optic both lost to DRX in roughly the same manner so I think that if Zeta anti-stratted they could pull it out. And I don't see Optic being able to do the same with Breeze because they haven't had a single good result on it but idk if Zeta are good on Breeze either so who knows.

posted about 2 years ago

I think they have a very real chance on paper. Their map pool works nicely with Optic imo with Fracture and Split being available and I think they could steal a map on Icebox or Ascent (which I think they should leave in the map pool and anti-strat Optic hard).

posted about 2 years ago

I think Zeta should pick their perma-ban Ascent, and anti-strat super hard against Optic since they probably won't expect Zeta to pick it. Then, Zeta would be allowed to ban Bind, where Optic have looked insane recently. Also, I think the operator is more effective on Bind than Ascent (because of Mid) and yay is basically automatic on that map as well as victor being strong on raze. I think this surprise ban would be a huge potential map steal for Zeta if they put the work in, and imo would be their third map win with Fracture and Split.

posted about 2 years ago

LG should be around 6 or 7 in my opinion. They are coming back with a more experienced and practiced roster and looked good and challengers 1, especially since bdog was new at the time. Get 100 Thieves out from above them lmfao.

posted about 2 years ago

yay plays clash royale ig

posted about 2 years ago

From what I've seen of wardell on TSM, his lack of flexibility really hurts the attack side of whatever team he's on. His oping is tier 1 but his vandal/phantom isn't. So if you are relying on an op on attack, who is going to entry and create space on site? I think Will provides the oping they needed and is better as an entry on attack but who knows ig.

posted about 2 years ago

I wasn't expecting them to immediately be the best considering they just signed new players recently but good for them

posted about 2 years ago

Cloud 9 Academy. Placed 2nd at Nerd Street Lan Tournament where they beat Complexity, beat XSET on Breeze, and went to overtime on Haven against XSET. While I'm sure XSET weren't pulling out their entire strat book, this was still an impressive result from C9 Academy to compete with a Top 5 team in NA. Plus, these were the first matches that the C9 academy team played together with 3 new players arriving.

Top 3 Academy Teams:

  1. Cloud 9 Academy
  2. TSM Academy
  3. BBG Academy
posted about 2 years ago

Pansy owns you

posted about 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure he pressed a button to use an ability and it kicked him out of the game to the desktop screen (home screen).

posted about 2 years ago

What an L take. Zeta played really well against G2 today and really only lost because they lost almost every clutch moment. G2 didn't play their best but hoody was out of his mind along with Mxwell's oping. Stop disrespecting the Japanese region they are doing better than teams from EMEA, BR, LATAM, and SEA already.

posted about 2 years ago

Who asks for anyones opinion on this fucking site everyone just jumps in anyways its an open forum dumbass

posted about 2 years ago

Did Xerxia ever call a tactical timeout? I have no idea why you wouldn't take one to try something new. Try to retake C since you can't stop them from taking it? They are not getting anything out of their omen or breach flashes. Somehow their operator is always out of position. Honestly their util play was very poor and showed a lack of preparation imo. Sad to see it

posted about 2 years ago

I think the majority of credit to this map win for Optic should absolutely go to FNS. Almost every round on attack, Optic were hitting the weaker site and easily taking out the two or one Xerxia players there before planting. Also, Victor finally showed up to a LAN match and played to his full potential. His Neon seems better than any other agent he plays besides maybe his Raze on Bind. Everyone that says Optic is yay and friends is shut up after this map tbh. On a more macro level, I have no idea why Xerxia picked Fracture over Icebox (severe misplay imo). Optic seemed more prepared for this than them which is kinda embarrassing for them. Hope Xerxia can pull it back for a map 3 but I just wanted to highlight FNS's igling (in addition to his fragging out)

posted about 2 years ago

It's not that they don't want viewership, they already have a set schedule for 2 match days and 3 match days and they won't deviate from that to cater to a particular match. It's catered to NA/EMEA because the tournaments are in EMEA. I think you would be better served pushing for an international Lan tournament in a different part of the world so that local region could be the host and have an easier time watching :)

posted about 2 years ago

Give Xerxia the respect they deserve. They are a good team that have proven themselves on LAN, even after losing pati, and honestly might have some of the best aim in the tourney. You saying any NA team would beat them is just disrespectful, NA isn't levels above the best teams in SEA.

posted about 2 years ago

Kids downvote him because his baits are stupid and never funny. Maybe one day you can understand that, I'll give you a chance.

posted about 2 years ago

Why are Loud favorites to win? I'm not saying they can't go far but to call them favorites when they have yet to prove themselves against other regions is a bit too far imo.

posted about 2 years ago

Also he got killed 3 times by having his knife out and jumping around on site... I was hoping for KRU but I feel like they threw 5 rounds on Ascent alone

posted about 2 years ago

You guys complain about anything...Everyone has patterns and habits in their speech. I'm sorry he can't find a new synonym for you every time he gets excited.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah ig we can do that. I think the best consequence is the destruction of his reputation and hopefully people stop watching him. I don't think we need to ban him from valorant forever or get tarik involved when it doesn't really concern him but idk. I think you also need to not spread a message that cheating is on the same level of sexual assault and discrimination :/

posted about 2 years ago

lmfao it's a bit different. Although cheating is bad and should be punished, putting it on the same level of sexual assault and discrimination lessens the impact of the more serious offenses. Then again idk why I'm responding I'm 99% sure ur just a baiter

posted about 2 years ago

he said that JasonR's brain was just two bricks rubbing together or smth

posted about 2 years ago

I don't disagree that their fracture is bad. I just don't think there is a huge gap between them and top teams, especially since I think that cloud 9 is the best team in NA and it was relatively close. Gl against V1 :)

posted about 2 years ago

Every match has rounds that could go either way. L argument

posted about 2 years ago

You act like other good teams don't have weak maps. XSET lost by 3 rounds to Cloud 9 (one of the best teams in NA) two weeks ago. XSET isn't the best team in NA but there isn't "quite a big gap between them and the best teams." Stop being reactionary.

posted about 2 years ago

I honestly read your comments and was so grateful that at least a singular person on this site is reasonable, and then I saw that your comments were downvoted and I was just like.... -.- This comment thread is so depressing because I forget that people have these outdated and uneducated opinions ugh. Anyways I liked your points and hope u have a good day :)

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like I need to respond to all of your incorrect points in a list because otherwise I might forget one and you might think you were correct in any sort of way.

1) You make a blanket statement about "physical tasks" and include gaming which is stupid considering it only includes reaction time and slight hand movement. THEN you go on to say that you don't even have facts to back this up. So...I feel like you proved why your own statement is so idiotic. It is not based on any evidence besides your own biased worldview.

2) Alice is calling the goldy a homophobe and misogynist because he literally just expressed those views. alice just labeled the behavior that goldy was showing. goldy said that "I respect you and all women, but you will never be better than a man". That is so obviously misogynistic. goldy also said that being gay is a disorder. That is homophobic. This is literally so simple and self-explanatory that I am struggling to understand how you didn't get this besides the obvious fact that you are also sexist and homophobic.

3) You end on calling alice surprisingly stupid for vlr. This made me laugh a lot honestly since I was just thinking the same thing about you. Your post is based in your personal bias and not facts, you express sexist opinions, and then you go on to call another user too stupid for vlr. I hope you look up a SINGLE study between genders and on sexuality.

posted about 2 years ago

Humans have not determined what causes some people to be homosexual so your claim is already bogus. It appears after hormones hit because that is when humans begin to feel sexual attraction...heterosexuality appears at the same time. Furthermore, queerness is not a disorder. A disorder is a state of functioning that disrupts other parts of your life on a daily basis. Being gay is not debilitating. Also, your statement of " I respect you and all women, but you will never be better than a man" is so utterly stupid and wrong. Better at what? Valorant? There are plenty of immortal 3 and radiant women that are better than 99% of the men that also play the game. Unless Switzerland has a garbage education system (which I HIGHLY doubt), you didn't learn any of this at university. You got some buzz words from a reddit thread and think you know something about a topic you are totally ignorant of. So sad that your ignorance is getting upvotes.

posted about 2 years ago
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