Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: April 15, 2022
Last post: May 22, 2024 at 11:57 AM
Posts: 170
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todo mundo ta comentando "autocritica?" to rachando com isso

posted about a year ago

i'll even use sen flair if i see jonn there

posted about a year ago

you are complaining that NA t2 gonna be dead, just think about LATAM and BR scene, all good teams gonna be in USA cause of the league t2 NA scene will practice with everyone in the Americas league while t2 LATAM and BR scene will have nobody to scrim with

posted about a year ago

Isn't Loud fault that all europeans teams fell off to lower bracket and then got eliminated before the finals

posted about a year ago

Why not saadhak instead FNS? saadhak can frag alot and its a good igl

posted about a year ago

i am glad that he dont play

posted about a year ago

Dude when you'r baiting you have at least pretend that what you say make sense, this bait is a very low quality bait i r8 0/8

posted about a year ago

the winner do one 1x1 against Boaster

posted about a year ago

make a list of the players

posted about a year ago

the PakiJudge is just trying to bait brazilians, like a kid that dont have nothing to do

posted about a year ago

Please make a list of all players that avoided Lan due threats, and dont say that keznit avoided cause he played the LATAM LCQ

posted about a year ago

i am pretty sure that some states in USA have a higher homicide rates than brazilian states

posted about a year ago

Well without him fnatic would not even be at playoffs he played a major role against furia

posted about a year ago

so do you think that they will do what the team that your cheer cant do ?

posted about a year ago

Best ascent for sure but best breeze i dont think so they need to win against some NA teams on that map yet

posted about a year ago

aged like milk

posted about a year ago

actually it would be Loud vs optic part 5

posted about a year ago

Boaster have more problems than that if you look the fnatic x furia game his moviments was awful and painful to see, sometimes he looks like and plat player just runing and shooting hoping to kill somebody

posted about a year ago

and 8 was only KRU, BR its really cursed against that team

posted about a year ago

Actually only Kru have easy games against brazil the other Latam teams suffer alot when they face brazilians teams

posted about a year ago

Finally someone that isn't blind

posted about a year ago

Dude NTH only won 1 game in the group and some br teams won 1 game in the group stage too, i still dont understand why you praise NTH so much their only achievement was counter strat Zeta, Japan isn't a mid tier region just because NTH won against Zeta, besides Zeta they did nothing on international stage to be called mid tier.
And btw you said that we cant compare results that arent in the same tournament and said that drx got better for Champions, so furia faced a better drx and did a better job than NTH, you cant say that NTH performance makes jp mid tier, besides the Zeta run jp got eliminated in groups every tournament just like BR

posted about a year ago

NTH got stomped by DRX and FPX they won against a weak Xerxia, in that masters Loud had matches against Optic and kru, actually if you compare NTH and Furia matches against DRX you gonna see that furia was way better than NTH against DRX, NTH got 13x1 and 13x8 and got stomped by FPX after beat Xerxia

posted about a year ago

Furia gave a good game a against Fnatic i dont saw NTH giving a good fight against anyone besides jp teams, i am sure that brazilian second seed its better than jp

posted about a year ago

Well Loud is 16/1 at this map

posted about a year ago

For sure Riot will do something to not let this happen but the strangest part to me is you thinking that NA have enough good players to make 7 or 10 teams better than the best players of LATAM this is fking delusional

posted about a year ago

Almost happened

posted about a year ago

Best promise ever

posted about a year ago

i think that its impossible to NA take 8 spots if its like this why not create a region that is only BR and Latam ?

posted about a year ago

well he kinda carried the first map

posted about a year ago

Italians don't even play valorant you will not find a single italian here

posted about a year ago

Where are the guys that said that boaster can frag

posted about a year ago

FNS or Boaster who is worst

posted about a year ago

Loud never controled mid while they were playing as attackers too that made zeta won some rounds stacking on A or B

posted about a year ago

Well Loud never lost to an EMEA team

posted about a year ago

Actualy Kru won like 6 or more times against leviathan and lost only once to them so still Kru >>> Leviathan

posted about a year ago

eldery people breaking pelvic bone its a thing that cause a high risk of death you shouldn't joke about it

posted about a year ago

EDG, Loud, Lev and Prx

posted about a year ago

I dont know why alot of people are placing lev higher than Kru, the only results that Lev had this year is beating Kru only once and a win against xset, Lev literally got destroyed by NIP 2 or 3 months ago

posted about a year ago

So you really need to do a diet and go to gym

posted about a year ago

Only LOUD and KRU are clearly ahead of LATAM and BR regions, LEV is at or almost same level that any other Brazilian team dude

posted about a year ago

nice post

posted about a year ago

You forgot Leviatan

posted about a year ago

wise words

posted about a year ago

even neymar >> whole of england

posted about a year ago

Bro XIA played a Bo3 rested 30 minutes and had to play a Bo5 of course they would be trashed dude

posted about a year ago

Is it the same that played csgo?

posted about 2 years ago

Well at least Brazil have nip too lets hope to nip get better cause seems that vk will not

posted about 2 years ago

the retard here its you my friend i never made fun of EMEA, you are just overreacting a simple comment in the internet

posted about 2 years ago

Nip lost to zeta and zeta its top 4 so nip its a top team ?

posted about 2 years ago
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