Flag: Cuba
Registered: January 21, 2022
Last post: June 12, 2024 at 11:50 AM
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In hindsight, it's actually incredible that 100T took a series against XSET in groups (potentially the best team NA), and took a series against FaZe (3rd best NA), considering how new the team was and how much people doubted the whole team. cant wait to see them pop off in LCQ

posted about a year ago

1603 posts and 0 stars 💀💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

I think FPX without ANGE1 is gonna get trashed in masters by teams who have their full strength. assuming ANGE1 cant make it due to him not being able to leave ukraine

posted about a year ago

i dread the day Jinggg gets dropped/goes on leave from valorant because he has to go to NS

posted about a year ago

true, grand finals should have been scheduled tomorrow instead. but i think prx would have won either way

posted about a year ago

nah PRX gonna make top 4 over LOUD, PRX weakness is methodical gameplay, which LOUD is not

posted about a year ago

whole of PRX is on one today, gg 3-0

posted about a year ago

im sorry but the guy and the girl on the far right on the analyst sounds like they're half asleep

posted about a year ago

WOOOO finally PRX has a chance

posted about a year ago

Jinggg with 0 assists on Sage, but top frag KEKW

posted about a year ago

i dont think he's shading 100t, just stating the facts?

posted about a year ago

but for some reason pathipan was more fun to watch LMAO, pathipan plays kinda like a more crazy f0rsaken

posted about a year ago

dont worry dephhh will pull the team together with his 50 years of lan experience

posted about a year ago

script repeating again smh, rito getting lazy

posted about a year ago

why is it sadge to support prx?

posted about a year ago

to be fair PRX qualifying is like having 3 diff APAC countries qualify. they represent indonesians, singaporeans and malaysians <3

posted about a year ago

as usual, when it really matters, the indonesian teams start throwing

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

🥱PRX owns NA & EU🥱

posted about a year ago

after watching APAC, EMEA, and NA VCT,

EMEA > NA > APAC when it comes to casters.

posted about a year ago

end of an era, the titans of 2021, sentinels, gambit and acend, have not made it to any masters event in 2022.

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

cned was reliant on jett, alfajer is just a demon who can play basically anything

posted about a year ago

if dubstep/jeremy is on it, then TS win. If f0rsaken and Jinggg are awake, then PRX win.

posted about a year ago

Why are they still having seemingly simple tech problems such as getting player cams wrong? it's been years

posted about a year ago

kappa is tier 100

posted about a year ago

give him and the whole team more time, im sure they'll kill it in lcq

posted about a year ago

nah i hope prx and xerxia make it to masters, cause they have experience and so higher chance of doing well on lan against international competition

posted about a year ago

people need to stop saying "washed" when an upset happens, give props to TS for playing well too

posted about a year ago

dont worry when franchising comes, these boomers paycheck stealers will get dropped real quick

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

well 3/4 of the remaining igls have had years more experience in CS, surely that would help too

posted about a year ago

will probably be rooting for NRG since they seem like the biggest underdog in the playoffs rn

posted about a year ago

well to be fair they were playing very bad in groups, so people were judging them based off their performance. good on them to bring it back when it matters tho

posted about a year ago

??? most 100T fans were bummed to lose him

posted about a year ago

PRX will take them down in Copenhagen, trust

posted about a year ago

PRX and XERXIA look unstoppable, but maybe ONIC might steal one of their spots to Copenhagen. Team Secret is also a possibility but they've let everyone down many times already.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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