Flag: United States
Registered: July 12, 2022
Last post: February 26, 2024 at 11:49 PM
Posts: 120
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damn OCE is really struggling :( BOBO disband now this

best of luck to wronski solving family stuff

posted about a year ago

After last master I was really excited to see what Lev could bring to the table in champs, super impressed by their form and happy to see a latam team succeed again on an international stage - maybe onur can beat his pb of 3rd place :0
Also excited to see loud play tomorrow, and to see what kru and furia can bring to the table :)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

whoever wins it's stupidly impressive, I like the storyline behind FPX winning a little more (with the M1 situation where they couldn't attend and them being able to beat fnc after losing to them 4 times this stage) but im excited for a good grand final :)

posted about a year ago

Everyone was worried that Alfajer wouldn't perform well first time on LAN, so it's really cool to see him do well even while losing to prx
Excited to see what he and the team can do in lowers/Champs! And excited to see PRX get a chance to take a title home for APAC they are super cool to watch :)

posted about a year ago

Loud for me, hope they can find success at champions
Xerxia I didn't have super high hopes for given their performance at APAC, and I don't think any teams were really disappointing to me yet, but I think Xset still have potential to disappoint if they don't beat Lev (even though lev is good)

posted about a year ago

The group of death is 100% living up to the hype

posted about a year ago
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