Flag: Qatar
Registered: July 8, 2021
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 3:14 AM
Posts: 5614
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Day 252 & 253 is complete

254 to come tonight

posted about a year ago

If they are boaster level I do not want them on controller

posted about a year ago

I mean this is a legitimate concern.

During this it's kinda redefined my view of going to the gym
It doesn't always have to be some big workout a lot of times its just taking care of my body as well.
Id say about 10% of these days are just nature walks and the steam room kinda as I feel necessary as a form a therapeutic release or some muscle relaxation.

I have a bad background with High school wrestling where I would workout like a dog for months and eat damn near nothing just to cut from 180lbs to 140 (138 was the weight class) just to make weight
I wanted to make sure that I wasnt developing some sort of eating disorder or a dependency on needing some hard workout in order to lose weight

posted about a year ago

Day 251 is complete

posted about a year ago

Day 250 is complete

Today was a 26 mile bike ride

posted about a year ago

Ive gotten rid of most if not all of my belly and im at 185 from like 225.
My shoulders and biceps are looking nice and i think my back is coming along nicely too
Not as toned as id like to be but thats what i get for not taking my diet so seriously. That or I had a way higher bmi than i thought to begin with

posted about a year ago

I forgot to post, but i sure as hell didnt forget to go to the gym

Day 248 is complete

Day 249 is complete

And ill be going for a bike ride soon so 250 is today

posted about a year ago

I mean even if hes arrested he still has a right to healthcare and the right to refuse healthcare. I figured he was just in jail and got out and is now active again

There was a friend of mine whos sister had the same issue
when she talked to healthcare facilities and police she would pretend to be normal , but when they were gone they preached being a deity and that their family should worship them

posted about a year ago

In order to prevent stuff like this youd need constant monitoring and our financial system just isnt set up for people to get the support they need for this kind of preventative care

posted about a year ago

So I actually work in the ER in the US, and there are limitations on what you can and cannot do when someone who is refusing treatment. (which I almost guarantee he is)
There's a very specific criteria someone has to check off in order to get the help that they need if they are refusing care.
If he's acting just sane enough, he can refuse healthcare and there's nothing that police or healthcare professionals can do for him.

It's unfortunate, but that's where our healthcare system is at currently.

On top of this, mental health is such a tricky thing to evaluate because while someone may be showing signs of getting better, people in these types of states can pretend to get better in order to get out of whatever treatment facility they may be in.
There's only so much you can do to intervene because you also have to make sure you're not taking anyone's rights away.

Edited for punctuation purposes

posted about a year ago

Day 247 is complete

posted about a year ago

Dont forget the arrested sub is now back and shitting on them on twitter in a manic rant

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

So before you even begin dieting i suggest you take a week of eating normally and track what you eat in a week.
Make sure you really measure your portions so you get an accurate idea of the calories you are intaking.
Usually that is eye opening enough for a lot of people if you base it off of an average 2500 calorie diet.

There's a lot of diet routes you can go , but what I've been doing lately as a diet and food tracking strategy is I've been tracking my liquid intake as well as my food intake with an intermittent fasting diet app. Theres several you can use but I currently use "Simple." The official app is on Simple.life This just allowed me to cut down on the meals I was eating per day and so far it's gotten me down 30 lbs and thats not including the fat I've probably replaced with muscle. There are many different dieting routes out there, but the two main take-aways are calorie deficit no matter what strategy you use, and make sure whatever diet you do you are doing it safely.

The thing you do have to remember no matter what diet route you take is that it is a slow process, and the only way you're gonna do it is if you stay consistent. Working out will only get you so far, but the diet is 80% of the weight loss.

posted about a year ago

It was g2's pick...
Plus g2 even beat them on icebox during quals
Its one thing if we were going purely off memory but you had the information available and still said some dumbass shit


posted about a year ago

They were the first team to get 13-0ed at a LAN
Theyd have several fluke runs, but then theyd shit the bed
especially when they beat Sentinels and were seeded 1 in their group it shouldve at least been competitive

posted about a year ago

Could be that they just dont mesh as a team
There might not be an individual issue but rather a synergy issue
While Im not necessarily a dephh fan we also have to recognize that IGLing is very luck based as well as knowledge.

posted about a year ago

Did you even watch the core of Heretics when they were G2?
They were just as shit

posted about a year ago

Heretics is another fluke team idk why people thought that was a big deal
Also i stopped a heretics

posted about a year ago

Day 246 is complete

posted about a year ago

Bing chilling johnson

posted about a year ago


Also DFM wins

posted about a year ago

Formatting looks goofy

posted about a year ago

Day 245 is complete

Bike ride a couple hours ago and ill still be doing the gym again tonight

posted about a year ago

I feel if you get a new IGL such as Rhyme and pair them with an experienced coach like sliggy itd be a good way to shape them into a good igl

posted about a year ago

Day 244 is complete

posted about a year ago

Have a link to the thread?

posted about a year ago

I cant believe i missed this important vlr history

posted about a year ago

Day 243 is complete

posted about a year ago

Ban shownu

posted about a year ago

Wym it was a 3v1 and shouldnt have even gotten to that point

posted about a year ago

He turned up in OT though

posted about a year ago

Tell AI i ain’t reading allat

posted about a year ago

Lets goooo

posted about a year ago

Day 242 is complete

posted about a year ago

Day 241 is complete

posted about a year ago

You have almost 12,000 posts 💀
That's a MINIMUM of 17 posts every single day since you started
There's no way youre not bed bound lmao

posted about a year ago

This was the best and most consistent Japanese team
Plus at the time Japan was better than LATAM
There's context to stats yknow

posted about a year ago

Im sorry but what does this prove?

posted about a year ago

Wym "Missed this Kru"
They've always done bad against mediocre teams, but somehow they beat really good teams.
They never left

posted about a year ago

ascent isnt surprising though.
Going into last year they had a damn near 100% winrate on the map

posted about a year ago

Push Ups 3x20
Super Set
Dumbbell Bench Press 4x8-12
Dumbbell Fly 4x8-12
Incline Fly 5x8-12
Cable Chest Flys 3x20
Tricep Pushdown 4x12-15
Dumbbell Skulls 4x8-12

This is copy and pasted from my workout sheet

posted about a year ago

Day 240 is complete

posted about a year ago

Day 239 is complete

posted about a year ago

I feel like stellar gares combo was what was so good about when gares was on the team but now i feel he lacks guidance in his igling

posted about a year ago

If Im being honest the only team that looks solid is LOUD
Everyone is fighting for second place while KRU gets the solid last place

posted about a year ago

I mean SEN fans would have to bank on having more rounds than at least one other team to qual if NRG beat 100t

posted about a year ago

coinflip to to SEN imo
Leviatan beat C9
and I put Kru winning their only match to C9

posted about a year ago

I think he means the map Haven he must just be confused

posted about a year ago
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