Flag: Belgium
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:21 PM
Posts: 341
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Which is a shame because they literally created the org Acend to differentiate from RaiseYourEdge (the org that has gambling sponsors)
I hope this isn't true and Acend can still make franchising but I highly doubt it for that stupid reason

posted about a year ago

Preds nobody asked for:
EMEA: M3C or Guild
SA: Kru/NiP
APAC: Bleed or Secret
East-Asia: DWK or NTH
NA: honestly no clue this could literally be anyone, guard could make a comeback, faze is out for vengeance and 100T will be more prepped than ever.

posted about a year ago

It should just be for the winner of Masters Copenhagen, that's the most fair imo.
Maybe SA will surprise us by having 4 decent teams, but thus far it has always just been 3.
We'll see

posted about a year ago

it did lol

posted about a year ago

Lakia finally back, let's hope he gets to play more than 1 game

posted about a year ago

Title aged well

posted about a year ago

So happy FPX only needs one sub, let's hope they make it to playoffs and let's pray suygetsu is able to compete by then... That would be insane!

posted about a year ago

Yeah that OG thing still stings, could've been amazing but oh well

posted about a year ago

that's usually one of the big factors in franchising, yes.
just have viewership (= more sponsor money for Riot)

posted about a year ago

It posted 10 sec ago and already 6 comments "W" lmao

posted about a year ago

interesting I thought it was mostly bc of the coach bug thing but that makes sense

posted about a year ago

Acend did some weird sht today, took the L by benching zeek, but big W by signing ThinkingMansValo as a content creator.

I'm curious to see what the new player will bring to Acend...

posted about a year ago

Zeek said on Twitter that mental was not the issue and that he is in a really good spot mentally right now. He'll write a twitlonger about it later (according to his tweet)

posted about a year ago

Welp guess that's it for Turkish VCT, hope you guys bounce back next year...

posted about a year ago

And this is why coaches in valorant are never allowed to talk mid-round (if I recall correctly it's only in a tac timeout right? Not sure on that one).
If stuff like this happens without reporting it, it's not as bad considering an admin is in the call so that information cannot be given during the round while the coach has that information.

However, it's still really bad because any non-VCT/VRL competition does not have the resources to have an admin in the call, so thanks for calling it out in this article!

posted about a year ago

fair enough

posted about a year ago

Optic strat:

  • use all strats to destroy all teams to qualify
  • not having anything left for grand final
  • lose grand final
  • ???
  • profit
posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

who are you going to keep as your flair now? 🤔

posted about a year ago

so cool to see shopify rebellion outside of GC. W for EVERYONE involved, happy the boys have a new home now

posted about a year ago

No that wasn't it buddy I'm sorry

posted about a year ago

It's a copypasta

posted about 2 years ago

L1NK actually didn't want to play anymore as it was pure chaos in the team without an IGL and people playing off-role and stuff.
So it wasn't just that l1nk was benched, he benched himself in agreement with the org

posted about 2 years ago

I am not fully informed on this, so please correct me if I'm wrong and let's have an interesting discussion about this.

The reasons I see for this move:

  • VCT is over for the rest of the year (nice one Riot)
  • Next year franchising will fuck over most teams

If that's the case, this is actually a W for orgs and players from other teams, as it signals to Riot this is a dogshit system.
If they want to keep tier 1 orgs interested in their game, they have to make it worth their time and money to stay in Valorant.

Ofc very sad for the players, hope they find a home soon but I doubt it'll be even close to what LG payed them sadly...

posted about 2 years ago

I said the literal same thing when I read the title LMAO
First C9 getting rid of a player and coach, after that faze benching a player after their best performance since LCQ

posted about 2 years ago

I'm going with a friend who I've been hyped for majors since 2015 as teenagers.
Finally being able to go to one (in my own country even!) is a dream of both of us.
Thanks for the wishes it'll be insane! :D

posted about 2 years ago

Belgium Pog 😎
(Yes I'm going to see the Major)

posted about 2 years ago

I've seen ppl talk about Siberia? dunno how that works but apparently it should be fine 🤷‍♀️

posted about 2 years ago

probs covid + CIS player visas

posted about 2 years ago

also they don't want the fans to kill their players so they don't host it in brazil 🙃

posted about 2 years ago

facts I'm sure some pros will do anything to not go to Brazil, for their own life's sake.
that's not to shit on the region, it's a legit concern

posted about 2 years ago

you haven't read the article have you

posted about 2 years ago

name checks out
country flag checks out
flair checks out
W post

posted about 2 years ago

unknown_trash knows when he sees trash, and he ain't seeing any except you crate

posted about 2 years ago

Niceeeeee, musashi finally in a T1 org let's goooooo

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

way more balanced compared to emea imo (not that it's an issue or smth, just pointing it out)

posted about 2 years ago

juseu's national flag is the imposter

posted about 2 years ago

well you got your answer now

posted about 2 years ago

read the article, Braveaf's is mainly based on the uncertainty of him being able to travel for bootcamps/LANs and Fnatic having difficulties paying him. Both caused by the war.
As for Magnum, idk man maybe they had a different vision for the team (which is clear because they benched 2 players and roleswapped 2 in which Mistic has never roleswapped for Fnatic before).
We don't know any insider information, but it clearly wasn't out of bad blood, I'm sure Magnum will find his place and that Fnatic had good reasons for benching him

posted about 2 years ago

Ethan :(
Hope he finds a nice home to compete at, he's cracked

posted about 2 years ago

Tenz is indeed not flexible enough, and that's a problem on sentinels (one of many) but Saya player IS flexible, same with yay.
Tenz is a meat head who can only play Reyna and Jett in a comp environment, meanwhile Saya f.a. can switch to raze or another duelist and will be doing amazingly on it.

posted about 2 years ago

you see japanese teams often with korean players so I don't think there's a language barrier, also it just makes sense, JP will get better as a region as they have to fight against a better region
JP is consistently performing poorly internationally so I think this makes sense

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA getting extra nerfed this event,
Top seed can't make it and one team has a sub.
Not to downplay Fearoth though, he's probably going to do amazingly, but it's never nice/ideal to have to play with a sub (baddyG exception to the rule lmao man's cracked)

posted about 2 years ago

To be specific: travel restriction for Shao/Suygetsu (Russia) and Ange1 (Ukraine) + Ardiis has covid.
That's 4/6 players that can't go.
Super unfortunate

posted about 2 years ago

As someone who literally bought tickets to the grand final of the PGL Antwerp Major, I agree that Valorant is more fun to watch

posted about 2 years ago

to be fair Riot thought they were weak (only 1 slot for masters/champions)
and thought brazil was strong (2 slots masters/champions)
but they saw how good latam was compared to brazil so they used one of the brazil spots for the BR/LATAM playoffs instead of just giving it to brazil

posted about 2 years ago

well if you say copium after a sentence like that it implies you're mocking people who are saying that sentence...
Such as "winnable COPIUM" when it's 1-12 or something along those lines

posted about 2 years ago
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