Flag: South Korea
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: October 30, 2022 at 9:27 PM
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The plot thickens

posted about a year ago

That team would make me wet but imo joxjo over medusa

Honestly 0 clue what geng are doing, meteor isnt scrimming on his apac account so theres a strong chance theyre trialing korean players on korea server

Also bazzi better than astell too

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro those redditors get info from us lol

posted about a year ago

@thai fans wya

posted about a year ago

@Jiangli come leak the sea teams

posted about a year ago

Nah, the SEA teams are in shambles because of the the franchise org choices, and theres a chance geng becomes a disaster

Well see once more development comes out


posted about a year ago

They dropping maps to JDT though

I think they will be a pretty good midtable team

posted about a year ago

Theyre not exports lol

Im pretty sure seoldam rather player for DTN then GenG or T1

posted about a year ago

Yeah they should keep derialy over reita and takej tbh

Or even add cr players like rion

posted about a year ago

Actual W lineup

I even called it saying DTN should pickup seoldam and add NTH

tbh the reject players Im not entirely sure about and u can see it by the score, hopefully they find better players

posted about a year ago




posted about a year ago

Thanks, take these feet pics


posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

Could be bazzi or seoldam or something or gangpin, but the japanese symbols make me believe its seoldam


posted about a year ago

Or GenG global recruitment is just bullshit and they trialing only koreans from korea server 😂 *knock on wood

But WOW, I wonder who that jett is, could it be seoldam???

posted about a year ago

Wow thats fucking crazy

Dtn really merging NTH and reject

That jett could be seoldam

posted about a year ago

Ok wait lemme change PW and dm u my account details

posted about a year ago

Check my thread

posted about a year ago

Or theres just no apac fans lol

posted about a year ago

Does the app require u to login? I can sauce u a apac account

posted about a year ago

Cmon need an apac fan with ios


posted about a year ago

Huh, some people were leaking EMEA scrims tho

posted about a year ago

? Wdym tf lmfao

posted about a year ago

DGW Suggest#Oily

NTH Meteor#1219

Come leak GenG and DGW here pls

posted about a year ago

why indo? could be sg or malaysia

posted about a year ago

yeah youre actually right (for the first time of your life)

I meant to say the org is american

posted about a year ago

nice try nezko

posted about a year ago

bro this is not a indian TO its literally american lol

posted about a year ago

wtf are you saying LMFAO, T1 has higher peaks in GenG in NA, and were better for most of valorants history

WHAT has GenG done in NA that T1 didnt do LMFAO? and what does that even have to APAC?

5 KR teams? where do you see 5 KR teams? Its literally 2 KR teams with T1 and DRX, GenG is an american org lol, and it would still be 3 not 5

gtfo you sound dumber the more you talk

posted about a year ago

bro Im talking about roster strength






in na, I rather have xeta, ban, and sayaplayer over ayrin and I think most na fans would agree with me - ayrin is GE best player

also, then why tf u name geng u hypocrite? geng is the most irrelevant org in apac they never even fielded a roster here t1 did

posted about a year ago

and you forgot T1 who probably will dominate the league with the teams you named

GenG, if they go for some mixed roster they will end bottom half in the table

posted about a year ago

yeah no fucking shit

look at all the pacific league rosters, all look like dogshit despite there being so many good FAs

if NTH managed to get in franchising their roster would be top 5 MINIMUM

posted about a year ago

the funny thing is, I actually think the roster u named is 100x more competitive than current GE but it still wont be competitive enough to win anything😂

posted about a year ago


See? I have mind of a competent CEO right here

posted about a year ago

pacific league is fucking doomed

posted about a year ago

choose the best players from all the blown up rosters

yeah thats the copium talking, open fucking recruitment lol geng is gonna flop mark my words and dont u dare forget it

posted about a year ago

I dont think so

  1. 3 jp and 2 kr worked because joxjo was fluent japanese and meteor understand and spoke basic comms

  2. if its 3 kr and 2 jp/sea, all comms will be in english, everyone speaking their secondary language, unless the sea/jp players learn korean (not happening)

  3. nth was solid except blackwiz, they couldve upgraded blackwiz with seoldam and called it a day

  4. they couldve picked up a part of ONS, bazzi, TS and king, +joxjo, t3xture, or seoldam but now they can only likely pick 2 because of mixed roster

I have 0 confidence in this mixed roster to do good, look at how shit GenG's na team was I think we're headed that direction

posted about a year ago

contract got released so nah, t3xture needs to join a team

posted about a year ago

yeah, but do we ACTUALLY BELIEVE a mixed roster is gonna be better than the old NTH?????????

posted about a year ago

my guy how is he a weirdo you weirdo?

is girls simping for guy pro players weird? why tf u have a double standard for women?

posted about a year ago

Tell me. Give me 1 good reason why you guys didn't just pick up the entirety of NTH roster. They beat XIA who are by far and large the second best team in SEA at masters, and they beat Zeta domestically.

So why did you pick up meteor, and leave out the rest of the squad?

Patiently waiting for your roster reveal.


Angry Damwon Fan

posted about a year ago

they wont because DRX management (old MVP PK) is so good

but nothing to do with roles. mako before joining vs as controller was a jett main

posted about a year ago

xeta will play controller lol

same thing he did on c9, he plays the missing role

posted about a year ago

I think youre starting to realize why apac fans are disappointed

posted about a year ago

yeah I mean if they drastically change their current roster (which I havent heard they will) then obviously my point isnt valid anymore

posted about a year ago

lol, if its surrounding ayrin with actual cracked asian talent this could work

but ur surrounding a weak fragger with more weak fraggers, even a tier 3 NA team like sonics could diff this GE roster

ayrin is also known to tilt, I cant even imagine how frustrated hes gonna be when hes playing next to player of caliber like Kappa

u just follow na scene, I follow both na and asia scene and I can bet my life GE will end up last and maybe never win a single series, EVERYTHING about this team is just off

actually, GE is about to play some T2 APAC teams in a few minutes so I invite you to watch and ask yourself if ayrin was just brought in to be a support player

posted about a year ago

bro idk why its so complicated for people

munchkin goes flex/initiator, saya goes main duelist and ban moves to chamber/secondary duelist/flex

posted about a year ago

been busy recently but I came here to say this.

  1. fuck geng, 100% underserving slot shouldve went to damwon or crazy raccoon

  2. geng unless they go for full korean or korean/jp they will flop, 0 confidence in them to do well unless they let meteor and bail make roster, they were pretty competent at roster crafting in OW and LoL but idk if its the same management that will make the val roster, 8th-9th place contender

  3. detonation weird choice to build around suggest, they should pickup xnfri and derialy + seoldam now

  4. t1 is unfortunately gonna do well, they scooped up all the best KR talent + a exceptional NA player who can speak korean

  5. APAC league will be dominated by T1, DRX, Zeta, and PRX

  6. GE, what a fucking joke. Out of all the imports from NA you choose Ayrin. Imagine if you pick valyn (IGL) or jonap. Ayrin had the luxury of playing with a team that could carry him when he plays like trash, he wont be able to carry GE at all. GUARANTEED 10th place finish this team has no hope.

  7. bazzi, t3xture, seoldam are the priority names I want to see join a franchised team, either GenG, T1, or DTN

  8. ngl I think pacific league right now (before future development) is by far the weakest league. Bleed isnt there, xia is splitting, prx got grouped, nth is splitting, zeta got grouped, GE will be trash, Talon and secret dont know yet but likely to be mediocre, RRQ has potential if they build a indo superteam but even then theres no guarantee they will be stronger than PRX, dtn will be mediocre, what remains is geng that needs to get their player recruitment together and build a competent team (not looking likely)

  9. I dont trust these SEA orgs outside PRX to do well, Talon/RRQ/GE/Secret had hella money to spend but were beaten out by baseroom orgs, regardless of what rosters these orgs make Im pretty sure bleed, onic g, boom would beat them but ofc theyre not in franchise

im out pce

posted about a year ago
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