Flag: India
Registered: December 30, 2021
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 5:14 PM
Posts: 425
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U mean transphobes?

posted about a year ago

I wanted to put them in the top 3, but then there's DRX, rly hoping they can put up a fight

posted about a year ago

No one is underrating leviàtan, PPL have them coming top 4

posted about a year ago

Bruh no one(except Indians) have GE winning against vitality wdym OVERRATED, most ppl in the west think they are trash, also fnatic only super team

posted about a year ago

Tbh i wanted to put bbl in there, if it were a top5 they would have been, brave and Xqutioner deserve more respect

posted about a year ago


Global eSports



posted about a year ago

Man....., I wish he didn't have a wrist made of literal fking glass

posted about a year ago

like ur dick

posted about a year ago

Best content creator in valorant, no questions asked

posted about a year ago

Onur w coach

posted about a year ago

This site is pain. But anyways

posted about a year ago

Fnatic singed chronicle and Leo
Sen singed sacy and pancada+xset core(dephh,zekken,sykko,drewspark)+tenz and kapplan
Lock in (the Sao Paulo 32 teams(china got invited)tournament) is single bracket

posted about a year ago

Nice w, good to see dark ratio salaried now

But I'll miss their name, dark ratio as a name was so cool

posted about a year ago

Bruv streaming is still playing the game, they're still playing ranked.not to mention onur is a coach so his workload is going to be higher than a player's

Would u rather they watch anime or just sit around instead?

posted about a year ago

@mods, name check pls

posted about a year ago

DRX, PRX, ZETA(ik it's a Lil weird but they are dark horses for sure)

posted about a year ago

If ur not baiting, pls look at the fking vods plz

posted about a year ago

Guys when are we gonna stop fawning over scrim results??

posted about a year ago

Bruv what is this thread doing here, get over it, touch some fking grass

posted about a year ago

Sscary fell off a little, but he was carrying trough out the 1st half of 2022

posted about a year ago

Is there something like vlr for league?

posted about a year ago

Just ..... look at this shit lmao
(1st try btw)

posted about a year ago

Thing is they DO, whoever wins lock/in qualifies for champions

posted about a year ago

Man they had to do soo Dirty(sen and fnatic in 1st rnd, like rly??)

posted about a year ago

Ok I'm going to explain the entire "GE have all duelist players, so they bad" argument (btw ayrin texted this to sideshow for a plat chat episode)

Basically it was incredibly difficult to find good players for non duelist roles cause the best ones were in high demand and we're already signed, and because they were a little late in setting up the staff they decided to go down the drx route and get a bunch of incredibly good duelist players and then change things up from there

It's a very interesting idea and I'm very excited abt it, i hope ge can make it work, they are probably top10 when it comes to raw player quality i hope they can make it work

posted about a year ago

It's vlr man, it's supposed to be the 4chan of valo

posted about a year ago

Bruv it's been yrs since gamergate, get over it

posted about a year ago

This is the only decent valorant forum, the others are dogshit, but that doesn't mean we can't make the site better

posted about a year ago

U forgot raion, he's got some sick one ways and an intro that goes hard

And hes French 🇫🇷👌o la la


And i guess u could consider flowshizzle too, but he's more of an overall controller player, but he's definitely the best(and literally only,I'm not even kidding u can't find any good guides for astra that isn't flowshizzle or nats) astra YouTubeer

posted about a year ago

Man u rly put EGGWICK for omen??

posted about a year ago

Ultra common subreezy W

posted about a year ago

Ig, thanks for the nice words bro, appreciate it👍🏼☮️(it's a Lil hard as the other forums are worse, but I'll consider it)

posted about a year ago

I already said why i don't want too (the other forums are worse by a long shot)

posted about a year ago

Had a sen flair on for almost a year, and then i got super emotionally invested in fnatic, but i will always still love sen

posted about a year ago

Fun fact , i am

posted about a year ago

My god u still here. Guess we both rly don't have lives 🫠, also just say u don't like me and move on brother, why are u complicating things.(and oh yes ,pls stop getting so triggered, btw u got a nice name i always wanted to tell i that)

posted about a year ago

I rly want to know what part of that was toxic/rude,(come on nutey, just say u don't like me and let it go, I'm fine with, but I will still always like u🫂)

Also the ranked 5 stack is more of a description for me than an insult, i don't think T1 are bad i just thought they weren't doing a lot of complex stuff u see from most teir 1 teams(I'm actually a carpe fan since 2019 so whatever)

posted about a year ago

PPL can change uk, human's are not dead pixels on a monitor, and i was going through a rough patch at that time(also the fact that u dug up that post from my lost acc, is incredible bruv, u rly don't like me ehh)

posted about a year ago

Thing is it wasn't the Jonas post(while i like Jonas and was slightly taken aback by ur opinions, but again i have no problems with opions), it was the dephh thread and the sea and kr argument thread that sent me into doomer mood( i rly idk why) and overall i just wish we were nicer to each other

posted about a year ago

It was the dephh thread that pushed me over the line for some reason btw, and i don't attach my mind to a series of numbers so yeah, u believe what ever u want, but no I don't give a shit 👍🏼

posted about a year ago

Its not differences in opinion that's the problem for me, its the way PPL express some of them and how toxic it gets

Maybe I'm a spineless wimp but I can't take it anymore

posted about a year ago

Seriously i never thought i wound find such a radioactive toxic Wasteland ever again, my god the users on this website have no chill, whenever to a thread there's always someone hating on something for trivial reasons, and if I'm being honest it's kinda effecting my mental a bit,

If only we didn't keep shitting on something or someone all the time, I feel this community would be so much better

And before u say just leave, unfortunately there's no other good option so yeah.......the only way is to try and improve the best one☮️

posted about a year ago

Why TF are Jonas and flow catching flak????,it's streaming
for godsake there's a lot of pressure and social management u have to do every single day. And Jonas is more richer, successful and talented than most of us ever will be, plus it's not like he came out of nowhere, he geniunily reinvented the way PPL thought of lineups and sova and i think that deserves credit, and abt flow and grim they're both playing a very creative way of sage that is very fun and exciting, yeah if u don't like it think they are cheesing, that's ur problem broski, if u like vanilla u have it no one is stopping u, but that doesn't mean the PPL who don't eat vanilla are bad cause they are different from u

And abt the whole them having an ego or whatever and being nice toxic, there fking internet personalities mates they need to keep a line, for their own mental health


posted about a year ago

I'm a sen fan myself, and i an giving them time, I'm just asking why othera are still throwing shit at sen, despite having done literally everything everyone asked

posted about a year ago

Shazam is no longer on the team(as a matter of fact none of the orginal roster is even on the team), they have a brand new and might i say very good coaching staff, and they have a very impressive roster now(also dephh and pancada are getting particularly shit on i don't understand why), and their social media isn't even "cringe" anymore, wtf are u idiots still hating on SEN for????

posted about a year ago

They're playing this like it's fking ranked, idk who's igling on t1 but they got completely outplayed by hazed and valyn especially on the defence, it looks like they did not have enough prep work for strats and their igl is definitely not comfortable making reads atm, their game plan did not involve any map manipulation or the fabled Korean set pieces, it was just bland vannila valorant which doesn't win u games in pro play, speaking of utility, it was not great (not just from carpe but everyone across the board, yes even zeta), wierd neon walls, ban not placing his smokes properly are some examples, not to mention they have a roster since November almost 2 months more than TSM this is not a good look at all

Tldr, T1 are playing like a co-ordinated ranked 5 stack, but that's not enough in pro play, also their players don't look comfortable in their positions , and to add to that their player quality has not helped them, autumn rly needs to step up if this team wants any chance of winning

Edit. No hate towards t1, i like their players very much and i think the team has a lot of potential

posted about a year ago

Literally no one is saying jamppi is an up and comer anymore, he's just inconsistent and if he works on that the man is a literal god

Abt redgar, his English is good enough, and on top of that nats is also on the team

Nats old IGL is with him, redgar can make sure nats continues getting lurk value+ chamber is definitely not meta so nat's impact with double (the only problem with him is that unlike syugetsu he's not very flexible)

Soulcas, while inconsistent is a flex who's willing to play any agent and do anything for the team,and when he's on he can be incredibly deadly

Okayyyyy...... So the top rated player in Copenhagen is somehow overrated???, And sayf also brings personality and a second voice to the team which i think is great

And Emil has proven that he can coach liquid well enough to win lcq and get 8th-6th in champions

So pls tell me why u just hate team liquid now thank you

Touch fking grass broski

posted about a year ago

0/8 , find better things to do, like get a gf or touch gras9

posted about a year ago

It's a piece of vison blocking utility broski what do u want??, 7 dome smokes on 1 controller?.
This is valorant, all players don't have all the abilities in this game

posted about a year ago

GE and Fnc , rly excited with the GE concept and can't wait to see Fnc with firepower all round (except for boaster but he's good)

posted about a year ago
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