Flag: India
Registered: August 2, 2021
Last post: December 31, 2022 at 1:41 AM
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Idk , cause it's not a part of ou culture

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I think ur talking abt psg but ok

And no this roster and coaching staff are to good to fail

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Who cares lmao

posted about a year ago

Bro these aren't even his opinions, he's literally regurgitating clandence Owens talking points

posted about a year ago

I'm looking at babysauke and meyournightmare rn

posted about a year ago

I can help with SEA mod

posted about a year ago

Maybe , but curios probably would have continued regardless

posted about a year ago

Rly man , egg canceled his stream saying his mental was in the dumps and egg doesn't even read dms

posted about a year ago

Bump! , I think it would be great if we could cobble together a stream or something

Also I'm down to do any moderation/observing ,but I would prefer if I could play

posted about a year ago

I'm down to mod and be the observer and maybe even cast if we can get a stream together

posted about a year ago

100t hypetracks
Anything streambeats
Worlds ,msi and arcane playlist
The Spotify gamers playlist

Underrated : TheFatRat

posted about a year ago

Basically , He needs to stop sucking up to clandence owens

posted about a year ago

L take

posted about a year ago

Pharah man , really???

posted about a year ago

:/ , bruv tenz is not based in asia

posted about a year ago

Custom game react youtubers and eggwick is probably the most popular Asian CC

posted about a year ago

Idk man , egg sounded pretty serious and he had even canceled his stream yesterday saying his mental was in the bin

posted about a year ago



Basically egg accused curios of copying his ideas word for word and then curios accused him of doing the same

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Any thoughts?

Imo , eggwick probably will get the short end of the stick cause he isn't well connected with the NA content space and the fact that curios has been around for longer .

Context: eggwick and valorant curios are CC's who make content out of weird custom games(radiant infinite abilities, rank imposter, putting low rank ppl in high ranks )they are also react streamers the main differences being egg is based in Asia , curios is based in NA and egg is more react focused and curios is more focused on customs and riot collaboration

So basically eggwick accused curios of ripping off his content ideas a day or 2 after he streams them and more importantly egg accused curios of stealing a tiktok compilation he had specifically commissioned to react to, and curios responded saying he makes the ideas days in advance and that egg had never talked to him or replied to his dm's(although egg has publicly stated he doesn't look into his dm's)

Here are the vids

Eggwick's : https://youtu.be/FMxPZ1DdsmU

Curios : https://youtu.be/lP3YZclBsjs

posted about a year ago

Man with the 5head

posted about a year ago

Just play widowmaker or sojourn , thats all I have to say

posted about a year ago

Cause they didn't do shit except keep the roster salaried , doombros was pretty much the GM and head coach

posted about a year ago

And that's why Sacy is on the team

posted about a year ago

Ok , if they win they're gonna choke eventually according to u guys , man just say u don't like boaster's personality and move the fk on

posted about a year ago

Ur nuts

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

For one boaster's trying to igl in a style that's not comfortable for him , so that he can actually igl properly in vct

ALFAJER IS PLAYING CHAMBER FOR GODSAKE (yes thanks mini) , they are clearly experimenting , and when a team is experimenting and the igl is trying to push the limits of his micromanaging on porpous then ofc the team isn't gonna do great

And most of all CHRONICLE ISN'T EVEN HERE YET!!! , There is no shot they're gonna do specific game plans with mistic still on the roster

And the other teams are doing their best , while fnatic are basically treating this like a streamed High profile scrim, but they still need to try to win cause of tournament rules , imo they just need to win enough to qualify, no one is going to care if fnatic wipe the floor this tournament ,if they can't get things straight in VCT

posted about a year ago

Bro, if it's call experimenting and on top of thatCHRONICLE ISN'T EVEN HERE YET

posted about a year ago

Okayyyyyyyyyyy lets see abt that ........ When u are igling

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bruv u need a chill pill , this is basically a higher profile scrim for fnatic and they just signed Leo and chronicle is not even here yet

posted about a year ago

Its the fricking off season, if I'm fnatic I'm not taking this one bit seriously, the most seriously I see boaster and mini take it is to experiment comps and for boaster to improve his igling over the off season

posted about a year ago

Brawl stars , CODM , lol wild rift , Apex legends mobile , geometry dash, subway surfers

Avoid anything that says Gameloft on it except asphalt

posted about a year ago

Rly man , I thought u would have .......... Higher standards

posted about a year ago

I hecking love sentinels batchest(also 💯 T)

posted about a year ago

Flair check

posted about a year ago

Global eSports (but I support Pacific as a whole, except LLQ)

posted about a year ago

Sentinels lets this

posted about a year ago

Ok that but being completely honest it's not the toxicity I'm afraid of , it's the boomers , the "gaming is rubbish" snobs in govt banning the game if it gets to popular , and yes knowing indian politics whoever's in power may try to ban valorant for a quick boost with the boomers cause Riot is owned by Tencent and even if riot manage to defend themselves (which is still very difficult cause they're a foreign company) the govt will go the straight up "we don't understand eSports so we're gonna ban it"(I hate modern indian society man)

posted about a year ago

Boaster enga thala

posted about a year ago

Good luck with the roster rebuild guys , also pls give me AlFajer chamber

Reply to derek

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Offf , big fail by boaster

posted about a year ago

Screenshots anyone?

posted about a year ago


u guys have no idea how toxic the mobile community , also to add to that , if valorant becomes popular enough then every boomer who doesn't want to understand the world of young ppl in india(basically everyone in govt)(also remember selfo well the media portrayed him as a addict and a psycho , WTF??!!!(will start hyperfocusing on valorant and the media will start going full demon mode (ask krafton) , combine that with Valorant's links to Tencent and that will give enough of an excuse to ban the game( and all other riot games)

posted about a year ago
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