Flag: Russia
Registered: July 14, 2022
Last post: October 10, 2022 at 12:12 AM
Posts: 332
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the need for an oper is what makes chamber universal, not the ult, not the headhunter, just the fact that every map needs an oper, the abilities just make it an even obvious choice over jett. even if they buff up cypher and kj, it doesn't mean they will be picked in place of chamber, teams would probably give up the extra initiator they use on most maps if the kj and cypher become a great pick(which probably won't happen because the initiator util is just too good to give up) either buff jett to her old position, or make other opers that do more than just shoot free guns

posted about a year ago

korea has 3 spots
mostly because the matches are in seoul and they already have great ties in kr due to lol

posted about a year ago

i like the ideas for cypher, but reveal spike if its on ground only IMO and if they drop it for more than five seconds after ult, it is revealed. makes it harder to default and has actual change on how the round is played

posted about a year ago

yeah ardiis and ange1 even said that they got lucky, sure playing a few rounds again puts you in a bad mood and you do a little shit talk, but you don't even give credit where credit is due. ange1 shit talking NA when most people don't know who he is even, NO CLASS IMO

posted about a year ago

they probably will call it ignition just like 2020, in 2020 it was for val release, now its for franchised esports

posted about a year ago

they will just reskin forsaken bundle for phantom and spectre and earn millions!

posted about a year ago

fpx have 2 of them, it might have been issue back then, but I don't think it will be one now

posted about a year ago

well truth be told my friend, his mid round calling is mid, for the lack of a better word, sheydos is a bigger clutch demon

posted about a year ago

mistic is pretty good tho?

posted about a year ago

yeah exactly, xset had a good showing, but I think they know that xset won't make franchising and can't accept the fact that they have to go home. they probably won't be signed as a team even if they get into franchsising teams. so its kind of a last chance to show something to orgs

posted about a year ago

ardiis and angel don't think so

posted about a year ago

alfa doesn't speak much english either, and I'm sure its enough to comm in game, and it would eventually get better if they do sign him and keep him an English speaking environment. its good for him overall too

posted about a year ago

they still won copenhagen man, im sure he is just trying to taunt riot and xset(him and ardiis believe they complained to riot), he doesn't really care

posted about a year ago

i have seen posts about nats to TL, G2 and redgar to TL and chronicle to navi

but the one I haven't seen is sheydos to fnc

-enzo +sheydos could be the biggest game changer for fnc and would probably be the most impactful signing for emea next season, could help fnc also break the curse and get to finals again maybe win

posted about a year ago

more than 1300 posts in less than 5 months, that's a more consistent showing than loud, congrats!!!!

posted about a year ago

i don't think we are going to see pearl from them till they get to the best of 5s

posted about a year ago

i don't think we are going to see it vs fpx either since fpx is the only team that has beaten drx on fracture, we might see a better showing on icebox from them, since it was their first match on that map after a long time,

posted about a year ago

so they got beaten on their best map by the best team in the world, that really doesn't change much. and it was an OT match, considered to be one of the best of the year, and they hadn't broken the curse back then either

posted about a year ago

you have cracked the code bro, you need to stay careful now, rito indie but also dangerous

posted about a year ago

bro thinks he is in an interview skull:

posted about a year ago

people completely disregard how good sen marketing team is, zellsis never played on stream with tenz yet he left for v1 a superstar believe it or not, v1 were not able to use him to that capacity. even without tenz , sen would be a tier 1 popularity org for val. i personally think even the signing for shroud and tarik were made because they weren't sure tenz would stick with sen. and they had to do something to ensure franchsiing.

posted about a year ago

split used to be their best map, but rito preference is NA, so they remove split because NA BAD ON SPLIT

posted about a year ago

i think they don't want to play it all the time because then it becomes too easy to prep against them on fracture with that much material(we already saw it against 100t), so they only play it in high stakes matches, their ascent, haven and breeze are just as good but can be a hit or miss depending on whether they are feeling it on defense or not

posted about a year ago

you are pretty funny, hope donavan is doing good guts

posted about a year ago

a co igl or caller might help them and will also take stress away from boaster, might be good for consistency tings bruv, big ups!

posted about a year ago

their vct year is over, but we might see them at the redbull lan so idk

posted about a year ago

sen inflation rising because of that

posted about a year ago

i don't think it mattered anyways,

posted about a year ago

had to save some money for the flight ticket home!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro being a bad baiter or being a sentinel fan, pick a struggle

posted about a year ago

yeah logout of here and start reading

posted about a year ago

how can you have xset flair for a year when they won't be making franchising and leaving valorant scene?

posted about a year ago

optic 2-1 tl

fnc 2-0 xset, both close matches

posted about a year ago

gold 3 60hz 55 fps, 4 dollar mouse and potato laptop

posted about a year ago

peak form? nats/chronicle

posted about a year ago

rb to fill and buzz to duelist is chef's kiss too

posted about a year ago

best decision in vct history

posted about a year ago

contender for sure

posted about a year ago

people didn't believe, we have been saying it for a while now

posted about a year ago

this is map of the year imo. drx and fpx china vs korea

posted about a year ago

bro zest was igl, but in copenhagen he admitted it was too stressful so stax is now igl

posted about a year ago

it used to be zest, now its stax

posted about a year ago

your mom?

posted about a year ago

or she's gay which is better

posted about a year ago

they did say they won't show everything they have got prepared until champs, imagine that is the case

posted about a year ago

the user might be a girl?

posted about a year ago

why tf did they pick icebox, they haven't played it once this year

posted about a year ago

he had some crazy clutches, but he forgot to aim at head level otherwise. or maybe shahz didn't let him and made him stay passive.

posted about a year ago

denmark has a really high english speaking population, turkey doesn't and champs 2021 didn't have any audience

posted about a year ago
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