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Registered: January 12, 2023
Last post: July 8, 2023 at 10:09 AM
Posts: 768
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I posted it in Off Topic

posted about a year ago

Lebron followed these tips to get to where he is now

posted about a year ago

Wtf I'm just trying to help new players?
I am literally doubling their chances of getting into the NBA

posted about a year ago

Hi ItsMeDio,

am i breaking any rules?

Didn't think so

posted about a year ago

Hi Guys,

If anyone was wondering, here are 5 tips that will help you dribble a basketball.

Use your fingers instead of your palm. You will find it easiest to control the basketball if you hold it with the tips of your fingers.
Keep your knees bent.
Your back should be straight.
Keep your eyes up.
Dribble the ball below the waist or knees.

posted about a year ago

Well now yk
Gl in ur career as a singer :)

posted about a year ago

I think my 5th tip will help a lot of people

posted about a year ago

I think u need a new teacher
Lmk if u need lessons. I used to go by Michael Jackson

posted about a year ago

No problem bro
Hopefully you will become a great singer and I'll see u at a concert one day :)

posted about a year ago

Hi Guys,

If anyone was wondering, these are 5 useful tips if you are planning to sing.

Warm up your body before your voice. Aerobic exercise is a great way to warm up before singing.
Release tension.
Don't “take” a breath when singing.
Don't hold your breath before you sing.
Open your mouth.

posted about a year ago

What breed r they?

posted about a year ago

Hi guys,

If anyone was wondering, you can feed your dog 3 times a day according to google.

"As long as the dog is still eating the correct portion sizes, and isn't being overfed with an additional dinner, they can eat 3 meals a day."

posted about a year ago

Glad I could be of service
If you ever need help or advice on this subject, just lmk :)

posted about a year ago

I haven't heard much about Clear before this tourney but he rlly stepped up
Props to him :)

posted about a year ago

Np bro. Just remember practice makes perfect :)

posted about a year ago

Hi Guys,

If any of you were wondering, this is how to tie your shoelace. Make sure to practice hard and eventually you'll get there :)

Cross the laces to make an "X."
Wrap the top lace under the bottom lace and pull it through.
Make a loop with one end of the shoelace.
Wrap the other lace around the loop once.
Make another small loop with the wrapped lace and pull it through the "hole" in the middle.

posted about a year ago

What's an ilfbb?

posted about a year ago

I think underwear is fine
Anything more than that might be too heavy to wear on long trips

posted about a year ago

I think you're more of an expert in that field

posted about a year ago

They help but I don't think they are necessary

posted about a year ago

Hi guys,

If you were wondering, this is what you should wear when riding a bike.

A properly fitting helmet, kneepads, and elbow pads to protect yourself from all of those “almosts.”

posted about a year ago

Thank you for sharing :)

posted about a year ago

I figured a lot of people would have this concern.

I will try to think of something and let you know :)

posted about a year ago

Glad I could be helpful :)

posted about a year ago

Hi Guys,

If anyone was wondering, these are the first 5 steps to planting a tree.

Dig a shallow, broad planting hole.
If wrapped, remove any cover from around the root ball and trunk to facilitate root growth.
Place the tree at the proper height.
Straighten the tree in the hole.
Fill the hole gently but firmly.

posted about a year ago
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