Flag: Madagascar
Registered: September 15, 2021
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 8:09 AM
Posts: 176
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Zeek and Cned were both better during champions, and no kolda ain't a good igl

posted about a year ago

Bro if they were monthly it would be fine but I see one every week... and they are all exactly the same

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I swear if I see another val world cup thread I am making 100 accounts and mass reporting their ass

posted about a year ago

I would build around sayf so I can bring leaf in as a flex

posted about a year ago

wait when did shownu become a zero star user 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

Igl is the most important player on the team and they deserve more credit

posted about a year ago

Sen Individually is a better team than EG so why did they lose...
EG has better mid rounding than sen
EG had better prep for the game or a better coach
Eg had WAY better chemistry and teamplay
Best change is to replace dephh/Kaplan
If that isn't the problem than there is a "Zeek" on the team that needs to get benched

posted about a year ago

"nt i got the other one correct"

posted about a year ago

What is blud waffling about ????????????????????????

posted about a year ago

??? Did blud even watch the games
Talon 2-0 GenG
Prx 2-0 Zeta

posted about a year ago

There is an extension for it

posted about a year ago

zardinez clears you

posted about a year ago

Bro was so mad he needed to respond twice

posted about a year ago

Thats enough for me KC 26-0

posted about a year ago

What statistic is lil bro using???

posted about a year ago

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Tomorrow mwzera will shock the world.

FURIA will make their debut against T1 and here is why you should root for mwzera

he is not only a player but an entity. literally all the br good players were inspired by him, he teached them a new way of aiming, they looked at him as a god, as a superstar, a rolemodel (and he was only 19yo at that time)
influenced a generation of players become the best version of themselves
he is constantly dropping amazing numbers with different class of agents, he have been to multiple teams with different people with different IGLs and his performance simply doesnt decrease, for an insane amount of rounds, for months, for more than 2 years
most mechanically gifted player in the world. his movement is out of the galaxy as per c9 (https://www.vlr.gg/170998/mwzera-is-the-most-mechanically-gifted-player)
best player in the world stats-wise
most feared player in brazil. when people sees his omen card on ranked they quit instantly
when you think about raze, you think of mwzera. even riot himself admitted it. in their advertising video of raze in brazil there's a mention to mwzera (https://youtu.be/L36C5IoA0KA?t=43) "duar bala", an expression named after him because of the way he shoots and move
again. I'm still amazed of how insane mwzera is and this clip is the perfect demonstration... (
ae @mch_AGG tu queria ver, duar bala duar bala kkk pic.twitter.com/9Uf2NNixDj

— mwzera (@mwzera) January 16, 2021
) his movement while shoting is just out of this world. bro? like wtf? look how he had atleast 3 people shooting him from behind but just couldnt hit. its just so incredibly unique, 99.99% of the players (even in the pro scene) would just crouch spray the first guy and die to the second one

posted about a year ago

Its MIBR vs Furia???
How is LOUD relevant here???

posted about a year ago

How will the map change affect your favorite team??
If I remember correctly Fnatic was pretty good on bind but still Icebox > Bind for them

posted about a year ago

Watch KCorp games

posted about a year ago

I imagine they are using this comp cuz they want FNS on Skye
Viper is the only agent that can lurk on that comp effectivly and you don't want your igl separated from the team

posted about a year ago

They need to sign babysasuke

posted about a year ago

Bro switched up real quick

posted about a year ago

Trembo clears you

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

But it means all kinds of things on vlr so its fu to use

posted about a year ago

Boaster > Redgar (as igl)
Derke > Sayf ( Nepotism from me)
Leo > Jampii
Alfajer < Nats
Chronicle >>>>> Soulcas

posted about a year ago

Keloqz can only jett
Zeek is IGL and playing duelist while igling is suboptimal

posted about a year ago

bro has the script

posted about a year ago

Common trembolona W

posted about a year ago

yaiima0's ass 😈

posted about a year ago

Something for Benkai
Who is IGL now

posted about a year ago

I was thinking about it but I am scared of baguette people

posted about a year ago

Yoru is extremely hard to play on the highest level and having your star player master him for a single map is just too much work imo.
Raze is good on a lot of maps other than bind, and so is Neon even tho she is bit more niche. Yoru only really good map to play on so far that I've noticed is bind, and while you could play him too good success on maps that aren't bind, you can get same level of impact on other easier duelist agents so I just don't think it will be worth for many teams, and for others their star players might never be as good on your as they are on jett and raze

PS : I am rereading what I wrote, and I feel like there's a ton of grammatical errors... Shit just feels wrong to read... ain't fixing it tho so GL...

posted about a year ago

So I was sleeping like most of you do, and I had a dream. It was a valo match on bind. It was all fine and dandy until the defender Viper got a 4k, spike was down
in front of A short teleporter, and Neon was the only one left standing for attackers. She walled the spiked sprinted to it and ran thru teleporter B.
So this made me think, is there a world where Neon is usable on bind...
I mean on bind the amount of space on site that you need to take isn't that large so her stun would be pretty good
Her wall might be useful but bind is a two controller map so idk if it would be that useful
Bind is/was a very rushy map so her sprint wouldn't be bad for taking space
her ult is just a weapon so doesn't matter that much
Bind is a very rushy map with slow rotates, so getting a character that can rotate faster, has some stopping utility, and is decent at taking space
especially now that raze got nerfed, might be good?
Now I am not saying Neon would/could be meta, I am just interested if neon could be what yoru was in the past, where 1/2 teams run neon on bind cuz they feel more comfy using her

Any thoughts on why Neon would/n't be viable on bind?

posted about a year ago

ain't no way
"I don't know what the problem is but it's our job to fix it and very quickly.

Nothing more to say, see you next week."

posted about a year ago

What did FUT eat this morning to get 5 4ks

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If you count GC there is this game
not 26-0 but very close

posted about a year ago

trembo is the GOAT

posted about a year ago

they play kru on may 14

posted about a year ago

bros in shambles

posted about a year ago
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