Flag: Iceland
Registered: November 2, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 2:11 AM
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dumbest idea ever but ok typical of the average val fan

posted about 2 years ago

you trying to sabotage sentinels?

posted about 2 years ago

did neon even get nerfed?

posted about 2 years ago

100T ratted on steel, look now suffering and top8 team instead of TOP1
TSM rats on the del, never found success since beta
Sentinals ratting on zombs, probbaly full time streams soon

posted about 2 years ago

I honestly think they should change up their comp on Split, they need the info gathering but id say breach is better than skye on that map so Id propose

Kayo - Kanpeki
Breach - Shahz
Cypher/Chamber - Dapr
Raze - Tenz
Omen/Brim - Sick

This comp would have the info gathering that they want on split though maybe not as much as skye would be able to achieve but at the very least it still allows for the team to better set up Tenz and still potentially have an Op on that Map to play with which would be an easy solution for a big problem for them which would be control over garage and A Main.

posted about 2 years ago

check the following players' ranked history and tell me if they play the agents they play in pro play in ranked


They all play whatever the hell role they feel like playing, apparently when it comes to Shahz however he should just use the agent he "practices" on stream? Truly bias beyond belief

posted about 2 years ago

Why is SEN hiding their real comps on these maps for the qualifiers? Is it cause they think it will be easy to qual or is this actually their comp for now considering they dont have too much chemistry with their new team?
I didnt think their Bind comp was too bad earlier but this split comp is just pure troll. They have no flashes no initiators and theyre running double duelist while both their flex players are on non fragging agents. This feels very passive and not something thats going to be able to beat a team like Akrew

posted about 2 years ago

Meh I think honestly G2 shouldnt have even made it to masters 1. I really think that they dont have the greatest strategic depth and their players are quite good but the big problem is mixwell with how inconsistent he is. I feel like Liquid really need to stop trolling and get their shit together cause they had a massive chance at winning champions and decided to just not at the very end. TL when theyre playing properly and to win are definitely much better than G2 imo but I guess considering the status with M3C, FPX, and FNC rn G2 has a huge chance at qualifying again

posted about 2 years ago

I mean we cant watch the match so we cant exactly say wardell was playing bad. He couldve been the reason penny was fragging but we cant say for sure

posted about 2 years ago

yea I mean it wouldve made sense had they been in the same group as V1 or Sen or smth but they would have EG to go against next which would be a great stepping stone to cement themselves as tier 1 in NA rn. They probably were having an off day and not focusing much, maybe no warmup as well

posted about 2 years ago

dunno but ghost looked hella off this game. Definitely didnt look like their last tourney run at all

posted about 2 years ago

i mean yea lol but i feel like this is such a terrible showing from ghost that it cant possibly be them playing seriously. Like its so bad compared to their previous showing that they look like a whole different team. They made so many weird plays when they had no info and it doesnt seem like plays that they wouldve done usually. Maybe they underestimated their opponents or something of the sort idk but it just looked really bad from ghost

posted about 2 years ago

yea i mean just looking at a few of their rounds it didnt seem like they were throwing but a lot of shots were whiffed and there were a lot of questionable plays made in rounds where they had no info

posted about 2 years ago

Yall think ghost purposefully threw so that they wouldnt have to go against EG in their second match or are they just shit and trolling the game

posted about 2 years ago

buddy what?
0/8 title
0/8 post
0/8 link (m8 we all know what that link leads to)

posted about 2 years ago

in theory NYFU should be one of the best teams in NA but for some reason theyve been doing really bad in mickey mouse tournaments that i dont think theyre going to be going anywhere at least for stage 2 unless they hard grinded behind the scenes. I doubt it tho cause no one has been talking about the scrimbux behind NYFU

posted about 2 years ago

what if the instalocker gets first pick? what if the second pick is also another insta locker? This update doesnt fix anything at all. As a fill player myself i can say that there is almost no way to fix insta locking unless there is some sort of incentive against instalocking in the first place. I honestly feel like even just putting up a buffer in the pre-lobby where no one can lock in anything yet is a more effective way of solving the issue. Give the players 20 seconds to talk to each other about who should play what and have a voting system in place where a player needs confirmation from someone to lock in an agent. Ofc this takes too long and is too convoluted but something like this is the only way itll be fixed, an agent lock queue wont solve anything

posted about 2 years ago

Zeta defeating DRX like that they actually better at least reach finals.
I feel like DRX still wasnt in top form, they were throwing so much and were playing solo, the zeta loss is a terrible one but Zeta should take this and get better and win the whole thing
I think honestly the gods are behind them rn supporting them through and through

posted about 2 years ago

lulW imagine putting apac below BR

posted about 2 years ago

LOL this is some hard COPIUM, if Optic want to make it to playoffs again they should drop Chet honestly. His negativity and lack of an analytical brain for a game that is "not complex enough" is seriously weighing down the world class players on Optic.
Chet has achieved nothing in val and will achieve nothing in val

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

their game after the M3C match they decided not to show strats and for some reason people immediately think that right after they played the best game of valorant to date, they immediately became the worst team to qualify when honestly idk how ppl could come to that conclusion. I still think that G2 was the worst seed going in from EMEA. Theyre too inconsistent. Thats only cause TL now is looking like an actual team again after months of playing like a bronze lobby, their XIA match was amazing i loved every bit of it

posted about 2 years ago

C9 didnt even make it what are you on? C9 was never good to begin with they just had the easiest group stage out of the other 2 NA teams

posted about 2 years ago

that is 1 too many spots for a region that doesnt have anything going for it. KR should stay at 1 cause the only good team is DRX, i dont think we need to talk about JP, and APAC need one more cause i can tell theyre gonna do good this tourney

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like all the KR teams are getting mowed down tho when DRX is actually playing to win. Like their first match against onslayers they were playing without strats and they still gave onslayers a run for their money, and then the two other times they played when it actually mattered DRX 13-3 and 13-4 them over and over on all maps

posted about 2 years ago

If APAC do better (not including ZETA) I feel like they should have an increased amount. They right now only have 2 and if they prove that they can still compete with the top dogs it should definitely be upped to 3 and BR or LATAM should take the hit for KRU losing off the rip

posted about 2 years ago

do you know what nerfed means?
Sure G2 isnt nerfed i guess unless someone on the team had family affected in any way, but thats G2 like... cmon... its G2 lol
Also im not "discrediting" the tournament, its a fact that arguably the two best teams coming in were either completely omitted from the tournament, or had both of their best players subbed in with mediocre replacements

posted about 2 years ago

wait did you just say tencent is irrelevant out of china? Damn man, go do some research no wonder you at less than half a star, all your takes are ass

posted about 2 years ago

xD are you high, thats like saying GameStop owns the entire gaming and console scene cause they distribute games and consoles
Dude you have to be 3 years old with thtat kind of logic

posted about 2 years ago

ofc i didnt have expectations going in cause its JP but man after that one, beating a horse that couldnt run was just tragic and if they dont take this and keep going im gonna be pissed

posted about 2 years ago

If zeta doesnt make it i honestly have no clue what to say to them man
Get to playoffs and win some man, dont waste this opportunity in joining a tournament with nerfed teams

posted about 2 years ago

So the team that won their qualifiers quite convincingly is at the bottom?? Cool cool

posted about 2 years ago

DRX no question but id say it would be quite close. Maybe similar to the level of play in the Gambit V VS match

posted about 2 years ago

DUDE WERE TALKING ABOUT ZETA DIVISION HERE... A JP TEAM. If FNC cant beat them without Derke, they aint going to be able to beat any other teams. Im confident theyll win against Zeta, its just a matter of if Derke will actually be able to play or not causeit really seems like Riot is pulling something. There is no reason for a person that got negative on the PCR test to have to quarantine for this long

posted about 2 years ago

By far this has to be the best Liquid we've seen ever since Champions. After Champions they either looked like they just lost their spark, or they were just completely throwing and playing like they were in a bronze lobby. I actually lose all hope in them but honestly this match against Xerxia was extremely well played by Liquid. It felt like going against Xerxia slowly round by round they got back their original chemistry and solo carrying potential and then Soulcas and Nivera finally stepped it up in the end and closed it out

If this is the level it takes to beat Xerxia I'm extremely proud of SEA and I cant wait to see what PRX has in store for us

posted about 2 years ago

I dont get why you have to be in quarantine. Havent you already done a PCR and tested negative? Theres nothing more to do than that, having you in quarantine seems like theyre trying to put you through extra shit before the tourney for no reason.
Will Aspas be able to play from the hotel even though he actually HAS covid? They unlike FNC dont have a sub so whats the situation there and could it be sabotage if they let Aspas play but not you?

Srry im hella triggered I just had to get those thoughts out there cause somehow Riot keep messing up these events one way or another even though they have years and years of experience leading the e-sports scene with LOL

posted about 2 years ago

Do you really think Zeta are gonna beat them dude? You mustve lost all hope for Fnatic huh\
Lowkey kinda disrespectful to H1ber and to the whole FNC team

posted about 2 years ago

Dude honestly Liquid didnt look too good it seemed that KRU just sort of was either trolling or fell off completely. I think Xerxia has proven that they are up there and I think specifically with liquid they have what it takes to win

posted about 2 years ago

just kick chet, hes the only thing keeping this cracked ass roster down

posted about 2 years ago

Dawg chet please just leave val esports man, you clearly dont enjoy it, you dont have respect towards it, your players, nor the opponents. The only thing that was cringe i saw on stream that day was your fucking hairline man. Go take a plane back to NA so the players can take over and do your job for you

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

rawkus not so much, zacharee as well... and babybay...
...or corey.... yea youre high

posted about 2 years ago

Korea and JP are probably the last regions they wanna look into. The talent in both regions (yes listen to me first) is incredibly low and DRX dominates because they are simply and anomaly. DRX is an oasis in the middle of the sahara when it comes to talent and skill in that region. I doubt T1 would be able to sign a team good enough to even remotely challenge DRX, at least from what ive seen in KR. OnSlayers were the only team that were able to attain some of the craziest players in KR and JP combining them into a, what ppl thought at the time was a 'dream team', and they did destroy every team... other than DRX. In fact the fact that they sweeped every single team and then got sweeped by drx just goes to show how many leagues above the rest DRX are in KR.
Id say either stick with NA; cause thats been shown to work multiple times by picking up unknown players such as teams like TG and Akrew, I mean just look at who T1 had for the longest time, Sayaplayer and somehow the dude was forced to play support agents; I think maybe the staff at T1 like coaches and GM need to be changed instead since they had such amazing talent in Sayaplayer, Ska, and autimatic.
Either that or invest into BR or SEA, they look to be the quickest up and coming 'regions' with a lot of talent (esp SEA with the abundance of different countries all competing with eeach other to be the rep of a sub region).

posted about 2 years ago

then that isnt a one team region is it? OnSlayers was the only team with "players that could challenge drx" and you see where that lead them? Multiple clean sweeps by DRX 13-2 twice im p sure.

posted about 2 years ago

i doubt it would blow up in korea, cause VS have shown for a while that theyre quite up there when it comes to skill and teamplay. Some of the best in the world, it was just unlucky that during the time their roster was super stable and clean they went up against gambit immediately in the playoffs. Id say back in masters 3 they were probably the second best team there

posted about 2 years ago

No way you just called it a world cup dude thats hilarious

BRUH yall actually talkin abt the world cup

posted about 2 years ago

is orangutan gaming an actual disbanded team or is this just a really shitty april fools joke?

posted about 2 years ago

woa an eg fan... thats a rare one

posted about 2 years ago

take it from a guy who dropped from one game to immort all the way to plat 1... its not worth it, just go study

posted about 2 years ago

Those people really dont do a good job to rep indians, honestly theyre terrible and theyre hella rampant

posted about 2 years ago
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