Flag: Canada
Registered: April 18, 2021
Last post: June 4, 2021 at 12:35 PM
Posts: 166
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Yeah, 2 slots for NA and EU is not NEARLY enough. Especially if BR also get two... I can name 5 teams from both NA and EU that didn’t make masters that would still easily outclass the other regions (100T, Envy, C9, Faze, XSET, NRG, FPX, Acend, G2, Guild, Heretics, etc) just off the top of my head. It’s a shame we don’t get to see more of them compete against eachother. After seeing Masters so far, literally all of those teams and likely more would easily smoke the smaller regions that made it.

I’m glad they’ve already announced the next masters will have 4 EU and 3 NA teams. That’s a start in the right direction.

posted about 3 years ago

I’m not saying you can never play a Jett awp, just saying you can’t depend on that being your only skill in the ever evolving metas. Both TenZ and Shahz flex to other rolls depending on team need like you mentioned.

Most teams have someone who CAN Jett awp if they need to, but don’t HAVE to to be successful. That’s the difference. But I agree with everything else you said. TSM just isn’t good.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean, he’s not wrong. I think it’s fair to say Sentinels seem like the clear #1 team in the world atm.

posted about 3 years ago

lol until Wardell gets out of the Jett awp one trick Meta TSM isn’t going anywhere. That stopped working like 3 metas ago. It’s why 100T benched Dicey, he was one dimensional too.

posted about 3 years ago

I just stick to getting my esports news from my boy Jake Lucky at eSports Talk

Drink your water, drink your coffee, stay hydrated my friends.

posted about 3 years ago

Sen are the clear #1 but I think most NA fans would have felt more confident having 100T, Envy, or even C9 here instead of V1... especially with a sub in. I rank all of those teams ahead of V1 for the most part. And probably in the order I listed them.

That being said, V1 played well given their situation. Props to them.

posted about 3 years ago

Lol it’s just the two most successful regions in “most” eSports so the rivalry goes way back. Especially in a game like this which has carried over a lot of fans from CSGO and a lot of old history with the players.

For smaller regions, it must just be like two big brothers fighting 😂 for the most part, it’s all in fun. And the player mostly all respect eachother regardless of region.

posted about 3 years ago

I have nothing against V1. Super impressed by their performance, but that doesn’t change the fact that I would rank several teams ahead of them. 100T is the clear #2 in my opinion and Envy/C9B both probably ahead of V1 too. But I’m not a bias fan, if their success continues obviously I’m happy to change my rankings.

It’s just like FPX, Guild, G2, Heretics, Ascent, etc all not getting here ahead of Liquid or Fnatic. Teams are all pretty close right now in NA/EU depending on the day. Except sentinels, they are way ahead.

posted about 3 years ago

In my opinion, 100T is the second best team in NA with Envy a close third, C9 fourth, and maybe V1/Faze rounding out the top 5. I would have REALLY liked to see them compete against the other regions at this event... hopefully next time.

But even as a 100T fan, I can admit sentinels are the best team in the world right now.

posted about 3 years ago

Zombs. But Vanity was cracked at times this LAN... Although I think that was more just pure aim/gunskill than utility. The other regions didn’t seem to put nearly as much emphasis on getting good with astra prior to Masters

posted about 3 years ago

Damn this post is so soft I could sleep on it comfortably

PS. Zombs isn’t good? He plays his roll perfectly. Not everybody can be a star, that’s what Tenz, Sick, and Occasionally Shaz are for. Dapr and Zombs are there to play supportive rolls which are extremely important in Valorant (and most team sports). The dude is on the best team on the planet at the moment, I’d say he’s doing okay.

posted about 3 years ago

GGs to Fnatic. I’m super impressed by Version1, especially since they are playing without Wippie on short notice. That being said, I still wish it was either 100T or Envy representing NA alongside Sentinels as they are the true top 3 NA teams in my opinion. Oh well, Sentinels is undoubtably the best team in the world right now so it’s good to see them here representing NA.

posted about 3 years ago
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