Flag: Ukraine
Registered: June 4, 2022
Last post: February 3, 2023 at 6:44 PM
Posts: 65
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I said the community is filled with a bunch of homophobic racists. There is issues with lootboxes/gambling. Is that alright for you? Also why would I argue with "my main"?

posted about a year ago

First of all check my posts I litterly was arguing with that pos. Also like cs= olofboost? You do realize that game litterly is the foundations of modern valorant. I agree the cs community is dogshit but the game deserves some respect.

posted about a year ago

How is not similar. Stop blindly hating on anything Cs

posted about a year ago

he isnt the best speed =/ performance. the original point is speed is most important thing for awpers

posted about a year ago

idk if you have seen the edit "Time to Damage.

What is TTD (Time to Damage)?

It's the average time it took you from seeing the enemy player to dealing damage to them. TTD is NOT the reaction time. It consists from your accuracy, reaction time & accuracy, weapons fire rate in the game.

How do we calculate it?

We calculate the time from the moment you are seeing the enemy to the moment you deal the damage to them. We also take in account the weapons' fire rate in the game to count the numbers through the theory of incomplete and censored distributions."
also s1mple >> monesy even though money faster reaction time. I'm saying that if all other variables are equal, in which most cases they aren't then reaction time will have a minimal impact. but if the other variables are equal than reaction time is not that important.

posted about a year ago

if you have two people with identical aim then when holding an angle the person with faster reaction time will be better (at least with awp). flicking isn't as based on reaction time and more on timing your click. also stuff like peekers advantage and distance from angle will also most likely have more of an effect on the input time than the difference in reaction time.
also this comment "Time to Damage.

What is TTD (Time to Damage)?

It's the average time it took you from seeing the enemy player to dealing damage to them. TTD is NOT the reaction time. It consists from your accuracy, reaction time & accuracy, weapons fire rate in the game.

How do we calculate it?

We calculate the time from the moment you are seeing the enemy to the moment you deal the damage to them. We also take in account the weapons' fire rate in the game to count the numbers through the theory of incomplete and censored distributions."

posted about a year ago

reacting to a color change is easier and faster than a couple of pixels changing on your screen

posted about a year ago

but the reaction time of this website is more useful because its how quickly you can click on reaction. like a normal test would be how quickly your brain can react to a stimuli which is not as related to valorant.

posted about a year ago

please explain. Your original statement is "reaction time matters alot for OPers".

posted about a year ago
s1mple 190ms reaction time
again i have 176 ms and I'm complete crap at awping
also this "Also, reacting to a major color change is different than an enemy peeking you"

posted about a year ago

for correcting someone whos homophobic?

posted about a year ago

then why does device have a worse reaction time than hunter. Wouldnt it make sense for hunter to become an awper because reaction time matters more. Also device is one of the best awpers of all time with a 176 ms reaction time (same as me) and I am a trash player who was never good.

posted about a year ago

also even if reaction time was all that was needed for aim that still wouldn't make you that good. There are many other aspects to valorant. If aim was everything all those top leaderboards on aimlabs on kovaaks would always be the best pro players which is just not true.

posted about a year ago
As you can xantares(186ms) has a much slower reaction time than hunter(164ms) but as most would agree xantares has better aim. Also, its not like reaction time cant be trained. Over time, your reaction time improves. Also, reacting to a major color change is different than an enemy peeking you. I actually tested my reaction time and it is 176 ms which is faster than xantares does that mean that I am even close to the player he is, HELL NO.

posted about a year ago
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