Flag: Denmark
Registered: September 12, 2021
Last post: February 1, 2024 at 8:21 AM
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mid elo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They aren't, they just faced 2 of the worst team in lcq

posted about a year ago

Bro started to get sick so often only when SEN became dogshit

posted about a year ago

KR doesn't even deserve their 1 slot lmfao

posted about a year ago

He spits facts, he doesn't bait, NA is shit

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Issax didn't fall off, bro has been banned for months

posted about a year ago

Rb ain't that good

posted about a year ago

Bro got a fan

posted about a year ago

You're unironically an intelligent user compared to this shit

posted about a year ago

Big massive L

posted about a year ago

I find it extremely hard to believe this, but in case it's true you're a fucking mongoloid jesus christ you deserved to lose that money ngl

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Depends if I'm on my main or not. If yes, I trashtalk softly, if not, god have mercy I'm bout to wish the other person's whole family tree to go extinct

posted about a year ago

I hate bad teams

posted about a year ago

yes, they win last place in lcq

posted about a year ago

most likely it's him, hope I will be proved wrong

posted about a year ago

"APAC wins it all" gtfo clown

posted about a year ago

irrelevant tournament

posted about a year ago

liquid will maybe win 2 lcq games with dimasick, fucking idiots

posted about a year ago

yes, NA player so that guild will finally end as a team

posted about a year ago

350 bucks if it's in good conditions with normal prices, rn tho? 600

posted about a year ago

Never have shit that's actually worth something on you. Rome is quite dangerous, don't trust strangers, most of them will try to scam you since you're a foregneir. Only go to restaurants which are quite known so you'll know exactly the prices (rome can be really expensive)

posted about a year ago

There were good baits who weren't simply annoying like those retards like babysasuke, apacjimmy and the other guy with the strange flag and m3c flair

posted about a year ago

True, nowadays it's just cringe af kids who think their "baits" are funny. I miss the old vlr without all these mongoloid fucks

posted about a year ago

Still did better than DRX who is getting more overhyped the more they fail

posted about a year ago

Get DRX out of there for god's sake the failed once again stop overrating them

posted about a year ago

After EMEA won copenhagen every single one of your opinions are now totally irrelevant

posted about a year ago

He's right tho, GC is irrelevant

posted about a year ago

As an italian my opinion matters more, so, usually pizza is better, but a good pasta with the right sauce is just something else

posted about a year ago

52 on alt

posted about a year ago

I've never seen something as cringe as this

posted about a year ago

Literally wrote "The clutch king" idiot

posted about a year ago

Fpx better

posted about a year ago

They got smoked by FPX on bind tho

posted about a year ago

That's all you get to compare them tho. Both guard and XSET had to play opponents that were in any aspect ahead of them, and didn't even do too bad against them. While XIA (best example I can think of), had a win against optic, which was probably a fluke tho, lost against liquid who shouldn't even have been there, and then lost to optic, this masters, they lost to fpx with seider, which wasn't even the shadow of fpx with suygetsu, and then lost to nth, 2 teams that were probably on their same level

posted about a year ago

And that's where you're wrong. KR can only be judged by looking at a single team, because that's all we've gotten, and what we can see is that the overall level of the region is always the same since DRX still dominates everyone the same way the did before. While at least JP has more than 1 team that can make it against a team who made top 3 last event. You might say that BR is worse than KR, and there you might be right

posted about a year ago

Latam might be a little biased since we at least got to see 2 LATAM teams at the same event, but simply because, after KRU qualified for masters 1 and did not so good, a different team overcame them and did way better, while DRX was still DRX and still got top 6 (which LEV got as well), BR was still LOUD and after they got top 2, they still destroyed everything in their region, byt ended up dead last, JP got top 3 last masters, and got top 12 now

posted about a year ago

And there you go with "what if". Did it happen? No. We can only judge based on what we saw, and we saw, that XIA got destroyed ever since their fluke win against optic (got beaten in the rematch), and that XSET and Guard lost the other team from their same region, and then had to face significantly better teams. And yes, teams like FAZE or NRG could realistically be way better than onic or secret, but again, it would mostly be based on speculation, so it's not really a fair point

posted about a year ago

You're saying that based on pure speculation, all we know is that JP did better than KR this year, and that teams there actually all have a chance to reach the big stages. Until the other korean teams beat the japanese ones in lcq, saying that KR is a better region overall, is purely delusional

posted about a year ago

You fail to see the point. The fact that there at least is some sort of competion internally is what makes the level of a region higher, you can argue than at the end one of the 2 teams ended up being trash, which would actually be true, but apart from EMEA, which region sent 2 teams who both ended up doing something? APAC sent PRX and XIA, PRX did good, XIA won a fluke game and that's it, they always lost after that. LATAM sent KRU and LEV, KRU as well only won 1 game, but LEV managed to get a top 6. NA had first seeds going out 0-2, true, but at least remember who they lost to, both had to face optic in the first match up, and Guard ended up facing PRX which ended 4th in the tournament, while XSET had to play LEV, who had a close game with fnatic who only lost to the 2 finalists of the tournament. And don't even let me bring up the average level of team who didn't qualify from those regions, which yes, wpuld mostly be speculation, but at least would get a bit more insight on that

posted about a year ago

NTH did quite bad, they didn't win against prime PRX (current one) and the LEV game is the one that actually counts, even tho it was a really close game (both teams dominated on 1 map, and last was 11-13), but after that they faced actually good teams, and it was over for them. There's no curses, DRX isn't simply good enough

posted about a year ago

You miss the whole point. The fact that there is any sort of competition is what makes the region better. And if you want to say that NTH did shit, ok, you can say that, but ZETA did good before them, and did even better than KR (DRX), and after doing so, they didn't even end up qualifying, which means that yhere's actually competition for a top 3 masters team. While in KR, DRX alqays dominates, but ends up being dominated themselves, there's just no competition because apart from them (which aren't that good anyways) all the other teams are really on a low level

posted about a year ago

Because they're bad and they lose, simple

posted about a year ago

Oh fuck, forgot about NU, bullshit about JP being better? Not bullshit, just facts. JP got better results thus year, won against DRX last masters, and actually has more than 1 contender to the international stage. While KR only has 1 team who ends up being dominated, at least ZETA did a really good run last masters, and even ended up not qualifying for this masters, KR teams on the other hand, get all dominated by DRX, which eventually gets dominated itself

posted about a year ago

Just look at what I said to the other guy

posted about a year ago

"Cursed team" never heard something more bullshit than this. DRX simply is not as good as people make them to be. KR is without a doubt the worst region in valorant as of now, since the only team that wins over there, never did anything special, with top 6 being their best, every other region has had at least omce, a better placement

posted about a year ago

Still, the fact that there was a second seed who did better, makes the region better overall, xerxia won a single match by fluke, amd did so fucking bad this masters it's embarassing only to think about. As a whole, apac did worse than NA up until now, and if we count teams that didn't qualify as well, apac is quite shit

posted about a year ago
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