Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 12, 2022
Last post: July 9, 2023 at 7:22 PM
Posts: 121
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Same result imo. I think the players on Faze are much more consistent than the ones on SEN.

Faze 2-1

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Yea, he's really good. If edg end up winning lcq, hopefully they r able to replicate those stats internationally.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Idk who's gonna win but I hope it's a close game. Gl to both teams.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Hopefully NTH finds their footing. EDG seems to be a really good team though.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago


P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Yea. I hope sick settles his family problems soon and that they haven't impacted his mental too much.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

We all want good games but having teams like sen makes games more entertaining and also helps expand the scene.
Besides, sen didn't do too bad considering the circumstances.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Idk but I have just received some very important stats in my dms.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

I have 0 because I have no friends :(

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

I've noticed that he does suck up to Asian viewers too but I think you're exaggerating a bit much.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Why the hate against Optic? They r a rlly good team.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Why the unnecessary hate? EDG seems to be a good team.

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Do you guys really think Faze is just going to give up Dicey and Supamen?

P.S. I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

posted about a year ago

Hopium-119 is an atomic element classified in the Copious solids (Group 30) element family. It is soluble in water and is harder than diamond. However, when subjected to high temperatures, specifically those over 1000 Kelvin, it begins to crack and disintegrates within 30 seconds of exposure. Hopium-119 is the newest element in the Periodic Table, discovered in January 2022 by the Washvard Advanced Studies Institute.

posted about a year ago
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