Flag: Argentina
Registered: March 24, 2022
Last post: May 6, 2024 at 12:30 AM
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i dont know if im reading a trembolona's post or what with this parasocial vibe

posted about a year ago

Wdym qck lmao

posted about a year ago

because with this win she already went further than mwzera whole carreer

posted about a year ago

Funny coming from the guy hyping up an average otp raze thinking he would win against KRU and classify for champs and then losing to a top10 br team because of his inability to play another agent.

If it's about bad takes you have one of the worst on the whole site lmao, just wait for mwzera flipping burgers next year.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i mean this crowd have actually various chants and are very passionate even when they lose, the crowd in SA LCQ were just cheering at best and im not even gonna go into how they left the stadium before their team even lost..
I hope that changes ofc, BR crowd from football itself is insane, they transitioned that into RIO's crowd and it shows.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nah, not even close to this crowd, i would argue they were actually bad crowd in SA LCQ

posted about a year ago

bro just said mwzera like we wouldnt notice lmaooo

dont even compare one of the best teams on the world to a worthless otp raze thanks

posted about a year ago

that crowd is just fucking insane, best crowd in esports imo

posted about a year ago

IEM Rio crowd is 100 times better than the one we got in LCQ SA this year.
There is no comparison whatsoever so it's not relevant to the vlr community!

posted about a year ago



1 map skye -5
1 map kayo -9
1 map chamber -+0
7 maps raze +32 (average +4 for map)

Why would you want an average otp raze who performed like this against SA top 4-8?? For being a meme in vlr.gg and for trembolona's parasocial relantionship with him??
There is a lot more deserving br players than him tbh, so its a total L.

posted about a year ago

I think he will put some average numbers on raze and bottom frag every time he does not plays raze.
Why would you want to sign an otp raze lmao

posted about a year ago

Bro thinks that an average otp raze will stay in franchise more than a year lmaooo

posted about a year ago

Trembolona unhealthy parasocial relationship with br players still remains untouched!

Get a life trembo, so maybe u don't have to stalk every single br player

posted about a year ago

Yess, valyn and Trent who got 0-2 at masters, they're so good damn

posted about a year ago

LOL, lil bro thinks his region have more than 10 good players

posted about a year ago

Cope + you upfrag urself + ratio

posted about a year ago

I love this type of comments where NA fans pretend they have more than 1 good team lmaoo

posted about a year ago

did they? i think at least from the fan side no one from SA wanted to form a league with NA, but ok

posted about a year ago

Damn this LOUD disband gives SK gaming disband vibes, trying to live to their former glory:/. Hopes that's not the case
Also why would you want 3 igls in LEV lol

posted about a year ago

cuz fuck breeze

posted about a year ago

it would not hurt a fantasy league in valorant huh

posted about a year ago

mb lmao

posted about a year ago

I kinda want split back so I was wondering what map could get off the map pool in his place.
I personally would remove breeze since the only controller that works there is Viper, so if no one picks Viper you pretty much lost. Also the long distances aim duels argument kinda gets neglected with people playing double Operator in defense side.

So what map would you remove?


EDIT: Added the option "None"

posted about a year ago

Por lo que dijo onur, que estaba en su mejor momento como igl me hace dudar, pero que se yo, sinceramente más allá de keznit no hay muchos duelistas raw aim en latam

posted about a year ago

I meant they probably were going to be one of the worst teams at Americas, so downgrading with an only raze makes no difference in their standings/power ranking.
I don't think comms between br/LATAM is any problem tbh, they already play in BR so it's not something they aren't used to.
Also rgl is pretty good, if he had better teammates LCQ would have been different

posted about a year ago

2 igls though?

posted about a year ago

Idk how Kru will beneficiate with an average only raze but ok, not like they're up to be a good team anyway so getting mwzera does not really change things
+Rgl -delz1k is a giga upgrade though

posted about a year ago

Nzr did some good numbers last masters while igling, it blows my mind that he got benched by a non-igl who does not perform outside of raze.
That or he got signed for another franchised team

posted about a year ago

He is right though, last LCQ he didn't performed outside of raze, out of 10 games, 3 were not raze and got -14. The other 7 games with raze he got +32.
He is not performing outside of raze
Not even duelist, full time raze he has to play.

posted about a year ago

Is this klaus_god_top1 alt acc?

posted about a year ago

Challengers happening in January right?

posted about a year ago

This people spreading misinformation smh

posted about a year ago

Good micro, but pretty standard, I'm pretty sure they did it before and they are not the only team that does this.
Good micro anyways

posted about a year ago

I'm not 26 wdym

posted about a year ago

Can't even trade his teammate who got the enemy cypher at 22hp

posted about a year ago

Shyy with the choke of the century, to being the one who made the difference in groups now he underperform against loud and fpx

posted about a year ago

I meant their two next matches, not the match result against DRX.

But okay, sure

posted about a year ago

Nah, bro just went to my profile to see a grammar error so he can reply LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

My english is not worse than yours thats for sure. But i never said your english is bad, just what the fuck are you doing wanting to correct me in a stupid sentence that i also made correctly LOL, thats something i would never do out of nowhere. Only said that to make you self aware, and that worked out just fine, as seen by your edit:)

posted about a year ago

Stopped reading when you said haven is their best map and is a permaban. Never got banned and not even against DRX they won haven, LEV's ascent and bind are better LOL.

You're not worth my time

posted about a year ago

i knew it, you're a bot, thats why you used it.

ngl with that kind of thought process it makes sense.

Never said LEV will surely win LOUD, but what i did say is that im conviced if LOUD wins they're getting 0-2 right after.

nice edit on that basic mistake LOL, will wait your next correction in my grammar:)

posted about a year ago

no way u just wanted to correct me and did it wrong, in the way i made that sentence is okay to say "throwed" LOL. If i had to use threw it would be "Mental exploded when they threw".

Never said that, u keep coming up with lies lol.

No, because NIP won against LEV 5 months ago does not mean they are still worse than them, and more when you consider they don't have the same roster or coaching staff.
Yeah! They improved, thats why they lost against NORTHEPTION in the FINALS the following split right? Or maybe there is teams who improve more than others? Fuck there is no way! In a competition???? Well, at least now i know KRU is better than LEV and ZETA thats for sure as LOUD didn't improve either. Pretty stupid ngl.
What??? They lost to fusion when Shyy joined the team 2 weeks before???? No way, how can't they perform after 2 weeks of having a new roster? Ofc Fusion won the rematch 2 days after right? As they're better than LEV for winning the first time right?

Bro just want to cope that ZETA and BOOM make a harder group than any other groups lmaoooooo

posted about a year ago

massacred? they throwed a 12-6 lead on LOUD's map pick, how is that massacred?
Although im not going to lie, i really didn't understood your comment, but im here! I didin't dissapeared

posted about a year ago

Never said that the 0-3 it was meant to be, it was proved in the following 2 matches with them that LOUD is capable of winning maps, but what is for sure is that Optic would have won either way as they're the better team, even if it was a 3-2.

Also never said that, i said if you put them on the group A or C in the place of KRU or LEV they wouldn't got out of groups, which is a debatable opinion for sure, but whats sure you just can't say that BOOM and ZETA are threatening your second place slot more than PRX/TL/EDG and XSET/FPX.

Yes, and ZETA in 2 LOUD's map pick only got 1 more round than LEV in 1 loud's map pick. Mental exploded when throwed 8 rounds in a row to lost the first map. The fact you want to make Zeta look better than LEV then also all of group A to prove your point is kinda laughable ngl

posted about a year ago

No, its not a correction, u just replied.

good job though

posted about a year ago

you can't really correct a comment made before it happened, but ok

posted about a year ago

Teams get better, Onur and the team respects them for how close they are, never he said it was a "bad match" (???) he said it was a worse match up than FPX because of their fast paced attack side, no more no less, but i don't expect you to know what are you talking about tbh.

It was a fluke, also will not even talk about EMEA inside conflict and the format was utter shit , maybe you already know but DRX won the same amount of series than LOUD that masters but placed 6th. Sometimes it happens, never stopped to consider why although you won optic the first time you still lost the following 3?

And no, i don't hate Brazil, when i was competing being in a team with a brazillian it was normal. I speak portuguese, have friends in Brazil and even plan to visit it. Even more, i support 9z in csgo who they have a br coach (2 i think?), i wouldn't care about a br player in either those teams.
Sadhaak, pancadA and aspas are talented as fuck and i respect them, but i will not cheer for them because i just don't feel representated (even if there is an argentinian and in LEV there is none!) its simple as that, nothing really personal.

posted about a year ago

A fact? Yeah, Lev throws, loud wins so it proves it right? Damn you're so smart, how couldn't I see that the 2nd best JP team is better than TL and PRX!
You're just that stupid, it's insane, no fucking wonder you can never make a reasonable take, You even said that optic is bad cuz they lost 1 time to Loud, disregarding the 3 following times they lost to them.
You just don't think with reason, but with region pride, the fact I recon they could lose to Loud and you saying those things just proves it.

posted about a year ago

Como é feio ver a LOUD jogar de tr

É sempre a mesma coisa, junta os 5 em um bomb e entra
Os caras não colocam pressão na B, não quebram a barreira da sage na B
Mesma coisa na ascent, não exploram o meio do mapa, raramente tem infiltração de alguém, etc.

Que coisa patética

posted 2 hours ago



posted 2 hours ago

U change opinions pretty fast huh lmao

posted about a year ago
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