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Registered: June 20, 2023
Last post: March 16, 2024 at 3:01 PM
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i see u enjoy watching grown men "submitting" each other

posted 7 months ago

i mean there is skill gap between some of the EU and APAC T1 teams and the Americas league and a few EU(Fnatic) and APAC (PRX,DRX..) aswell. By the lack of trophy, one can even dismiss the entirety of APAC.

posted 7 months ago

does not make a case for her to be in franchise is the point. she is not there yet and no she isnt being denied on the basis of gender.. its purely performance

posted 7 months ago

Potter has been at EG since forever but they were not always as good as this year so its not just her.. alot of things worked for them

posted 7 months ago

welcome to NA.. everyone is either an immigrant or their descendants

posted 7 months ago

yay clears

posted 7 months ago

Americas is competitive because of NA's money power to buy any good English speaking talent from anywhere. Joining South American teams is tough because of language barriers so they only bring whatever they have. But with broke orgs like C9, EG.. they will be no different than EU teams.

posted 7 months ago

if there is anyone who deserves repeated chances along with a few Fnatic/Optic/LOUD players its him

posted 7 months ago

is a stupid ass statement to make.. its not like Neymar going to Saudi Leagues or peak Lebron james going to guangdong tigers.. he still gets to play the best teams if he qualifies for international leagues.

anyway how is NA most competitive when they fronting duds like vankitty and the G2 core.. like atleast pickup the M80 core

posted 7 months ago

didnt XSET under sykko do better than Guard? also will see how this g2/ex-guard does in franchising cause it aint ascension

posted 8 months ago

having an opinion or criticizing something with facts makes u a hater? i guess labelling people haters/pussies is the only retort you have in the absence of logic

posted 8 months ago

huh? cause there are obviously others aswell.. she is one of them.. what makes u think im a pussy when i literally took her as an example lol.

posted 8 months ago

quit the mental gymnastics.. i call out whoever i want. braindead to assume anyone would hold back on an anonymous forum

posted 8 months ago

yeah cant take any arts major student at Harvard seriously

posted 8 months ago

what u on about i called out kyedae.. u are the only pussy in here

posted 8 months ago

you are weird to assume some people are above any criticism.. fan behavior

posted 8 months ago

its obvious he didnt even care to check the tracker score before commenting.. so he just wanted to say something to "protect" her l0l

posted 8 months ago

bro is braindead.. he is trying to white knight someone who doesnt know him. pathetic state of affairs

posted 8 months ago

agreed another fraud for sure

posted 8 months ago

mad cause the twitch celebrity u are tier 3 subbed to is a fraud

posted 8 months ago

go check her tracker, nobody goes triple negatives constantly and maintains their rank. then have the audacity to say team is bad when u go positive once.. seen her pro performance too that was a joke aswell. but i guess u need to only convince the braindead to keep the twitch/youtube money flowing

yeah ur all assumptions how do u know im not a girl? dickhead

posted 8 months ago

anyone who has been boosted and acts like other non-famous players in the lobby dont have a clue

case in point : kyedae boosted to immortal but cant stand her ground in sinatraa's lobbies (https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/58acbfc8-b264-44a1-af52-900f4c6b7d43)

posted 8 months ago

bitch that would make me a sandwich on command

posted 8 months ago

would beat every GC team.. off the server

posted 8 months ago

EG board meeting rn "omg koromast from vlr.gg is pissed off on how we go about our business, we should immediately take steps to please him"

posted 8 months ago

maybe you should try having lunch by yourself once in a while.. if it can build critical thinking

posted 8 months ago

not forgiven, he is already punished. people, communities and countries have been pardoned for way more.. move on.

posted 8 months ago

whats worse than an actual PDF file is the virtue signaling by the community... if we are hell-bent on cancelling, lets start with canceling the entire country of <redacted> for its horrible human rights violations

throwing an easy target under the bus solves nothing... mistake made, apologized, punished.. move on!

posted 8 months ago

they will be #8th at best in Americas

posted 8 months ago

decision making against Ascendant level players is not the same as trying to outsmart the likes of saadhak and FNS.. and no - she is will not just magically get a chance before the likes of runi and even TrickAim. If she does it would be a pathetic case of increasing diversity and ignoring merit

posted 8 months ago
  1. Literally pointed out that GC teams like V1 have better structure and salaries than what some of the T3/T2 male players get even if they beat those GC teams on a regular basis. Where is the sympathy for those guys? GC players stealing salaries just because they are of a minority gender and now they want a seat at the franchised level without proving themselves against the hoards waiting for a chance.

2.&3 It literally is? GC is allowed to fight for a spot in Ascension through open qualifiers and no wonder they lose? People are free to make mixed teams aswell and fight for an ascension spot? Nobody is owed a free lunch

posted 8 months ago

so you are saying 5 female players cannot defeat T4 level no salary- FA teams of men? thats sexist AF.. so u need men to support them for something they cannot achieve on their own?
also how does this make a case for mixed teams, why should anyone in GC get a spot before those FA teams?
there is no evidence of gender diversity making esport teams stronger so it will just destroy the dreams of male esport talents as teams push for diversity just for the sake of it

posted 8 months ago

agenda is to push diversity narrative and handicap really good players who happen to be in the majority due to gender

posted 8 months ago

Teams like V1 and ex-C9W have more structure, coaching and even better salaries than the male T3/Collegiate/pug/FA teams which they LOSE to. Like this one - https://www.vlr.gg/268896/version1-vs-ambrosia-knights-monthly-gauntlet-2023-august-ro32/?game=139454&tab=overview

braindead to allow anyone on V1 to be trialed before those guys for any franchised team.. pathetic to see people pushing for a diversity agenda to water down merit based selections

posted 8 months ago

what is this logic.. i could also say u never know if i would make it into a T1 team and use it as an excuse to get a trial.. these spots are earned not handed .. most of the GC teams cant beat T3 teams.. so how is anyone in GC getting even a trial before the hoards of T2 and T3 pros even justifiable?

posted 8 months ago

GE really be offering anyone with 2 hands

posted 8 months ago

lack of IGLs would be my guess

posted 8 months ago

first mel and now this dude flyuh claiming he dodged multiple franchise offers to play a lower tier for ludwig (https://twitter.com/1flyuh/status/1704585923193692355)

id also like to announce that i had the offer to replace cned on shitvi but since i couldnt make the weight threshold, i let fartdiss take the spot for this year.. ill be focusing on baiting for this year, thank you for the support

posted 8 months ago

Consulting is notorious for having inhuman work culture and clients often take advantage of this given their billing hours. Indian corporate work culture comes very close to the Japanese ones, although for very different reasons.

In India most of the consulting work is IT related and they seem to have created this spot for outsourcing their Software Engineers as "cheap labor" which benefits the western world - similar to how China is known for cheap sweatshops in the manufacturing industry. Given the time difference between India and the West, this means working round the clock, night-shifts and overall really bad work conditions for them. What is surprising is within the country, most of the people behind creating these glorified IT sweatshops are actually worshipped, maybe because they provide jobs and India has been friendly to capitalism. (TCS, Infosys).

Japan's majime image is somewhat self imposed, contrary to the work conditions in Indian IT industry or Chinese sweatshops. Respect for elders, and not talking over them seems to be the norm in most Asian countries.

posted 8 months ago

do u realize saying something is funny works in any case.. those journalists dont have a clue

posted 8 months ago

appreciate your comment but I would like to remain anonymous on this forum. Sorry

posted 8 months ago

as the other thread talks about Japan from a citizen's perspective which would obviously be nationalistic in nature. I will talk about Japan from an ex-international student/cultural exchange student perspective. I spent considerable time in Tokyo, Ibaraki prefecture and also in Osaka University.

  1. Hostility towards foreigners is present and rampant - they want you to enjoy Japan as a tourist because tourism means $$ but their policies prohibit anyone to actually find a job and settle down in Japan. If you are an immigrant, options in Europe and North America absolutely clear. Wonder why people had a difficulty getting visas for playing in Masters Tokyo?

  2. Racism : whenever this topic is brought up, people usually bash USA and other western countries but the racism in Asian countries especially in Japan and South Korea is unbelievably bad aswell. In Japan, there has been an increase in the number of hafu or mixed- race Japanese people , but they are heavily discriminated against and the whole concept of a pure blood is there. In comparison, I would say countries like Germany have done a great job of improving even if they had a similar fascist history. Yes, "Kyedae" who cannot stop talking about Japan, is actually an hafu.

  3. Expensive AF : It seems like in Tokyo there is no concept of a maximum retail price on any daily use consumable products.. you will find atrocious prices for simple things. Living in Tokyo is not possible, the rooms or apartments are smaller than prison cells.

  4. The Majime image: Working hard is certainly a good virtue but Japanese people take it to another level . For example , sleeping on trains is considered a sign of a diligent hard working Japanese person. This usually means extremely toxic workplaces. Also there is a hierarchy everywhere - you are not supposed to question your seniors (senpai) if they are wrong. Most people cannot leave their workplaces until their seniors have done so.

There are nice things but they have already been noted in the other thread. I didnt really mean to bash Japan as I did enjoy my stay there.. but given the perspective of Japan from outside, I feel alot of people dont appreciate their own countries and falsely fantasize a few. I just wanted to note that no country is perfect.

posted 8 months ago

english confuses me but doesnt phobia mean scared not hate? unless u are scared of them u cant be phobic right?

posted 8 months ago

LMFAOOOOO what an analogy my man

posted 8 months ago

clears fnatic and gambit for sure

posted 8 months ago

every other guy is an upcoming valorant journalist writing whatever comes to their mind with 0 consequences.. i guess since nobody can force u to reveal sources u can write and get away with it

posted 8 months ago

gamers will sit in unhygenic rooms filled with trash for days without sleep/shower and garbage for food their entire life so they can perfect a game.. and then turn around and complain about playing 2 days in a row once they turn pro

posted 8 months ago

and then people wonder why APAC doesnt have a title.. one cannot simply bet on esports as a career and livelihood option. Even more if you are from a third world Asian country

posted 8 months ago
  1. Supply/Demand - There are more players than there are spots in the franchised so there is no real need for them to splurge on superstars, especially if they think they can produce multiple Demon1s
  2. The orgs who have decent marketing teams are not making a profit either, like Fnatic or Sentinels. You or I, cannot sit here and judge on what strategy EG's parent company(Peak6 Investments) is making based on their balance sheets.. maybe they wish to cut down on costs due to completely different reasons, maybe some other vertical of business is not functioning
posted 8 months ago
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