Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: December 8, 2020
Last post: August 21, 2023 at 9:29 AM
Posts: 415
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its so ez to farm - ratio lol, totally free

posted about 2 years ago

people actually taking comments more serious than i expected

posted about 2 years ago

VS already overrated, plz stop

posted about 2 years ago

didnt see*

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
  • f0rsakeN
  • soulcas
  • Android
  • Turko
  • al0rante
  • H1ber
posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

i have never seen soo many questionable decisions and mistakes per round as i see when wathcing the KR Challenger series...

posted about 2 years ago

unlike in League, KR teams in Valorant do not use brain to outplay their opponents. They bet on crazy unorganized unexpected plays, that the teams against are not expecting, like we have seen NUTURN.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yay, nAts, cNed, f0rsakeN, Asuna

not saying TenZ, because we know hes gonna do good on LAN again.

posted about 2 years ago

H1BER just casually throwing 500ACS in there

posted about 2 years ago

how China gonna join when they can play only 2 hours per week? 🤣

posted about 2 years ago

well riot cannot let NA go to airport so soon, cuz there will be no viewers on the stream 🤣🤣

posted about 2 years ago

this is the "on paper" prediction, which never in history was correct in any tournament

posted about 2 years ago
| Gambit Esports            |
---------------------------                         ----------------------------
vs.                            --------------------|          Qualified          |
---------------------------                         -----------------------------
| FREEWIN                   |
posted about 2 years ago

also idk about putting #1 EU, #1 JPN, #1 BR and #2 NA team in one group LMAO, has actually anyone thought of this, or it was purely random seeding?

posted about 2 years ago

why not swapping Acend with some Group B team that is not Envy?

posted about 2 years ago

NA =/= free country ¯_(ツ)_/¯

posted about 2 years ago

half of the people here don't know what humble means

posted about 2 years ago

-bonkar +shadow?

posted about 2 years ago

idk about your sources, but if they make groups like this, the players will walk out of the event main entrance to the airport instantly without playing (overgradation)

posted about 2 years ago
Even? Sentinels shit on everybody, nothing was even in iceland

wdym, SEN vs FNC had overtimes and 13-11 games almost every map.
sit down Bob, breathe some reality KKona
your head is higher than the NA unemployment rates

posted about 2 years ago

im just reacting on that guy saying LA is the best spot for the LANs

posted about 2 years ago

Dragon Vandal, Prime Classic, Singularity phantom, ION Deagle

Aimbot lineup

posted about 2 years ago

most likely the first one will be 100T vs Acend

posted about 2 years ago

it is too late to build roster after champions, you need to have some time to practice with the team, it is ideal now to start making strong teams for next year, so they have time to figure things out

posted about 2 years ago

FPX ellement + FPX Leo


posted about 2 years ago

well, duelits are literally made for breaking through sentinels easily, such as raze double satchel, yoru teleport, jett updraft dash and in combination with intiators that make it even easier for them i dont see really a problem playing against three sentinels if done correctly. you think it is hard or impossible, because you have never tried it

posted about 2 years ago

Do you think selecting different agents for Attack and for Defense before the game is a good idea?

In halftime the agents will switch depending on which agents you have chosen for Def/Attack.

Some agents are just better on attack and shit on def, what about making the game more interesting to choose the teamcomp for each side?

posted about 2 years ago

Group A: VS, 100T, Acend, Vivo Keyd
Advances: 100T + Acend

Group B: SEN, BREN, G2, Crazy Raccoon
Advances: SEN, G2

Group C: Gambit, Havan, Kru, Paper Rex
Advances: Gambit, Havan

Group D: SMB, NV, Zeta, F4Q
Advances: SMB, NV

posted about 2 years ago

are you going for the record of most downfrags on VLR gg?

posted about 2 years ago

i somehow still think that SMB will be the perfect counter for every NA team even SEN. These guys have the best aim if you combine all the players and can make some fast and crazy executions that even SEN would not have time to counterstrat that how they always do, as SMB are not that predictable like FNC for example. And if you look at the FNC - SEN match, the matches were OTs or 13-11. So SMB should take out SEN most likely imo.

posted about 2 years ago

EU meta is behind?
Why is that EU started playing Viper months ahead of NA until NA realized that it is must have pick on some maps.
The same with Astra, or no duelist comp on some maps.
EU has this always before and Na copies it afterwards.
WDYM by "comps are miles behind" ?
When did NA discovered some comp that EU implemented after them? yea right, there wasnt such thing

posted about 2 years ago

SEN could have competition in EU even though they don't play against EU teams, they still can antistrat and learn from some EU top teams, how to make their team better. Like they are not isolated in the NA bubble, all the EU games are public and they can improve based on watching the vods

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

i would say like 30% of the cNed's viewers are not Turkish, but noone is typing in the chat, as the community in the chat is purely Turkish and the english comments would have no value and notice in there anyway

posted about 2 years ago

Yea i feel like G2 were not really trying to do anything when they started getting slapped by SMB, they just stood there and took the slaps. Confidence went straight out of the window and they got pushed to the corner so much that they were even scared to play their defaults. I liked the energy SMB went with to the match, i could feel like they were prepared to destroy them and they knew they would, which was the case.

posted about 2 years ago

i mean ofc they look like the best team they have ever got on paper, if we take the talent per role. doesn't mean they will do good, so far they are not. And kolda is not top Sova player, i would say one of the worse in tier 1 EU scene. But yea as some people here said, he might be good IGL. I hope his calls will win more rounds than he looses by not winning duels or not using util properly. Just saying many people could call as good as him and even play his role better at the same time.

posted about 2 years ago

"G2 is now looking the best they've ever looked" ?
sus baiter

posted about 2 years ago

wow you are so cool, you post 50 comments per day on VLR gg and 90% of them are trashtalking others, what a great life you got. im proud of your online keyboard achievement

posted about 2 years ago

i don't think G2 need him to be the IGL that much as TH and G2 didn't have any set IGL before for long time as far as i remember

btw Sova is Leo's most played agent past 3 months in all tournaments, he has literally the most rounds on Sova than any other agent, wdym

i hope someone won't give a job to you brother

posted about 2 years ago

G2 should just buy out Leo or lauresss... or even Shao if FPX will have some roster shuffle after their continuous failing to qualify anywhere.
koldamenta is averaging one of the lowest ACS from all Sovas, doing mistakes i don't even see randoms do in my ranked games. I mean ofc, hes support player, this doesn't matter that much, but the team is as good as its weakest part...
if they don't get top3 in masters i can tell they will most likely bench him anyway

posted about 2 years ago

agree, its easier to win champions than to win masters, its a paradox, but true. the team keeps the points, but the teams might not be the same as when they got the points to qualify for champions, there could be much better teams in 4 months in the regions than the teams that will play in champions. you can basically make superteam mix in 4 months that will be unbeatable for couple of months, but they wont have any points towards champions, so people cant really say that the champions winner will be the best team in the world

posted about 2 years ago

Gambit or SMB

posted about 2 years ago

Turkish teams are so lucky that they have the best aimers. At least they will not miss the airport.

posted about 2 years ago

why Turks not typing? is vlrgg hosted on Frankfurt servers or what? KEKW

posted about 2 years ago

bonkar going for the 1st in VLRgg Stats from the bottom

posted about 2 years ago

and if Subroza doesn't Raze ult

posted about 2 years ago

can't say anything on that, i guess running around the map, swinging everything works well against strats based team in this game ¯_(ツ)_/¯
just wait till EU starts doing that call of duty shit as well and we get CS all over again

posted about 2 years ago
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