Flag: South Korea
Registered: August 13, 2023
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 10:52 PM
Posts: 114
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will DK choke again? they lost a 12-4 lead to LFG Portal yesterday and they might throw the 8-4 lead today

posted 3 months ago

map 3 ascent started (pistol team ace for DK)
Efina KJ
972 Omen
Zest Sova
Doenmo Yoru
Bunny Sova

exy Omen
Hermes KAY/O
NGen Sova
SeliG Jett
freeing KJ

posted 3 months ago

hbd trikecycle

posted 3 months ago

correct me if I'm wrong but OP was talking about APAC, not itw.

your personality on this site is pretty shit I must also mention, based on your previous posts!

posted 3 months ago

In LoL, we recently had the Asian Olympics host eSports as an official sport! (My GOAT Faker of course won the whole thing)

Maybe this could happen instead of waiting for L Faria?

posted 3 months ago

At least one parent or grandparent that is FULLY (95%+) pure. So yes, it would be allowed.

posted 3 months ago

you know the drill 😊

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

The actual world cup has 26 players max over starting 11 players, which means there is about 2.36x more players total than starters (reflecting to val, 10 players over 5 starters, with ValAnalysis being Assistant Coach)

posted 3 months ago

If there was a VALORANT World Cup what would your country's roster look like and why your country would clear?

Mine: South Korea
Coach: Solo/ValAnalysis
Duelist: BuZz/stew
Smokes: MaKo
Initiator/IGL: stax/yoman
Sentinel: Flashback/Meteor
Flex: Rb

Subs: Sayaplayer, t3xture, Karon

Why we would clear: peak DRX + RA roster and no termi

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

you're actually cooking

posted 3 months ago

Jesus Christ you're right; if this burner account is Korean, then that's a terrible look. If he's fake-flagging, it would make sense since he's overly trying to defend SEA.

I think a few bad apples and the hive-mind mentality make the region look bad. Most of SEA is chill, it's just that a few toxic (and sometimes racist) meatheads get too full of themselves +alpha (alpha being the hive mind online that think this behavior is "cool" or "fun").

posted 3 months ago

THANK YOU DRX!!! As a DRX glazer I love this skin so so so much. (I'm considering to get LEV and T1 as well, these three look fire imo)

posted 3 months ago

TLN 2-1 TS

posted 3 months ago

I think I have to follow up, now that a lot of my assumptions came true, except a few surprises.

This list will be hella controversial now LOL

  1. PRX (the gap between PRX and 2-6th place is getting so marginal. PRX kind of did way worse than I thought, and perhaps we could see PRX fall off from 1. Before I anger the majority of SEA, I'm going to brief over the KR teams at 2-4)
  2. DRX (no comment, see below.)
  3. T1 (Am I biased for still rating T1 lower? Personally, I think DRX STILL has an edge, and influencers like PlatChat, TMV, and all VCTP casters (minus achilios) underrate DRX for what they are actually worth)
  5. TLN (I'm hyped for what the team can do against DRX, and I'm known to glaze DRX just a bit!)
  6. ZETA (Not bad of a showing against T1, but it was a mid-performance.)
  7. RRQ (I rated them too low last time, but only moved them once because I don't see them beating ZETA at their current form.)
  8. DFM (DFM just keeps winning. Because BLD threw so hard, I'm bumping DFM up lol)
  9. BLD (Although GE did beat BLD, LEGIJA is clearly throwing for assuming that yay can flex, nonetheless flex with a roster with little chemistry. If yay settled in and actually played for his strengths, BLD would normally be beating GE. However, I do think GE will get better over time and BLD might fall to the 10 spot.)
  10. GE (See above.)
  11. TS (nothing to say)

edit: might switch TLN and ZETA

posted 3 months ago

Hello Asuna_Yuuki! You see, unfortunately, the winner of Group A faces off the winner of the 2nd place round-robin. This leaves Group B and Group C's respective #1's to fight for a direct ticket to Masters Madrid. This format is pretty off-putting to say for the least.

Edit: I'm 90% sure that A faces off against 2nd place winners, and B faces off against C for one spot each. The comment above me is also a valid possibility, and I hope that's the case.

posted 3 months ago

I agree, that's valid. Although I agree with your placements, I disagree, since I think it's for a different reason. LCQ ZETA is not equal to 2024 ZETA. The current ZETA is much more aggressive, and THANK GOD for them trying to increase individual play, and not be confined in the mindset of "teamplay is best play."

posted 3 months ago

Saw a ton of Americas Power Rankings, but not many Pacific ones.

Here's my list! Please take it with a grain of salt.

  1. PRX (hasn't played, but should be 1)
    • small tier gap -
  2. DRX (flashback proved himself)
  3. T1 (a bit more until they go head-to-head with DRX, I like the iZu Rossy and xccurate pickups)
  4. GEN (unexpected t3xture pop-off, but might go down if Lakia and Karon underperform in future matches, which I 90% expect)
  5. TLN (Gov and ban r*ped TS WTF)
    • very small tier gap -
  6. BLD (I'm sorry, I never believed that this team would be top 3. Please let yay prove me wrong.)
  7. ZETA (shaky against GE, which looks awful.)
  8. RRQ (might have rated this team too low if GEN deserves 4th. Was not convinced with Jemkin; Estrella was an ok pick but will he be consistent?)
  9. DFM (NOT LAST. looked decent against DRX with raid boss flashback)
    • large tier gap -
  10. TS (wtf. wtf. wtf. nepotism at its finest. tbh might rate under GE.)
  11. GE (This team relies on blazeking to do good. he did not do good. BUT still has the potential to climb up to 7-8)

This is based on first games, minus PRX! Again, please take this with a grain of salt and I'm open to any dissent.

posted 3 months ago

Okobotro πŸ—Ώ

posted 3 months ago

I remember that he was such an unhatable player. Thanks for being such an integral player, both on C9 and T1!

posted 3 months ago

you too mocaxoxo!

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

My ACS goes from 213.5 on Attack to 296.7 on Defense this act. I feel like my T-side is really bad, considering I play raze. Do I just need better mechs?

posted 3 months ago

Thank you number2_cNed_fan, from your words I can tell that you're pretty cracked yourself. I've realized that I care about ranking up so much, I sometimes forget to lock in the game.

I've been enjoying seeing your comments on VLR, thanks for the entertainment!

posted 3 months ago

Already past level 40, I think the river has been crossed.

I'll consider it a blessing considering I played league for 10 years and switched to val.

posted 3 months ago


I don't play too much, but I'm so darn inconsistent, especially with keeping my mentality straight after the first half. I always give good comms, frag out, and play with the team during the first half, but I just progressively get worse after the first half, and especially during OT.

Any tips to be more "clutch" and have a good mental?

posted 3 months ago

I don't know, this bracket isn't likely. Putting JDG, TE, FPX, and BLG in one group is very unbalanced. Other brackets had a decent balance, but I assume it's a random draw besides the ascension and 1st place teams (although America's Group A seems a bit too stacked). And if this was the bracket, it would've been announced already/leakers would've gone ham on twitter already lol

posted 3 months ago

Me and my friends recently made a fantasy league:

Who should I pick up if I need 10 players and at least one of every role? I really need the money from the prize pool bc I'm so broke tbh

Stats for anyone wondering (points):

K/D/A: 5/-3/2.5
FB/FD: 5/-5

1v2/3/4/5/6 (res): 3/4.5/7.5/12/18
2K/3/4/5/6 (res): 0.5/1/2/3.5/5.5
ACS, ADR, KAST: 0.05(ACS + ADR + (KAST% >70% times 10000)), rounded to nearest tenth
Rounds Not Played (Out of 24): 1.5 per (ex. 13-9 win --> 22/24 rounds played, 2 rounds not played --> 2
1.5 = 3)
Match Sweep (Bo3/Bo5): 10

Stage Points: 250 per

  • Group Stage: 1 stage point for top seed
  • Playoffs Stage: 2.5 stage points for making UF (Upper Finals), 3 stage points for going undefeated into Finals

Masters 1 & 2 and Champs are worth 4x more points*

posted 4 months ago

hes been on those agents, hence why light has shown on those agents. ofc he plays those agents since he is the best at them, but your arguments by far refer to his mechanical aim. thus, your claims lose validity but i get and partially agree with your point! :D

(edit) also I'd have to disagree with util. mako is well-agreed upon that he has by far superior utility usage (emphasis on usage). ofc demon1 has decent gamesense and has spectacular decision making, but by those aspects I still think mako does better and why hes rated highly by the community ^o^

posted 4 months ago

lowk by that logic demon1 is the best at everything since his mechs carry him to insane peaks

posted 4 months ago

it's wraps for you gg

just self-study is what I recommend. em >>> mech in terms of difficulty imo

posted 4 months ago

AP Physics C: E&M
AP Physics C: Newtonian Mechanics
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus BC
AP Literature and Composition

posted 4 months ago

As a tennis player, I'm not going to lie, tennis is very boring to watch. It's one of the best sports to appreciate, but not to watch...

posted 4 months ago

I heard that the food is definitely tier 0 ong

posted 4 months ago

update: its in 3 hours

posted 4 months ago

what can I say beaver_man

posted 4 months ago

unknown for now, it's probably coming within 11 hours though

Exact Phrasing:
JDG.esports: "Actually, we will share something today. just wait for it"
^ was sent a little over an hour ago

posted 4 months ago

Yeah, it would be criminal if no CN franchised org picked up one of the best CN rosters. Especially after the APEKS moment that happened against DRG lmaooo

posted 4 months ago

It's quite ironic how your replies are merely feeding the topic attention, contrasting your claim.

Secondly, JDG is interchangeable with RA since the players will be transitioning to JDG. I am merely posting it since the community has had a fair bit of hype revolving around RA, especially stew and MarT1n. Hope this answers your choleric, grouchy attitude!

posted 4 months ago

They are quite big (if not one of the biggest CN orgs in League of Legends), and they are rumored to pick up RA's roster (- yoman, he is going to serve as AC due to the 1 import/team rule).

If this is true, there is a very likely chance that JDG will make international (both Masters 1 & 2 + Champs) LANs with the 2 CN slots given for Masters 1 & 2 and 4 for Champs.

So please don't be afraid to tell me why you think they are "random" and why "no one cares about" them.

posted 4 months ago

I inquired with a community manager from JDG and apparently, JDG is going to announce on X/Twitter "today" (I assume they mean today as in CNST, or Chinese Standard Timezone/GMT+8, and it's around noon for them, so less than 12 hours left) regarding their roster.

Source: me

posted 4 months ago

no my man I'm agreeing with you on DFM LOL

posted 4 months ago

You might feel a bit biased bc you are SG, and I definitely as am biased as KR, but I agree and disagree with you.

If we're going by viewership, your point is slightly relevant.

However, if you go by talent, KR 3 teams isn't a bad estimate, since top VN and OCE teams (FCY, BONK, ex-BAAM, ex-ORDER, etc...) are still worse than DRX/T1, and even GEN (both '23 and '24). ZETA is near GEN in terms of skill, and (we don't talk about DFM, but '23 DFM still probably had a chance against any VN/OCE team). I too don't know how or why GES got in, but I guess reading the VLR comments about GES make my day!

At the end you say "deserve," but what is your definition of "deserve"? The entire 2nd paragraph of your argument lacks any remote sense of logic, and if your definition of deserve = skill, your definition might just be flawed.

But yeah, I see talent in MYSG + TH (BLD, BOOM, FS, NAOS, XIA, MITH, etc...) that deserve it more than 1 or 2 teams in APAC t1 right now...

posted 4 months ago

never tried. thanks for giving me a dinner suggestion!

posted 4 months ago
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