Flag: Uruguay
Registered: April 15, 2021
Last post: October 9, 2023 at 8:43 PM
Posts: 527
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3-0 LEV, or 3-1 NIP if LEV gets nervous

posted about 2 years ago

they have better individuals now, but they are not on the same level as G2, Fnatic, etc.

posted about 2 years ago

about kru, their split didn't look bad compared to their champions run, so I'll keep it on S. Leviatan guys were so close to their level, so I see no problems with that. Loud has better players than LEV imo, but they are playing worse, I know that they fucked their entire region, but you need to see their matches, they will need to improve to beat tier S teams. Regarding DRX, they stopped doing that aesthetic strats playstyle which worked for them the last 2 LANs, and doesn't seem to be working very well if we try to compare its effectiveness with tier S one. W rankings

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

teal seam, tropinha do tiktok, valar morghulis...

posted about 2 years ago

S TIER: valorant champagne

1) G2: (85,95,85) I have lots of doubts about G2, but I hope this time could have made them progress below the pipson method (kekw), they and TL have the best firepower

2) The Guard: (85,90,80) These guys are NA last hope fr, firepower diff may cause them lose on important matches but this team knows how to play this game

3) KRU: (85,90,80) followed the entire LATAM split: they are actually keeping it up, their trades system is good af and they are playing a real Valorant, not my bet to win but they have chances to achieve it, they got the strats, teamwork, firepower, THEY GOT IT ALL, LATAM HOPIUM

A TIER: Really good teams that might lack the firepower if an S tier team is on their game.

4) Team Liquid: (75,95,75) they will have to improve their level compared to last split to do sth, amazing firepower but so many problems with roles and playstyle

5) Fnatic: (85,95,75) I'm seeing Derke going good on individual skills more regularlly, which was a big problem in 2021, but the team is the team itself who's a rollercoaster, so I don't know how to expect

6) Leviatan: (80,85,75) this roster is well known for getting nervous and tilted in important situations, despite that it wasn't the case when they faced KRU in the finals. They play a very good Valorant, almost as good as KRU, the big difference is in their firepower, but these are the two teams i would love to see representing my region, couldn't ask for more.

7) OpTic Gaming: (80,85,75) not so many good vibes with this team, but LAN experience can make them as good as TGRD or even better

8) LOUD: (70,80,70) i'm giving them this spot bc they made a fkin flawless split, but I feel them with the same problem BR had last year, bad teamplay and playstyle, the only fact which gives me hopes for this team is their firepower (it's a BR stars roster)

B TIER: Quality upset picks.

9) Paper Rex: (70,75,70) APAC is looking better than last year (which wasn't that bad for them), and Paper Rex is a good prove of that. Difficult for them to make a big surprise but I expect some good Valorant from them

10) XERXIA: (65,80,70) This team continues to be a banger, but the firepower loss is noticeable now that patiphan is gone*, so I expect a "not bad" participation.

11) NIP: (60,80,70) So I have seen the grand final between NIP and LOUD and idk what to say... not a single trade and very bad team work. They will change their coach for Leviatan match (and the Masters, if they qualify), so maybe they have a chance to correct this a little bit, but if this is the real NIP, would be a surprise for me if they beat Leviatan

C TIER: Probably not quite at the level of the other teams.

12) DRX: (60,85,65) Their change of playstyle looks bad, I hope it to create some evolutions on KR players but this team just doesn't seem to compete with tier 1 teams in any aspect

13) ZETA Division: (??,60,55) tbh I haven't seen a single JP stage match, so I will do the numbers considering what I saw in 2021 + what I expect from roster changes + vlr stats + Laz hopium

posted about 2 years ago

bro u just tired me up cmon

posted about 2 years ago

3k in NA = Teal Seam W

posted about 2 years ago

0 stars

posted about 2 years ago

sadge + south africa should have won ghana

posted about 2 years ago

"xand? not good with raze"

bro I can't believe u just put xand between aspas and tenz wtf

posted about 2 years ago

northern macedonia and southern macedonia

posted about 2 years ago

what happened now

posted about 2 years ago

exolos playing so fkin good what is this

posted about 2 years ago

sentinels would be unbeaten and guard would not be in the NA split if this had been a solid argument to say a team is better than another

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


i know NA and im aware that nothing of this will happen, but fck it

posted about 2 years ago

u got a point, but I see a very big difference between The Guard and the rest of NA, they just play a chad Valorant fr

posted about 2 years ago

grand final, decider map, overtime, 13-13, server crashes


posted about 2 years ago

NRG and Acend in the same tier holy shit

posted about 2 years ago

I'd post mine but everyone guessed the same xd

posted about 2 years ago

eso es a lo que me refería básicamente xD

posted about 2 years ago

yep, it's not convenient for the org to this stuff to happen, so they have to warn Keznit to avoid these situations

posted about 2 years ago

bc always godwell never misswell

posted about 2 years ago

they actually sanctioned him internally


posted about 2 years ago

he provoked keznit, joking about his face and his weight, and called "lerdao" to Mazino xD

posted about 2 years ago

fair but unfair, keznit was toxic but wtf is Riot going to do with Shaw and company behavior, and why is Riot sanctioning KRU one day before the most important match of the region xD

tbh this timing could have been avoided, but rito being rito :/

posted about 2 years ago

wrong thread, mb lol

posted about 2 years ago

paranoia is good but there aren't too many good spots to throw it in this map, unlike split, bind, etc.

posted about 2 years ago

omen is not even close to be a must pick on Icebox, omen in icebox can provide the comp with one ways, but nothing else imo

posted about 2 years ago

why are al0rante and tenzki showing up on the roster xd

posted about 2 years ago

he joined later due to connection problems, wait replaced him for the first map

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

holy fuck that vo0kashu boy is dope

posted about 2 years ago

fuck it, mcnuggets moral champion

posted about 2 years ago

Ahí te lo entiendo porque por ejemplo el PSG pertenece a una federación francesa, y por ende, lo mismo para los jugadores, pero KRÜ pertenece a latam y ya, es por una cuestión más ideológica que ponenla nacionalidad de los jugadores por sobre la de la org. Lo más correcto sería poner una bandera/símbolo de LATAM xd

posted about 2 years ago

al0rante got tired and left the project, according to some sources on twitter

as well, there's a rumour that he will join mouz

posted about 2 years ago

Suarez >>>

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Derke
  2. heat
  3. cNed
  4. deffo
  5. Patiphan
posted about 2 years ago

we love u

posted about 2 years ago

bruh his playstyle is so aggressive i don't think so

posted about 2 years ago

fuck this guy all my homies love seven

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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