Flag: Argentina
Registered: July 18, 2022
Last post: January 25, 2023 at 5:28 PM
Posts: 451
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e esse era o melhor mapa delas ne? tenso

posted about a year ago

did I ask you?
do I care?
english ass language I wouldn't waste a second studying it

all I know I learnt thru talking with ppl on forums

posted about a year ago

I typed that way on purpose


posted about a year ago

theres no trade balance between brazil and argentina, brazil almost imports nothing from argentina, theres no sense in having a common currency it will only take away the country's control over the interest rate and lower creditor confidence

posted about a year ago

currency you mean

bro your english is so bad
mine is bad as well but yours is aheaad

posted about a year ago

true lmao
Chile is poorer than Singapore

Spanish L, didn't know how to administrate their colonies
they balkanized and became small countries

Portugal >>>>>>>> Spain

posted about a year ago

balkans are overall better bcuz inequality is lower in balkans country

posted about a year ago

singapore has less freedom of speech than russia and venezuela (which are dictatorships)

posted about a year ago

vro is mad cause he lives in an irrelevant country that is literally a city kekw

posted about a year ago

I would rather live in south america or balkans than singapore

ass country

posted about a year ago

a wrinkle...

posted about a year ago

many japanese asses from Sabrina Sato, Carol Nakamura, Danni Suzuki

we love them kekw

posted about a year ago

Greece >>>>> Brazil > Argentina
South Brazil = Albania
Bulgaria > Brazil
Chile >>> Albania

posted about a year ago

loud gigachad green vandal is coming

I'll buy it

posted about a year ago

just 1 month until he buttfucks NA and EMEA

posted about a year ago

I OWN you and him

posted about a year ago

any indo european language, except indo-aryans

posted about a year ago

I also watched many documentaries about it

how bad people with darker skin are treated in india

there are a lot on youtube, just google it
and yes, it is related to race

posted about a year ago

If having many braincells was synonymous with intelligence, the smartest animal would be the elephant, not homo sapiens

so no, you're not smarter than anyone just an obscurantist fascist, as you said you don't even know what fascism is, its not "western concept", it's human history. The fascists taught us that YOUR mentality is a big mistake, but seems like you didn't learn anything with them cuz you're too dumb for that

just the fact that you create this manichaeism between Indians and Westerners is already racism
but the moderation of this shitty forum is conniving with indians being racist

Also this is not the only study that says India is the most racist countries, it's just the most recent, there are many others india has been ranking one for years

keep denying reality, fucking fascist

posted about a year ago

denying racism is already a symptom that your country is very racist

see that the least racist countries like iceland and sweden people are always fighting against discrimination
while in racist countries like Russia they don't even talk about it, they just deny it exists

all you do is play the victim and blame others while denying the reality of your country. I don't give a fuck about your country, it is statistically the most racist country in the world. And you can scream and yell all you want, and India will still be the most racist country in the world.

ofc the US is a very racist country, but because racism is reported there, while in your country it happens in a worse way and nobody knows shit about it.

posted about a year ago

this is just a dicto simpliciter fallacy

I also lived years in europe, never faced racism or discrimination
doesn't mean there's no racism or discrimination

but of course less than in india kekw

posted about a year ago

Approximately 43.6% of all Indians who took the survey said that they would not be comfortable with neighbors who were of a different culture, ethnicity, or race. 64.3% of Indian participants also reported that they were either discriminated against or had witnessed discrimination unfold in their home country.

43% is higher than any other country

but you'll deny it anyway
you're fascist and racist

I won't give you any attention any more

posted about a year ago

that's why the comparison is with rate and not total

posted about a year ago

racists in US are treated like shit

in your country people are conniving with it
you're doing it right now

posted about a year ago

because racism in india is underreported lol

while in the US or Europe any person who is minimally racist is ostracised by society

posted about a year ago

it's just a fact, bro

stop playing the victim and reducing everything to "western narrative"

posted about a year ago

you're just an obscurantist denying your own country's problems

it may have been banned institutionally, but it still exists structurally.

if you want to close your eyes to that and ignore, alright, keep going

posted about a year ago

you think you know more than historicists?

I'm just saying what historicists said.

That's how the caste system in india emerged.

posted about a year ago

ok india is the paradise on earth

I got you

posted about a year ago

the original peoples of india were aboriginals (called dravidians), however they were invaded by indo-european peoples about 3000 years ago

Indo-Europeans created a caste and segregation system there that lasted for millennia
Indians who have less dark skin were considered superior

posted about a year ago

you guys had a caste system for over 3 thousand years in which darker-skinned people were considered "dust from the feet of God"


posted about a year ago

india is the most racist country in the world

posted about a year ago

jett and raze r the only characters that can jump high

there'll be prob another one soon

posted about a year ago

I doubt so

Brazil has less immigrants than Venezuela
I'm pretty sure u never met a british person in life

also your english sucks

posted about a year ago

lorenzo agrees with you

he said Loud is over cause Less has a girlfriend now
and Aspas is supposedly playing not for fun

what a clown

posted about a year ago

OP never met a british person in his life tho

posted about a year ago

lorem ipsum

posted about a year ago

you are wrong

Loud is more valuable than sentinels

posted about a year ago

"one of the reasons"

I didn't say it was the main reason
learn how to interpret

posted about a year ago

sacy was already hated b4 going to sentinels
many ppl telling him to retire

I think that's one of the reasons why he quit brazil

posted about a year ago

your thread gave them 1 point

posted about a year ago

NIP also won loud many times at scrims

as Xand already said

so... it means nothing

posted about a year ago

brazilians are smarter, use more utility and their strategies are better

I saw more strategies in brazilian challengers than NA challengers (Most NA teams are all aim no brain)
some teams from brazil challengers have more coordination than some franchised NA teams
the way TBK read tropicaos yesterday and killed their sova with utility

you'd never see such thing in NA challengers

posted about a year ago

NA teams should sign them


posted about a year ago

chill they just won 1 map and it was prob the worst map for Sentinels

they dropped a map to t1 kekw

posted about a year ago

I think you guys can't accept they were actually carried

posted about a year ago

true, when I'm bottomfragging on ranked I'll tell the MVP that I'm the one carrying the team


your logic: Sacy didn't MVP any game, Pancada just one, BUT THEY CARRIED LOUD, because yes

posted about a year ago

it got nerfed since champions

didn't seem enough

posted about a year ago

Loud still has more money than Sentinels lol

if TSM bought Sacy and Pancada, then you would be right
since TSM is the most valuable org and consequently has more money than Loud

posted about a year ago

ad hominem and then says I'm the one using logical fallacies

you got no arguments because you just said dumb guesswork you can't prove

you're the one with as low IQ as a chimpanzee here

posted about a year ago
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