Flag: International
Registered: June 13, 2022
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 8:43 AM
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He did aim labs hard

posted about a year ago

Forgive me dephh lord forgive this sinner

posted about a year ago

bruh there are only 1-2 teams in the whole world with all players from the team's respective region...how dumb you are to think that only the Indian region as imports....

posted about a year ago

seeing rrq , Kc, Dfm, my confidence that GE won't go winless this season is increasing...I hoped we got to play KC in lockin, we could have got a win...

posted about a year ago

he either goes 30 or 10, man is too much inconsistent and updrafting with vandal ....

posted about a year ago

Cned has really underperformed so far, he is another overrated player...Old Cned was just monster...

posted about a year ago

bro spends all his life on Vlr...there is no irl for Domination lmao

posted about a year ago

#170 comment.

posted about a year ago

Sentinals won bro and Tenz is getting back to old form

posted about a year ago

Its VLR, We post and then forget to think๐Ÿ—ฟ

posted about a year ago

Tbh he was mid with chamber too, Def A tier but not S+ tier like yay,derke.

posted about a year ago

People here commenting as if Sen will open vlr mid game for strats...๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ

posted about a year ago

Honestly Asuna is way better duelist than cryo for agents like raze and neon and it would be exciting to see asuna play duelist for raze/neon.

posted about a year ago

Ejay better than tenz...๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ

posted about a year ago

I am not gonna use brain until i get those 4 stars...๐Ÿ—ฟ

posted about a year ago

Asuna on duelist, omg its gonna be a banger

posted about a year ago

They shud go double duelist, Tenz is getting back to his old form.

posted about a year ago

Bro even cryo was so suprised seeing classic bro missed the shot

posted about a year ago

Bruh even cryo was so suprised by seeing classic bro whiffed shot..๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ

posted about a year ago

Sen arrived

posted about a year ago

Bro wtf you are right, zekken got 17 kills in first half in fracture.

posted about a year ago

I am gonna hop on tenz copium train and sen wins 2-0

posted about a year ago

Bro said production clears but players image behind and players walking is not even the same...๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿ—ฟ

posted about a year ago

The problem with every pro in south asia is no one plays confidently when they play against sea or international teams, and We always try to mimic or get inspired by other team comps and try same thing against sea teams which obvsly not gonna help us win , simply our strats are not good enough. Prob we need import coaches or igls , Like ec1s etc. We have hell lot of talent but all aim no brains.It takes time and prob after 4-5 years you might see some very good players from india, It might take time but we will improve over time.

posted about a year ago

I think gekko is op and mine might be silver opinion but still i feel still teams did not figure out how to
Play gekko, Prob when Drx or Fnatic plays gekko then we might see a gekko masterclass or it might be players did not yet get used to gekko and using the util optimally at that level.

posted about a year ago

Atleast GE is trying with imports but rrq looks like they dont wanna win at all lmao, they just happy getting money,
I mean i saw some biggest frauds in SA region but honestly rrq tops all of them lol.

posted about a year ago

Nats is goat

posted about a year ago

thats what he cant win all 13 rounds by himself right and redgar igl is becoming worse every game, it feels like outdated strats

posted about a year ago

Redgar:- His igl is outdated from 2022 and you can see how liquid is playing now.
Nats:- He is not the same since teams figured him out and his aim has gotten worse now-a-days.
Jamppi:- This guy is most over-rated in entire valorant, He is really mid in almost all agents except chamber and it is all everyone to see, his aim is only thing good about him and if it was just a aim game then fns, ange1 would never even exist in this game let alone win masters.
Soulcas:- Bro is....I don't even have words, he got so worse and his aim became more worse...
Sayf:- honestly he is the only one good enough in this roster but he cant do anything.
This team is only winning the rounds where jamppi and Sayf or someone from team is winning them by hero plays.
I really like Redgar and he is my favourite igl before fns but sad, It is what it is, TL has gathered all washed players....
I hope they find form , but their games are indicating otherwise....

posted about a year ago

Yes hes gaming

posted about a year ago

bro created this thread when people started accepting that EMEA is boring in https://www.vlr.gg/189520/region-diff . Nice counter attack

posted about a year ago

Again cry more as you want but you are just irrelevant to riot to whole world..you don't even have a regional league....Bro trying so hard to be relevant....

posted about a year ago

Mad because No SLOT ?๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜น

posted about a year ago

Again you are irrelevant as your country lmao

posted about a year ago

Yes you also presented such a great argument lmao at least we playing in league, even RIOT does not care about your country lmao you are just irrelevant......

posted about a year ago

yeah serbia wins champions , you are real right lmao, tell me how many players from serbia are playing lmao, cry more bro cry more

posted about a year ago

LMAO you saying this lineup is worse than current RRQ tells more about your skill level, stay in iron lil bro , and RRQ is same level of TRASH so you can chill the f down and sitdown and how many players from your country are playing in league lmao, OH 0 BIG WHOLE 0 LMAO , Bro has no players to support from his country and crying on others.....

posted about a year ago

are you dumb lil bro, cant you see the current players and players from this match are different or you are that blind lmao, Current RRQ team is the trashest of them all, especially with EJAY the GOATED TRASH DUELIST. get your eyes checked lil bro

posted about a year ago

RRQ cant even beat Washed indian imports let alone beat washed eu imports. there is a reason you are supporting C9 , you guys including org are the dumbest people on whole wide earth....

posted about a year ago

I feel sad for you bro, must have been a pretty rough life to try and get attention in vlr threads...and i am waiting for bleed to play in vct pacific OH they did not get a slot lmao...because of lazy and trash org i guess lmao.

posted about a year ago

RRQ is ultra ultra ultra transcend heavenly trash lmao ec1s and doma from vlt can 2v5 entire RRQ. They are the most scam team in the whole world, you guys need to just disappear until RRQ gets disbanded or else you will get asswhopped in comments and in matches until it gets as flat as a NAAN lmao

posted about a year ago

Yeah like RRQ is trash lmao tier 10 sa team
Can beat your trash RRQ lmao especially your star duelist ejay lmao he is bronze at best

posted about a year ago

And There are cities more expensive than singapore lmao this shows how retarted you are you should get checked out and prob bleed are also retards like you lmao and riot gave them no slot lol and we can buy a car in Mumbai try buying one in singapore oh you cant lmao truly a retard, your parents must be proud of you

posted about a year ago

Only retard like you think india is cheap lmao and bleed still did not get a slot lol get a life.

posted about a year ago
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