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Registered: August 2, 2021
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 5:34 AM
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I would merge KR and JP and give them 4 spots because I don't think with JP performances they are worthy of having 2 spots to themselves. Maybe give the other spot to EMEA considering how big the pool of teams are or another region that hasn't been able to prove themselves yet.

posted about 2 years ago

I agree, its almost as if he knows no matter what he does his watchparty will get views but then you see someone like kyedaes watchparty that brings an interesting person on with another perspective on matchups (Jonas, Carlos, Boaster and maybe even Roza today).

posted about 2 years ago

could actually be good. It can allow them to go over things and watch VODS while mentally resetting because that ACEND match must've really damaged their mental.

posted about 2 years ago

there experience and mentality really brought them through the series but I don't think it was 100T being amazing that won them the series, It was Gambits to lose and they lost it. I dont think you can disagree but Gambit were looking like the best team in the tournament before that icebox second half.
But congrats 100T.

posted about 2 years ago

They play on Wednesday I believe. Its elimination bracket now they must win every game otherwise they're out.

posted about 2 years ago

I think he could've worded it a bit better but their are some SEN fans that do follow the team for their love of the players. I'm pretty sure he's trying to talk about the toxic and bandwagon fans that use SENs domination as a shield.
I definitely don't think all SEN fans are bad but unfortunately its how they've been portrayed because of some dumb toxic kids.

posted about 2 years ago

Yh i agree. 100T fans were very sympathetic knowing how young gambit players are and how much that icebox map especially would've affected their mental. I really do hope that gambit see this as a learning curve and fix some of these small mental barriers in games, they truly are a special team and i feel like if they fix their mental and brush up on some silly mistakes they can be the next dynasty.
Love to 100T fans, ive always liked their org especially becuase i was a fan of nadeshot back in his pro career. GL for the future!

posted about 2 years ago

I see where your coming from but thats not a valid point. Just because it happens in other sports doesnt mean its ok, i have the exact same opinion for football too (people who claim to be fans and talk bad about their own players are considered 'plastic'). Its literally so evident that if sentinels were to stop being dominant and EU started taking over these people would bandwagon and migrate so quickly.
But i guess its their own decision.

posted about 2 years ago

if they were actually there to cheer for them when they lose aswell i would have no problem. I have literally seen SEN 'fans' talk shit about their own players when they lose series or even maps and be completely racist at times or make fun of their appearance (someone was saying sick is ugly and how does he have a gf).

posted about 2 years ago

100% agree. most 'fans' aren't even from NA.

posted about 2 years ago

No need to stoop to their level. We made their kings bleed.

posted about 2 years ago

Although, I do agree maybe that wasn't SEN at their best. I do also believe that it was because G2 didn't allow them to play at their best and if they aint taking this series serious in the first place they don't deserve to be here with that mentality thinking they will roll everyone over.
I very much doubt that especially ShahZam would allow that mental to creep into the team.

posted about 2 years ago

As an EU fan, ill be honest I didn't expect much from G2 against SEN and I wanted to be proven wrong but it was so difficult to see any flaws in SEN. Its so nice to see that in G2's own words 'I guess SEN do bleed'. Whether they lose map 3 or even win I'm so proud of the 'worst' EU rep taking a map off of the 'unbeatable' NA giants and in their first game too. U CRAZY MFERS REALLY CRASHED VLR XDDD.

posted about 2 years ago

tbh imo it should've been given as a racing incident. both were equally at fault, Max shouldn't have gone that aggressive and Lewis should've left more space but giving max a penalty is unfair especially because I feel Lewis did the same thing at Silverstone but oh well.

posted about 2 years ago
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