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Registered: April 14, 2022
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 4:08 AM
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cough 5 LAN matches are enough to judge a player

posted about a year ago

i would say Zeek and nAts Champs 2021 finals. nAts was ridiculous on Breeze defense and Fracture, no one could actually kill him. Zeek through out that series carried Acend to a comeback

posted about a year ago

i just hope that DSG builds their comp around yay instead of putting yay into their system like C9 did

posted about a year ago

maybe bcj weren't as comfortable on viper we don't know

posted about a year ago

he doesn't seem scared under the spotlight, decent debut with no expectation really

posted about a year ago

clear can flex/sentinel since he showed he can play viper. and i expect him to flex

posted about a year ago

but he's not so deal with it

posted about a year ago

and he's doing his job as a striker?

posted about a year ago

the only reason australians watch cs

posted about a year ago

Justin Katowice Savage is that guy

posted about a year ago

nah king of bind is gonna be leviatan

posted about a year ago

and oSee and nitro completely ruin that by putting up stinkers

posted about a year ago

Over EDG, I think over this current Talon, over T1 since for me, they haven’t showed me they can compete with the best pacific team even with their 2-1 record. And there’s a debate for them to be over TL but I’ve been impressed with the improvement that TL has had so far. Argument to be over KOI and Giants since they are both hot and cold teams

posted about a year ago

their setplay is still elite. Also btw it's not slowplay that they struggle with. it's chaos that they struggle with. EDG on Lotus, chaos with double duelist. FUT Lotus, chaos with neon weird comp. Their mid-rounding is not great right now, which is understandable because last year, they relied a lot more on setplays and executes, while now without Sean Gares, stellar is doing more mid-round calls, which he will need to adapt to. also Cryo; its a new team, new system. he's fine, he's gonna pick his stats up. my real disappointment right now is bang, as he hasn't looked good this year. so fine right now maybe it's a coinflip for 100t and the 4-7th team in emea, but they are better than 19th

posted about a year ago

she would do just fine. Find that man someone cuz he needs help from mental breakdown coaching W gaming team

posted about a year ago

he's been decent in the america league so far

posted about a year ago

and a massager since he looks like he's in a lot of stress

posted about a year ago

100T is not THAT low. sure they've been underwhelming but not in top 15 at least is criminal

posted about a year ago

did they though? like all we knew from that game are scream can frag and shouldn't igl cuz they trolled, and BBL's map pool is shit apart from ascent

posted about a year ago

he's like the dev1ce of valorant. best defensive op player itw. not the best as an entry player, that's why they ran a lot of double duelists with victor. and back then jett was the "only" agent that could handle the op

posted about a year ago

not even new comps. they played that split comp vs loud in lock-in and beat them convincingly. granted that was with zest and not foxy9, but foxy9 ain't no scrub. also buzz flexed at the first two tournaments last year and its drx so he should know his setplay on any agents required of him

posted about a year ago

11-13 and 15-17 and that's considered owning lol

posted about a year ago

lol the result only matters mentality is what separates smart vlr user vs non-smart one. BBL's issue is apart from Ascent, their map pool looks meh at best. KCorp's issue is they have no structure, no logical game sense, no competent IGL to guild them, and no way to fix those issues with this current team. Now, you tell me which one is easier to fix. It's like saying Guard lost to G2 so they are bad, overrated. It's such a stupid mentality to have

posted about a year ago

its not even that. i think people enjoys winning more than losing and getting meme on. also he's playing with his former fnatic mates so i dont think he would prefer going to a struggling team building from the ground back up

posted about a year ago

lol fine one of the best, sorry i dont really watch turkish valorant. also no team chances of ascending to tier 1 is over 50%. no region is THAT one sided

posted about a year ago

i mean there's Enzo. would enzo leave the best team in tier2 emea for the worst team in tier 1 emea? probably not actually

posted about a year ago

BBL looked so much better than them

posted about a year ago

why are they bad on ascent defense? the last game they lost 4 defensive rounds as well. is it mid that's being exploited since panday isn't having the best time on defense

posted about a year ago

Tenz or zekken for me. both showed up and looks better than they were at lock-in

posted about a year ago

pipe down your team lost a close series when your best and second best player didn't have the best of series. yall be fine

posted about a year ago

the fact that your team lost to the "fluke" team is just sad

posted about a year ago

that theory only works on higher ranks dude. silver NA= iron 3 EU

posted about a year ago

They got super unlucky, that’s it. 0.02 seconds away from master Reykjavik, 2-1 lost to FPX and lost to Godmode Scream and Jamppi

posted about a year ago

Probably not since we know yay’s salary is gonna be super high, potentially higher than Tenz, and I don’t think Sentinels is willing to go that far especially since they have a six man ready on the bench

posted about a year ago

beats me

posted about a year ago

they terminated his contract, so he can go anywhere now. there's no buyouts

posted about a year ago

mwzera was igl i thought

posted about a year ago

this was 1st map. NRG vs LOUD was a deciding map, with even more ridiculous plays and clutches

posted about a year ago

i think its to give another perspective

posted about a year ago

guys did we genuinely forget our kj die???

posted about a year ago

i think it's just them figuring out the new roles since apart from zekken, no one that you mentioned is the primary entry anymore

posted about a year ago

not even 0.1 sec but whatever. think as a player. i didnt even say its better to stop, i only said i can understand why he couldn't continue lol read the damm thing backseat. I'm only saying what I thought was going through shao's mind. its pretty easy to read the situation if you stop the backseat

posted about a year ago

stop these backseat thinking dude. We know what he should have done, i understand what he should have done.

posted about a year ago

i dont think you get what i said so you gave up. i understand your point, he should have stuck it, should have risked it. but that's a backseat thinking.

posted about a year ago

you think he cares borkum was gonna kill him? HE CAN'T GET HALF BEFORE BORKUM KILLS HIM. THE POINT IS NOT BORKUM IS GONNA KILL HIM, ITS HE CAN'T GET HALF BEFORE BORKUM KILL HIM. fucking think as a player on the server, not as a backseat player

posted about a year ago

and you are not getting me. shao would not have half it before borkum kill him. suygetsu had to find the kill before shao can get half and his position wasn't great.

posted about a year ago

dude think suygetsu was not in position to protect shao from a half stick. watch that again, suygetsu was a bit too far to the right of where borkum was, not in position to protect shao

posted about a year ago

can't blame him dude. suygetsu was a bit too far to the right to fight and protect. i get why he got off

posted about a year ago

i actually expected fnatic to roll them. like i said, one team is a plug and play, the other: complete reset. honestly they looked better than Liqiud look vs TS

posted about a year ago
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