Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: March 23, 2022
Last post: August 24, 2023 at 7:51 PM
Posts: 447
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im so hard looking at that pic

posted about a year ago

3 scariest things: Peter asuna when he’s playing for her, el diablo not igling, and Anthony vanity when he’s playing for his job

posted about a year ago

once this chamber patch comes to tournies they're so done OMGEALULLLLLL

posted about a year ago

anyone got the brain and skill to make an edit like this

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

anyone else just find this dude annoying asf, gives the most useless analysis ever. Also, this dude is the most toxic ranked player on EU servers lmao tune in to his stream for 10mins and hes muted his whole team constantly calling them dumb fucks and other insults LOOOL

posted about a year ago

is it just me or does she always look like shes smiling when playing? xd

posted about a year ago

who can reccommend good mousepad? I want cool design but not 1000 dollar

posted about a year ago

Alright I’ll try this when I get home hopefully you are my saviour. How does one set the fps of the timeline to 60 because I thought I already had it set as that

posted about a year ago

Idk what it is, I was doing this perfectly fine and wasn’t effecting fps at all a few weeks ago. Don’t think I have to render for it to fix idk

posted about a year ago

anyone know why when i add Glow effect to a clip it drops the fps to like fucking 10 heres an example: was using this effect a few weeks back and was fine now its all shit some1 help me fix plez

posted about a year ago

bdog as 5th

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

what a waste of his talent :(

posted about a year ago

anyone know whats going on w him? Is he joining a franchised team? Sad if he isn't as he is one of LATAMs best players

posted about a year ago

has to be one of the best GC players no? Her consistency is pretty insane, kinda seems like she is always carrying misfits lmao

posted about a year ago

oh i c nvm then what abt pancada?

posted about a year ago

do they know english fluently? Wouldn't comming be a little difficult as when they interviewed them at champs they only spoke in brazillian

posted about a year ago

done, and thank u bro

posted about a year ago

kind of wish i turn my mic off when i get clips like this because i sound like a melt afterwards lol, also sorry bro thats the whole point im trying to remove the seizure effect

posted about a year ago (WARNING: DO NOT CLICK IF PRONE TO SEIZURES)

posted about a year ago

damn rip :(

posted about a year ago

got an epic val clip but sadly cant use because for some reason the video is just constantly flickering between a black screen and the actual vid :( anyone got a magical fix they can slide me. Pls daddies of vlr

posted about a year ago

common Ryan9500 W

posted about a year ago

That the KRU roster is parting ways. Feels weird as they’ve been together so long and we’ve seen them at every LAN

posted about a year ago

not the transitions between clips just the clips themselves ya'know? They look like theyre glowing or something

posted about a year ago

^ perfect example of what i was tryna say :)

posted about a year ago

tysm bro <3 although im still trying to find the effect that makes it look so dream like. Im using glow atm and although its good i think soulcas uses something else

posted about a year ago

anyone know what effect he uses on the clips to kinda make em look dream like its dope as fuck

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i will be their new duelist

posted about a year ago

hey everyone i just woke up did my team make franchising?

posted about a year ago

sources: trust me bro

posted about a year ago

i will begin with offer of 5 mil

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

#1. Lenny Time - we’ve really been able to see their skill recently with mockings fearless leadership how they can they fall? Mocking is by far the best valorant player ever.

#2. The Barbers - with a squad containing ec1s, Jady, rhyme, d3ffo and kryptix how could they possibly lose? Surely another 13-0 wouldn’t occur meaning that ec1s would be kicked right?

posted about a year ago

thx daddy

posted about a year ago

when u kill some1 with a default skin u get the skull headshot thingy. I've seen other people get 2 swords crossed. i hope that made sense. How do i change them HELP

posted about a year ago

why loud won

posted about a year ago

cuz old man

posted about a year ago

before the stream buzz was sticking his dick down his throat

posted about a year ago

optic yay was asleep one night when he heard a loud noise.. ''W-Who's there?'' he stuttered in a nervous monotone. It was LOUD aspas! He crawled out from under yay's bed and grinned at him. Sacy then walked out of yay's closet. saadhak stormed though yay's door into his room. Less stood up from under yay's desk. pancada walked though yay's mirror. ''We are the noise'' they all began chanting. optic yay cried and screamed for pujan Methenamine to come and save him but there was no help. Yay was done for.

posted about a year ago

nobody want ratzam lil bro

posted about a year ago

who wants ratzam as their igl lol absolutely nobody ever

posted about a year ago

this is a banger GF

posted about a year ago

i made like 100 threads on this last lan, his aim is shit he loses like all duels

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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