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Registered: July 7, 2021
Last post: May 12, 2024 at 1:49 AM
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Welp idk I’ve heard different things from different people so don’t know who’s right

posted about a year ago

Like my point is that Redgar is good cuz he’s a good IGL but if he won’t IgL cuz Sayf is the one doing it might wanna get a better player in terms of game mechanics than redgar

posted about a year ago

Not saying he’s the problem but imagine if it was crashies Igling in NRG I’m sure you don’t need FNS as a sentinel if he’s not the IGL you could get better players

posted about a year ago

I’ve heard it’s Sayf Igling at least that’s what he said that he was gonna start Igling after locking cuz the team was better in another event where he Igled

posted about a year ago

Honestly if he’s not gonna IGL sign a good 6th like vookashu try them out for him if it works move redgar to 6th for now
Cuz it’s like having FNS in the team but he can’t igl ur missing on a lot of firepower

posted about a year ago

Better than this whole heretics roster

posted about a year ago

Keiko/ jugi and vookashu

posted about a year ago

Don’t think so but they just cut their spendings , that’s why they closed c9 white and now they are signing cheap players

posted about a year ago

Yh I’ve heard that their sponsors cut their budget by a lot so they are struggling financially rn and can’t afford the best players in tier 2

posted about a year ago

Bob initiator
Less Sentinel
Yay duelist
Mako smokes
Ange1 IGL

Or if you wanna avoid smokes conflict
Derke duelist
Mako Smokes
Bob initiator
Less sentinel

posted about a year ago

Or valyn and Trent but they might ask for higher salaries that c9 can afford

posted about a year ago

I think skuba could be even better but they prolly can’t buy him rn

posted about a year ago

For me they are gonna be worse than EG

posted about a year ago

So Runi and Nerve or icy are the rumors Opinions ?

posted about a year ago

132 rounds prolly the game with most rounds ever

posted about a year ago

It’s 49 by nature just that Vlr never updated it and it says 45

posted about a year ago

Mickewboy went from almost tier 1 to this rip

posted about a year ago

If gmt wins this kills record could be broken again

posted about a year ago

Wtf are those stats

posted about a year ago

If you mean better at their team like dominance over the others Sen , if you mean the better team current Navi I think or current Fnatic , could be 2022 loud too

posted about a year ago

Never ate a Big Mac in my life lmao and I weight 165 5’10 and benchpress more than you ever will so whatever I can break you like a twig

posted about a year ago

It’s a forum so I can post whatever I think as long as it is not offensive , so I’m just saying what could happen cry me an ocean

posted about a year ago

Says the 120 pound mf I can lift 3x your body weight you prolly skinnier than my bicep

posted about a year ago

What do you want me to do cry ? it’s sad that someone has cancer but what do you want me to do ?

posted about a year ago

Keep in mind that kyedae’s cancer is very aggressive so every second he spends with her counts

posted about a year ago

Unfortunately due to kyedae’s situation this is gonna affect Tenz a lot so this is a big possibility . I saw chances of him being a top 10 duelist itw but now this is gonna bring him down , should be hard to focus and even don’t think he’s gonna be willing to spend so much time competing when he can just be with her

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

And shao

posted about a year ago

In Val it only took 1 year tho Acend

posted about a year ago

I never said they were struggling just saying it’s weird and before this event I wouldn’t imagine a team being successful without those agents 🤡🤡🤡

posted about a year ago

Cauanzin is better with skye and trust me sova and fade are way more meta than spamming skye every map

posted about a year ago

They don’t have a sova or fade and they ding even try to force it thought that was gonna affect them a lot

posted about a year ago

Yh , katana is s tier all the other guns b tier at most

posted about a year ago

All the guns are mid , even the vandal is just mid there are at least 5 better vandal skins in the game prolly even like 10

posted about a year ago

Honestly I only like the katana

posted about a year ago

Imma say exy from dplus and maybe even Persia . Sscary is a must tho

posted about a year ago

You changed 2 teams so can’t say mine is an ass list imo they are pretty similar

posted about a year ago

If it is just league format then the team that finishes 4th

posted about a year ago

The 4th seed from Americas so they just play the playoffs and the team that finishes 4th gets it ( if there’s a playoff in not aware of the format)

posted about a year ago

Could be a b Yh but also like I said it’s based on the players and also how good they should be in paper not just results

posted about a year ago

Koi put a good fight against an S tier so that’s at least a B and PRX is B for their history , based on that match they are C

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Forgot about them lmao they are A

posted about a year ago

Based on impressions, and the players they got still hard to judge some teams based on 1 bo3
S:Loud , DRX , Nrg
A: C9, Geng , Talon
B: Giants, Koi, EG ,Prx , KC
C: Mibr ,Heretics, BBL , Fpx
D: Detonation
A and B teams are really close but that’s just me tho

posted about a year ago

I would say it’s like a 70-30 for lev

posted about a year ago

He’s not as good as he used to be anymore he struggles in any role

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

He owned loud like 1.36 rating

posted about a year ago

#1 Mako
#2 Less
#3 K1ng

posted about a year ago

That’s why I also said last years champions he didn’t pop off in 1 single game if I remember correctly

posted about a year ago
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