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Registered: February 4, 2023
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 12:33 AM
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not french.

hope this helps

posted 6 months ago

yessirski. are you ok? like for real? is everything alright irl? because ever since you came back you have just been spouting nonsense and it seems like a cry for help. it will all be ok (i think)

posted 6 months ago

john also lived in Canada for multiple years before going pro im pretty sure because he was there for college
but this person is also wrong because a simple look at his match history will tell you he has been playing in NA rosters since the start of 2021.

also if you have ever actually listened to the people you are speaking about speak you would be able to tell that the only one you could maybe call bring up 'language issues' is Pancada. and i dont think that is the problem

posted 6 months ago

verno is insane and im glad people are now actually watching him and coming to that realization

posted 6 months ago

why sen tent not on jett? zekken 13 year old no duelist experence. are sentinel coaches want lose?

posted 6 months ago

im thinking they might have a bit of that

real skill

you were speaking of

posted 7 months ago


was a super annoying dm because half the players were just not moving and playing off audio

posted 7 months ago

But enough about Fraudmea, lets talk about the subjects of subjugation, LATAM and BR.

this goes in the hall of fame of sentences written on vlr. absolute poetry πŸ‘

posted 7 months ago

iso is a not really a primary duelist it feels like. he is a team utility combo character with half of his abilities it seems, then very frag focused with the other half. . but that second half of abilities is why he is named as a "duelist"

posted 7 months ago

omg i didnt even realize that this thread was so old it just popped up on recent discussions and i clicked.

feeling real silly rn

posted 7 months ago

i say maybe take a year or three to truly test this hypothesis πŸ˜πŸ‘

posted 7 months ago

he is playing collegiate rn for maryville

posted 7 months ago

this guy is just another baiter. he didn't really fall for it, he just plays a character and has no actual thoughts or opinions

posted 7 months ago

for some reason i feel like its no recoil (maybe similar to chamber deagle just no recoil on it) rather than aimbot

posted 7 months ago

oh. my.

the internet might have been a mistake...

posted 7 months ago

i personally that it is

posted 7 months ago

dont diss the troop 😑😑 they were really good despite battling all the unlucky matchups in groups and the challenges of being F/A (aka having to go work a night shift to not starve to death)

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Did they do a hidden update to the bots strafing in the range?

I swear they always only strafed from side to side but now they are strafing at angles and forward and backwards. Am I the only one who has noticed this or am I just crazy?

posted 7 months ago

you are the worst baiter on this site.

posted 7 months ago

eat shit then :)

posted 7 months ago

how are you getting this information?

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

you when you have an excuse to be transphobic on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😁😁😁😁

you are so cool buddy

posted 7 months ago

bro is trying to get people to do his math homework for him 😭😭😭

posted 7 months ago

i get you are trying to do bait and have everyone up in uproar with 'women bad at game'. i dont care about that

v1 is stacked in every single way. the worst player on the team in terms of rating is maybe alexis (who still gotten 1.19, 1.17, and 1.29) who has still been #2, #1, #1 in APR & #3, #2, #1 in KAST across all 3 events. i will not accept that v1 is not otherworldly good at every role

posted 7 months ago

mel does have 4 stars on her team, but she herself is also on par with those stars so she is not getting carried while boaster is usually in the backpack

posted 7 months ago

Okobotro πŸ—Ώ

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

yeah channel built on rants and thats why he has uploaded premier game highlights πŸ‘

but the whole point of the new channel is so he could upload these higher quality videos/more analytical videos (his literal job and specialty) all in one place rather than being diluted with things like dark and darker gameplay and elden ring highlights. If you call that clout chasing then whatever

posted 7 months ago

If he was actually a clout chaser all he would ever upload are those critique videos and not pokemon fusion nuzlocke vods... but you know hard core clout chaser I guess

posted 7 months ago

this is literally a showmatch with mango and ludwig (two close friends) competing against each other in silly format for content. It's not a full tournament.

If you wanted to watch actual competition this off-season the "For Those Who Dare" tourney rn. As well as Ludwig x Tarik & RedBull Tokyo event will happen at some point and probably be the main tournaments of the off/season

The china tournament was not technically off-season because it had impact on the actual season for points for the tier2 teams, and the tier1 teams just don't want to lose that is why the players were trying.

Comparing potatoes and a singular apple right now.

posted 7 months ago

kick/off is for each region

posted 7 months ago

he is 18 now, but still kinda weird because he is still young

posted 7 months ago

MxS there for sure

posted 7 months ago

gl in your next game

posted 7 months ago

good game!

posted 7 months ago

where are you getting the fact that they are just yes men from?? like what info are you using to form this statement

posted 8 months ago

^ coaches, analysts, and players are all knowledgeable enough at the game to be able to diagnosis what exactly the problem is with pretty high accuracy (especially since they have info the general public doesn't have like team chem).

a video like this would to be to teach the tenz haters or supporters a bit more about the way the game is actually played and understand why he struggles even though he has such great aim and was the best player in the past

posted 8 months ago

yeah thats what im saying. the story is pretty mediocre in all honesty. but saying the animation is mid is just being disingenuous

The highest grossing anime movie of all time with the infinity train arc I don't think is even 10 chapters in the manga and is boring af. The story so far is bad because the manga was really bad. Reading the manga made me appreciate the anime so much

posted 8 months ago

I think this statement is valid if you have only watched the first 10 episodes or so. if you got through spider mountain and still say this you are wafflin

posted 8 months ago

moose needs to be careful

posted 8 months ago

i think it is disingenuous to say that they were in their prime. Cyro was just really good at chamber because of his playstyle, he is still other worldly when he can get setup (dont go B on pearl when cyro has an op) and zekken is just amazing but had very little opportunity to showcase that in a lot of scenarios with SEN this year

posted 8 months ago
People who aren't black using the world is cringy, but not inherently racist. 

yeah its weird and not cool for her to say it, but not like total confirmed racist murdered my dog and stabbed by stuffed animal without more info. The only reason why her being asian is relavent is essentially because she isnt black

posted 8 months ago

I'm not going to pretend I'm the most knowledgeable about this topic so if someone comes into to correct me that would be totally fine. (im also white so like not exactly the best to be speaking about it since it doesn't really have anything to do with me)

But the short version is that the word (-r) was long used as a derogatory term for black people (especially during the slavery era in America + fights for equality in the south US, that I know of but probably used much more). It has since been reclaimed by the black community and instead used more as a term for just another person (-a) (heavily depends on context/connotation the exact of meaning). I have been in many predominantly black spaces where the word was frequently used as just another word

So its not exactly great for someone who is not of black descent to use the word because as I said before it was previously a word used by other races as a means of oppression and instead is now used by black community as their word (there is some other context here probably about like being used as a sign power in knowledge and vocabulary that can never be taken away). It just seems wrong because of the history simply

Tldr: she is asian and its not her word

posted 8 months ago

i said nothing about the screenshot. I am just replying to the post that the word can be a slur but has also been reclaimed and therefore not really hypocritical if you are listening to it in music for example. There is actual contextual depth to it not just cut and dry.

also for the screenshot its still weird for an asian girl to just be using it. not necessarily 100% racist (there is no context that it was used in a demeaning manner) just still should not be said

posted 8 months ago

i would love to see the ranks of teams based on twitter follower count (like maybe in 2 different ways to see if they differ at all) 1. total number of followers from all 5 players 2. average ranking on this list (so like PRX 15,18,46,50,69 /5 )

posted 8 months ago
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