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Registered: May 20, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 11:22 AM
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u forgot Sentinels

posted about a year ago

unironically tenz and friends v2 but instead of tenz it's sayf

posted about a year ago

I understand this, i just do not follow it, if someone doesn't cheer for the team they are against who cares, bros are making drama out of nothing

posted about a year ago

I do regularly, I walk every day

posted about a year ago

u said so much, and yet it's all gibberish, unlucky.

Whether u like it or not, a hand injury is much more serious to a valorant player than a glorified cold or flu, covid can infect other people sure, they shouldn't play with it sure, but the point that was being made was that someone actually had a serious health issue and was forced to play, meanwhile people who had a much less "serious" health issue were allowed to have their match postponed, tenz didn't have anyone to sub for him either, fnatic didn't either, tenz's issue was much worse than fnatic's, but fnatic's game got postponed and sen's didn't. We shouldn't make someone play because if they don't, it doesn't "fit the schedule", that is beyond stupid

posted about a year ago

Lots of Fnatic members got positive covid tests back, it got cancelled for "health issues" which i find kinda ironic since tenz couldn't move his physical fingers IN A GAME WHERE U USE KEYBOARD AND MOUSE and he still had to play but if some of them got a cold "OH FUCK BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES WE'RE IN FOR A BAD ONE BOYS"

posted about a year ago

This is actually peak and i unironically see sacy doing a better job

posted about a year ago

people who do the 2nd and 3rd don't do it to get recognition, they do it because it was engrained into them

posted about a year ago

I've always said it, and i'll say it again, Sentinels have internal issues.

posted about a year ago

for context, it was on tarik's stream too but kyedae said that tenz had a bad infection in his hand and could hardly move his left index finger, if they let him play i would be surprised, but they also don't have another choice really, even if marved could play the only person who could really consider playing duelist is zekken

posted about a year ago
Asuna has a contract locked for 2 years, i don't doubt he's smart enough to make it airtight
(For context, this is vct contract database, region, org name, ign, role on team, real name, contract left) there's more info but i left it out as it isn't relevent

posted about a year ago

Reminds me of when c9 picked yay up and then noticed "oh wait everything didn't fix" and then basically ruined bros career

posted about a year ago

To be fair Keloqz is a solid ass Duelist either way, Underrated asf.

posted about a year ago

People don't realise yay was still good when he wasn't using chamber, chamber only made him better, yay was easily on the level of other top duelists at the time, cryo, leaf, jing, forsaken, etc, i say this because even when c9 were falling apart against drx and when they bullied prx, yay was still sitting there positive on agents like sage, someone as consistent as yay no matter the role he's a good fucking player, and he also has better stats on jett than he does on chamber all time, chamber just got him noticed because it played into his playstyle a lot more

posted about a year ago

I wasn't talking about mocaxoxo, i was talking about you, you talk shit based off one game which u likely never even watched and say "BuT ThEy LoSt TO BaD TeEm", like damn bro, thieves are legit failing in every game, team secret beat prx, somehow furia has ended up the best looking team so far only just over levi and c9 right now, pick whatever team u want, everyone is losing lil bro, consistency is hard

posted about a year ago

I'd agree with this, unlucky though

posted about a year ago

Think of it not like "mikes is bad" and rather, blank other person is better, and not that "ardiis is bad", but that he cannot fit into nrg very well or he isn't playing very well currently, this is what i do to self translate all the braindamage

posted about a year ago

I don't think it's that opticrg fell off, you need to think, they lost marved and yay, 2 of arguably the best in their roles in the world when they were lost, and they are still making games incredibly competitive at a high tier 1 level, they aren't down and out, they are just adjusting to their new atmosphere, let them cook imo

posted about a year ago

I mean, i play like max 2 games a week and i'm still at diamond level going bare minimum neutral (i know it's not insanely good but it's not a bad rank for someone who plays twice a week), i think it's less based on how much u play and more based on how much you care when u do play to perform.

posted about a year ago

i feel like ardiis was always kinda overrated and not focused, as in spending too much time in drama, streaming etc rather than actually focusing on pro play, we've seen it especially recently i think

posted about a year ago

all i thought when i read this is "expectations rather than actually watching the games"

posted about a year ago

i don't wanna say he was the problem, he might of just had a different idea which worked for c9 before, now with mce and yay and zellsis and all the other changes made, his leadership style just didn't fit anymore, so they needed someone new

posted about a year ago

sad day for 100thieves when he left.

posted about a year ago

I've always said "Sentinels have internal issues" and 100% still agree, what i mean by internal issues is "igl, coach, analyst" type roles, u put fns on sen for deph and chet for sykko and they are world champions i don't doubt it, because fns and chet would make them better, they'd find players strengths and work on them and help find strats or ideas which work, sykko and the past coaches seem to of just been picked for their name rather than how good they are, but with a ceo which is a businessman and entrepreneur, they look at reputation and not who would actually be a good fit for the team, unlucky

posted about a year ago

Sure, but there's also the fact some teams are just good at some things, nrg haven't ever really been noted for their fast retakes while levi are so good at them that they are basically known for them at this stage, Just different types of teams explains why imo, You could also consider the fact nrg have the strats which will likely work for them to get to either the playoffs of na or tokyo right now, especially how they play in high intensity games, so i'd say they don't need to change that currently, and it'd only be a disadvantage if they tried to, look at navi trying comps for example, it made them look worse but they weren't actually worse

posted about a year ago

i think something important to look at is NRG vs Levi, and then NRG vs Sentinels this game is why i genuinely believe NRG are still gonna qualify, they got absolutely and utterly bullied on Lotus by levi, clearly their worse map at this point by far, and then in the sentinel game, they came in with a completely different comp and a completely different view on the map (Sentinels and their (""AMAZING COACH"" didn't expect a team KNOWN FOR ADAPTATION and KNOWN FOR DIFFERENT COMPS to adapt and swap comps)and how to play it, that level is what u need and that is how optic would always take a loss and then come back stronger, fns and chet are not to be underestimated, and i'd argue it will only be more effective against "the teams who look better" right now, such as Loud, C9, Furia, etc

posted about a year ago

From my perspective, Team Secret looked good because they had teams who just kinda refused to adapt properly to them, or couldn't and now that they are playing maps they don't have the same clean protocols on and can't really adapt properly to the enemies, they look worse again, they are a good team but only on their own safe picks and I think that's a scary thing

posted about a year ago

He lead a strong team, sure but when your consistently getting the same results or worse, your not pushing yourself, bro would rather argue about what site to use for scrims rather than work on sentinels strats, he isn't focused on what's important to win, bro wanted the bag

posted about a year ago

i agree with potter (c0m is too busy focusing on smtn else) sykko (bro couldn't clean up a tourney if he tried) and mikes (thieves losing gares ruined them lowkey) but chet and fns still look like they have a lot to show

posted about a year ago

I really don't understand how people do not get "good coaching staff/analyst is always more important than the players involved"
for example, look at sentinels, some of the best players in the world arguably on that team yet they still hardly win matches against other arguably worse teams, coach/analyst/igl is an important role

posted about a year ago

Imma be honest lil bro, she don't know you

posted about a year ago

Does anyone actually know like 100% whether it's like "legal" for a t1-t2 team in the male league to actually pick up a female player or what, i don't know whether it's allowed and just no one does it or if it's legit just not allowed

posted about a year ago

This isn't technically a pro player, but i think it's pretty fair to say sentinels are being held back by their igl/coaching staff rather than raw talent or ability to put things into affect, they have 2 world champions, tenz zekken, surely given u put fns and chet on that team, they are world champions or bare minimum contenders for the title in tokyo.

posted about a year ago
bro was singlehandedly the only reason they won against navi like sayf vs fut

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

kyedae in the past has said for tenz to not come in after winning/losing when he wasn't yet on lan because the games actually end about 5-10 before the stream does, so it ruins the last map, so i presume the vlr update comes from someone in the stadium or a player maybe

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I couldn't care less about either, but i remember once i got timed out in flow's chat for answering a question in a way he didn't like.

As i side note, because of this thread i went and watched him and within 5 minutes he got his ego hurt after using a grim wall because someone said "grim wall" in chat and perma banned them, he kinda just seems like a man child with ego problems tbh

posted about a year ago

W take

posted about a year ago

My bad bro should've expected every chronically online person would've replied

posted about a year ago

Bro really just said "i hate change" with different words

posted about a year ago

Russia would just straight up be spinbotting, I'd support this

posted about a year ago

I love how the jellyfish mfer is living rent free in this mfers head as a core memory bro, that shit makes me laugh

posted about a year ago

There's definitely room for improvement by everyone on the team, but every team in the world has room for improvement somewhere, I don't think anyone expected much given they have had 1 week of prep and were basically a content team, this is a plus not a minus

posted about a year ago

Thank you

posted about a year ago

Add typical igls need to work on aim comment here

posted about a year ago

Kik and telegram thrive off this

posted about a year ago

i remember seeing a thread about people saying "Second sen starts losing everyone will blame dephh".
Just here to show they were right

posted about a year ago

"were only good because of their individual skill"
We weren't talking about hard carrying, i never disputed that point, it's the teamplay aspect which I'm saying I agree with now

posted about a year ago

As a previous gambit fan, this is sadly how i feel now as well, only person who seems good now (imo) is chronicle and he's on what u could consider the best team in the world right now, so idk how i feel about saying that yet

posted about a year ago
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