Flag: Europe
Registered: August 3, 2022
Last post: November 23, 2023 at 11:36 PM
Posts: 734
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And 2 slots for a one team region like KR, I heckin love Riot on dick riding the KR :)

posted about a year ago

All good, they will do better for KR since DWG is playing against CR for their first LCQ match, imagine losing to a team like CR, that would be a disgrace.

posted about a year ago

If Damwon also playing trash with t3xture & Lakia in their team, then I'm going to be so mad if KR got more than 1 slot for APAC Franchising next year.

posted about a year ago

the battle to decide Asia's strongest demon duo

posted about a year ago

ZmjjKK is just fearless in taking fights and ONS players just looks too scared in taking most of the Duels

posted about a year ago

ZmjjKK farming ONS and EDG trading and backing each other looks beautiful

posted about a year ago

all good, EDG would clap these sexist KR players

posted about a year ago

Imagine calling teams like Crazy Racoon or Reject a great team.

posted about a year ago
  1. Oh for sure, delusional Indo people really thinks that this time they are not going to choke and can finally qualified for LAN. Choking is in their nature, they just don't want to accept it.
posted about a year ago

Ah yes classic JP scene, putting the import players on the duelist/entry while the local players play on the support roles since Japanese players have the weakest aim compare to their imports.

posted about a year ago

Welcome to VCT Champions BLEED esports, see you guys in Istanbul!

posted about a year ago

2-0 or 2-1 for BLEED, let's face it Indo team are known for choking in this type of important series and then BLEED win's the Grand Final agains't another Indo team since Indo can't win when it matter the most.

posted about a year ago

sorry but none of them are going to Istanbul KEKW, should be settle for Bleed since Indo always choke on the important match of their scene

posted about a year ago

at this point, SEN is basically smurfing on getting the franchising spot LMAO

posted about a year ago
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