Flag: United States
Registered: September 9, 2021
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 1:54 PM
Posts: 215
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Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show

posted about a year ago

Replaced with who?

posted about a year ago

Boaster - Finally lifts that trophy
Derke - Last map cements himself as the definite GOAT of icebox
Chronicle - Came back 11-3 on icebox attack just like 100T did to him long ago, making him the 2x champ (also note that he played 5 different agents, all 4 roles this series)
Leo - Best player of the tourney
Alfa - won on louds home turf when they won on his

posted about a year ago

NA arent doomed, FNC are just the goats

posted about a year ago

RBHG - Looks shaky vs Heretics and Liquid (with 2 subs) making both series 2-1s. Losing ascent both times. They start banning ascent, and dont drop a map for the rest of the tournament.

LOCK//IN - Looks shaky vs EDG and FUT making both series 2-1s. Losing Lotus both times. They will start banning lotus and wont drop a map for the rest of the tournament.


posted about a year ago

Asuna raze on raze maps and have cryo flex to kayo/sage maybe?

posted about a year ago

Now that we have all the teams set for the redbull event in less than a week, when will the bracket get released?

posted about a year ago

stellar > poised

posted about a year ago

Dont understand everyone on this thread shitting on Asuna. Bro played 3 games at champs. 2 he had covid, 1 was his first on stage and the team got shit on. Obv hes not gonna do his best. Feels like we are forgetting lcq when he was the best player at the tournament by far...

posted about a year ago

marved, dephh, zekken, dapr, bdog

posted about a year ago

franchised teams been announced for a couple days, roster lock is October 15th, i want some leaks. I want drama, i want rostermania when will we get the info

posted about a year ago

One thing that DDK and sean were talking about for when they first started building the roster was they wanted everyone to be friends and hangout outside the game and stuff. Idk if people like Asuna/bang and FNS and yay or whatever would be like that. If they were to make roster moves I think theyd pick up Cryo and zander (or someone else idk)
, cuz theyre young and would probably fit into the system

posted about a year ago

Knees weak not knees hurt breh

posted about a year ago

Didnt he have covid? And I mean both games he was on duelist he top fragged so...

posted about a year ago

FPX is the only one imo

posted about a year ago
  1. Masters Berlin
  2. 100T
  3. Asuna
posted about a year ago

When will groups/schedule get released? Also is there an audience for every single match or just play offs or somethin?

posted about a year ago

What is this?

posted about a year ago

6969 l0l

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Maybe I just embrace it...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

How tf i delete a thread

posted about a year ago

W tweet

posted about a year ago

You should have Zexrow on here

posted about a year ago

Zexrow will be the next big player... mark my words

posted about a year ago

Idc what it is, I just hope they bring back the original bundle before champs

posted about a year ago

When will it release, and would it be played during LCQ?

posted about a year ago

Rank 17... 0-5... 5 games played and one map won. If thats considered T1 then where does it end? Top 20? 25? Just because they have done something doesnt mean they still are. I consider tier 1 top 10 NA and even if we ignore VLR rankings they arent top 10. Big brand doesnt equal t1

posted about a year ago

Idk, but it shouldnt matter cuz SEN arent even t1

posted about a year ago

100T: Will Asuna be on duelist? Is Will going to be on chamber? How will they solve the problem of lack of chamber/oper

posted about a year ago

U mean zexrow? Twitch.tv/zexrow

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Zexrow should be on this list 100% Plays every sentinel + jett + was playing skye? Is flexible, can awp, and puts up great stats against T1 teams. Him along with DZ beat TGRD, Akrew, V1, GHOST. He gets hate cuz he played fortnite or whatever but his skill is there and should be on a t1 team imo.

posted about a year ago

Will is the primary oper, but idk if it means he is the best.

posted about a year ago

he carries on smokes too tbf

posted about a year ago

Speculation or is there evidence?

posted about a year ago

All other regions have a solidified date, when will NA LCQ get announced? Is it gonna be first week of August?

posted about a year ago

-Rb + Meteor

posted about a year ago

Sideshow and Bren are GOATS

posted about a year ago

I want playoff pickems NOW

posted about a year ago

nillyaz is playing in the knights match rn instead of leaf, even tho leaf was playing last match. is c9 trolling or did something happen?

posted about a year ago

Also NIP

posted about a year ago

Forgot about this, but keep in mind this isnt anything new to either of them. Bang is an AMAZING initiator, and stellar has most of his experience on controllers. And if bang remains on controller, stellar also has experience on breach/kayo/skye. My point is the culture of the team (As in IGLing/coaching) wouldnt change and nobody would be on a role they are uncomfortable or dont have experience on.

posted about a year ago

I disagree. I think what makes this roster beautiful is how clear the roles are. Thats never happened in 100Ts past. Everytime a roster move has been made either roles have been shuffled or the IGL role has been shuffled.

-Dicey + Ethan (nitr0 to sage/Ethan smokes)
-steel +b0i (nitr0 to jett/IGL)
-nitr0/b0i + BabyJ/ec1s (Asuna full time jett/ec1s IGL)
-babyj/ec1s + bang/jcstani (Ethan IGL/Chamber/Sova and Hiko kj/viper/sova)

Not to also mention the constant shoveling of coaches like Frost, Jovi, and now sgares. I think if we did a 1 for 1 roster move like replacing bdog with Will, it would create far less turmoil. You still have the same coach and IGL, bdog would just slot into their enviroment, bdog asuna and bang are already friends, and the only real roles that may change are Asuna playing more raze or neon which we love!

posted about a year ago
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